posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 04:45 PM
Originally posted by cindymars
reply to post by impaired
Ok to start with: you don't dream?
If you want to do this astrally you must recall them.
Everyone dreams rather they recall them or not.
So lets start there.
What is your belief?
What is your spiritual practise?
Yeah, I dream of course, but some dreams I remember, some obviously I do not. I would say I remember about 25% of them (at least for the first few
minutes of waking up), and the other 75% I know I experience, but just can't remember.
My belief is non-conventional, of course.
I think there is a great creation, not an omnipotent God that judges and kills and craves worship.
I believe ET's have been here all along, so I'm saying I believe that some have played God for awhile. They're the ones we have called demons,
angels, etc.
I also believe that advanced (more advanced than us) ET's are obviously interdimensional, so thats where the dreams and the astral world comes into
play, if I am not mistaken.
My spiritual practice? I would say meditation if that is the right answer.
And as far as worshipping, I don't worship a god, I don't worship creation, and I don't worship aliens, even the benevolent ones. I believe we are
all the same thing - all connected to this creation. If anything WE are our own gods - as well as any living creature - sentient or not.
Wow... That's deep.
Cindy, thanks for responding.