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The Secrets of Nessie revealed!

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posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 02:03 PM
People who know the true potential of the pendulum (and interested in Nessie of course) will be interested in this Q/A session I had with it.
It also shows just how answers that appear to be obviously incorrect can actually be true.
Here are the questions I asked the pendulum about Nessie and the also the answers:

Is now a good time to ask questions? YES (VERY important to ask this)

Am I permitted to ask about the Loch Ness Monster? YES (also important)

Is Nessie real? YES

Is Nessie a dinosaur? No discernable response (pretty vague question I suppose, I was really expecting a yes to this though)

I imagined Nessie as being alive since the dinosaur age so I asked:

Is Nessie extremely old? NO

This suprised me.

Is Nessie old compared to how long humans have been around? YES

Is Nessie old compared to how long Earth has existed? NO

I'm not sure about this but I think the first Nessie sighting was about 200 years ago so I asked:

Is Nessie more than 200 years old? YES

Is Nessie more than 500 years old? YES

Is Nessie more than 1000 years old? YES

Is Nessie more than 2000 years old? YES

Is Nessie more than 5000 years old? NO

Is Nessie more than 4000 years old? YES

Is nessie more than 4500 years old? YES

Is nessie more than 4600 years old? YES

Is Nessie more than 4700 years old? YES

Is Nessie more than 4800 years old? NO

So she is 4700-4800 years old. Wasn't interested in getting any more accurate than this.
At this point I remembered reported sightings of Nessie on land, so:

Is Nessie able to walk on land? YES

So she's an amphibian? YES

Has Nessie only ever existed in Loch Ness? YES

So she was born there? YES

Does Nessie have parants? NO

At that answer I thought something along the lines of "WTF?! So did the aliens drop her off?". How can Nessie have only ever existed in the loch AND was born there and yet have no parents? This put me off asking more questions because I thought I was now getting bogus answers, but the consistency of it so far spurred me on. I tried to figure out what it meant, I didn't know what to ask apart from "wtf are you on about?", but I couldn't really ask that could I. So I just decide to ask more about her birth, whatever sprung to mind:

Was Nessie born on earth? YES

Did Nessie hatch from an egg? NO

Was Nessie born like mammals are born? YES

Again the big conflict.

So Nessie had a mother? YES

Did she have a father? YES

Are they alive now? NO

DUH! It wasn't an inconsistency, I just didn't understand the answer properly. Of course Nessie hasn't got parents if they're dead!

Is Nessie the only kind of her species in the world? NO

Is she the only kind of her species in Loch Ness? YES

Is she a threat to humans? NO

Wells thats the end of the session. My arm was really hurting.

The skeptics will obviously comment on the fact that absolutely none of this can be verified, well thats true it can't. But the consistency of the answers should at least show that it isn't random.

Comments? Thoughts?

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 02:12 PM
Has Nessie only ever existed in Loch Ness? YES

Is Nessie the only kind of her species in the world? NO

Is she the only kind of her species in Loch Ness? YES

So you or they are saying that their is more than one nessie in loch ness?

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 02:13 PM
Interesting, I always believed there to be more than one "Nessie" in Loch Ness. I suppose if there is only one in the loch that would explain really why no one has found her yet, especially if she can walk on land.

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by I See You
So you or they are saying that their is more than one nessie in loch ness?

i think whoever is saying that nessie is the only one of her kind in the loch, but there are others like her throughout the world.

wasn't nessie proven as a hoax though?

EDIT: and if it can live on land, how come there are no sightings (at least that i've ever heard of) about this?

[Edited on 4/18/2004 by cmdrkeenkid]

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
EDIT: and if it can live on land, how come there are no sightings (at least that i've ever heard of) about this?

[Edited on 4/18/2004 by cmdrkeenkid]

There have been several sightings of her on land. I have a book on it, but I'll try and find a link to some of the sightings.

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 02:19 PM
I'm aware of the validity of the pendulum. I knew someone who was proficient with it and the results were always astonishing.

The answers you received are interesting and if true certainly give us something to think about. I always believed that there must be more than one creature in the Loch and that their lifespans would be around 100-200 years. I remember reading that somewhere but it was a long time ago. If this pendulum reading is correct and there is only one creature in Loch Ness, it must have a pretty lonely existance. Since the reading stated that Nessie is almost 5000 years old, it makes me wonder how old her parents were when they died. Maybe they were the throwbacks to the age of the dinosaurs.

