posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 04:51 PM
"The truth is, we've reached the first time in history where there's no place left to escape to. America, England, Israel, Canada, there was
always a beacon of hope somewhere. Now there's just one world and it's all bad."
The above is from a not too well remembered Mini-series, AMERIKA, broadcast back in 1987. The parallels from this series and what is going on in the
world today are uncanny as to the fall of America, it's possible division, it's puppet government, etc
At one point I remember reading on this site a topic that stated that Obama was groomed by the Soviets to take over the job he now holds.
Read the info on the mini-series and post your comments on the possibility that we were being shown something before hand....or not....interested to
see what you have to say.
edit to add:
Once on the wiki page go to the TV miniseries section. It did not direct link to the correct page.
[edit on 10-3-2009 by Holly N.R.A.]