First of all, we don't know them, and don't even have proof that they do exist (believing hard, it's not good enough, although I would love to
think that), only some little windows that time to time appear to our eyes, like shadows of their possible existance...
BUT... We do know ourselfs, and we do know the path that we walked untill today.
I find it hard to believe that a type 2 or type 3 civilization lives so barbaric as sometimes they are imagined...
I mean, today we have vegans and all that sort of points of view and ways of life. We can live in a hospital for years just receiving the elements
from a tube!
It's that unreal to imagine that a alien civilization doesn't need to "eat" us...? They wouldn't see us like intelligent cows or some exotic
intergalatict barbeque sauce, in my opinion.
Although we still have people that are "monsters" in their minds, concerned with killing and exploitation, we also have guys like Dalai Lama. We
have people that fight for human rights, for the care of other people, we try to build a better world...
...And taking the point that you all agree on, since we are such a child in the Universe, wouldn't an alien civilization millions years ahead of us,
have come to better conclusions?
Personally, I don't fear them.
If they can travel through space:
Sometime in their history they looked up to the skies in wonder like we did, and learned how to fly. Like we did!
Sometime in their history, that wasn't enough, and space made them wonder if they were also alone, searching EXACTLY for the same thing we are
debating here. Like we still do!
My point is...
...I'm and intelligent being (at least I like to think so
), you all are intelligent beings... We all share the same type of thoughts and desire
to meet them in PEACE.
...wouldn't a alien race, far more intelligent than us, think ,at the very least, like us?
I think they would look down on us like childrens of Universe life, and if we feel the duty to protect endangered species here on Earth, they probably
are keeping an eye on us.
Yes, we also observe in silence wild life and respect them, not making any contact.
But we also have people like that guy of the National Geographic (can't remember the name) that lives, behaves and understands wolfs in their wild
state of life, and actually lives in peace with them.
[edit on 10/3/09 by Tifozi]