I think this needs more research.

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 02:24 PM
Here's one of the sightings of Nessie on land.

In the spring of 1933, a Scottish newspaper ran a story about Loch Ness. According to the story, two people driving past the lake had seen some kind of enormous animal rolling and plunging in the water. They watched it for a full minute, then it dove out of sight.

A month later, another man and woman claimed to have seen the creature on land. They were driving along the lake when a gigantic animal came out of the woods beside the road and crossed their path, heading for the water.

Taken from this site


posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 02:31 PM
Just out of curiosity, can you explain the Pendulum process? I understand what a pendulum is, but I've never heard of it used in this sense.

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 02:39 PM
thanks for the link and information nightgloom!

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 02:48 PM
I have tried the pendulum a few times but never really had any luck with it. I prefer Tarot and scrying through a dark mirror. Next time I scry, I'll see if I can see anything to verify your pendulum reading.

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 03:12 PM
What is scrying? How does it work?

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 03:41 PM
Am I the only one noticing this?

Has Nessie only ever existed in Loch Ness? YES

Is Nessie the only kind of her species in the world? NO

Is she the only kind of her species in Loch Ness? YES

It's saying that she IS the only kind of her species in Loch Ness. No more of whatever he/she is in Loch Ness, but there are more of her/his kind in the WORLD

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 03:52 PM
Yes, thats true. Lake Ogopogo is reputed to have a lake creature, as does Loch Morar. And thats just two. There are supposed to be many lakes with their own 'Nessie'

And as for scrying, its when you use a reflective surface (like a dark mirror) to see 'visions'. Its used as a kind of divination tool. I tried it with a crystal skull once but couldn't do it.

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 08:27 PM
Could you (If you tryed again) ask it it it is the same creature(s) as Ogopogo? That would be quite interesting. Its supposed to be another mysterious lake creature that lives in hte OAKANAGAN lake (close, Pisky
). There are MANY sighting and rumours about it, thought it has never gained the popularity of the loch ness monster.

The natives would always throw sacrafices into the water before crossing the lake, because many lives have been claimed by a "lake demon" (hence the name, Ogopogo).

One story I found very odd was the one where some guy was taking his horses across the lake, when suddenly they were pulled underwater. For fear of his own life, he cut the horses loose. No remains where ever found.

Heres a good link for sightings of Ogopogohere

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 08:38 PM
What in the bloody hell is a pendulum? I know the obvious meaning of a pendulum, but is this some type of Quiji Board type thing?

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Ess Why Kay
What in the bloody hell is a pendulum? I know the obvious meaning of a pendulum, but is this some type of Quiji Board type thing?

I believe the pendulum is a type of seer'ing device, like an oracle. I have seen it used once on tv once, successfuly as well by the way. In this case, people were searching for a very large tanker that sank without a trace in one of the Great Lakes. The man doing the divining swung a pendulum over a map of the lake, and marked an x with it on a spot on the lake while asking where was the ship. And they did find the ship in that location, or very close. Keep in mind that the searchers had exhausted every other possible avenue of searching before they gave this seemingly improbable method a chance.

As for Nessie, I have always wondered could nessie and other similar types of lake monsters actually live somewhere else, and come to these lakes via under ground streams to spawn or rear young. Thats entirely speculation on my part however...

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 09:10 PM
I was wondering what a pendulum was, and William, I still don't understand.

Could anyone explain what it looks like and how it works, and how to do it etc?

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 09:19 PM
I cannot believe all of you are taking this guy seriously. You can NOT use the Pendulum to access information outside of your own mind. The Pendulum can only be used to reach inside your subconsious. And I doubt you have the secrets of the universe locked within your tiny brain.


PS - Lay off the lithium

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 09:20 PM
So basically the threadmaker swung a pedulum over something to do with The Loch Ness Monster and all of a sudden answers came to him? This is really confusing.

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 09:37 PM
I once saw pictures of the capturing of the Nessie.
It was just a grose,not even looking like a real thing ball.

Here are some pictures:

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