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Cheney: 'Survival of civilization' at stake

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posted on Feb, 1 2003 @ 04:51 AM
Reiterates U.S. reserves right to act unilaterally against Iraq

ARLINGTON, Virginia (CNN) -- Vice President Dick Cheney reiterated Thursday that the United States reserves the right to act unilaterally against Iraq, and said that U.S. efforts against terrorism could affect the "survival of civilization itself."

Here is the rest of the story:

[Edited on 1-2-2003 by Ocelot]

posted on Feb, 1 2003 @ 09:12 AM
the fate of civilization rest on changing one regime in the middle east? I think that is too easy wrapped too perfect and the bow is too pink. the fact is that radical Islam is far reaching and even exist here on our own soil. the theory that one can up root a religious philosophy with war is idiotic. it's been tried before with islam and failed to do more than senselessly murder and leave a blight on christianity that it will never overcome.

i realize that some will read this same pointless rhetoric and feel all warm and fuzzy inside...but the death of cultures and the people who practice them has always been the error the white man has made and regretted later when the pain is too deep and the actions too far gone to reverse then you want forgiveness and trust--"we're not like that". your civilization brings nothing but death to those you deem uncivilized. your civilization is at stake ??? what's's been at stake forever and will continue to be the reason you justify killing off cultures one at a time replacing them with dummy semi-democratic governments. government 'o thieves.

the mouse and the cheese and the trap.

posted on Feb, 1 2003 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by Saphronia

the white man has made and regretted later when the pain is too deep and the actions too far gone to reverse then you want forgiveness and trust--"we're not like that".

I do not regret ANYTHING ,I don't feel guilty of ANYTHING, and I have NOT any pain !

So, I don't ask for any forgiveness and trust !

Do you know why ?

1) because I didn't destroy any civilisation.

2) You're speaking about something that happened there is many decades now, and we don't have to be guilty for what our grand-parents did or did not !

3) Hussein is a tyrant, and he have to be removed.

posted on Feb, 1 2003 @ 11:22 AM
Yeah, let's allow Arabs/Muslims to unleash WMDs in London, NYC, Paris, etc....and see how well civilization takes it. (rolling eyes)

posted on Feb, 1 2003 @ 11:51 AM
UP-I wasn't talking about you pesonally, i'm shocked at how you pesonalized the things i posted. i never meant for anyone to assume it was attack on them personally. but, with that out of the way, this "civilization" assumes it is the only civilization and thus it is okay to wreck any and everything in it's path to perserve it that's why i refered to the past and not so distant future-conquest lead to privitization and privitization is theft. and it's still going on today in what is called the 3rd world. it has caused you no pain. well, it has cause many pain--generations of pain. ignoring that to go on the defense of self is kinda ill-of-you. as for Saddam being a tyrant you get no arguement from me. i just think saying "our civilization is at stake" is over the top. unless he's talking about something white dominance.

MT69-muslims and arabs are out to get you and your little dog too. be afraid be very afraid...ummm, we must defeat the enemy where ever he exist because he is evil. we must kill-kill-kill and then sink trillions of dollars into rebuilding and when all that is done--well we'll just create another threat to our civilization...and they'll be out to get you and your little dog too so never be happy always be afraid that your civilization is at stake in every conflict with every under-developed country with an abundance of resources. yeah, roll your eyes at that.

posted on Feb, 1 2003 @ 12:02 PM
While there might be something to that, and while there are probably corporations and factions within our government that will profit financially from defending and protecting the citizenry, the fact of the matter is, there are those who have the desire to do us harm. These people see every American as part of the system (as taxpayers) and the children as future taxpayers. We are all targets in their way of thinking. On top of that, they haven't been informed that this degenerate society is no longer what many would consider a "Christian" nation of people, and view us as pigs.

To be more concerned about some CEO making a profit over defense operations over the safety of the lives of women and children might not be the best way of looking at the problem.

posted on Feb, 1 2003 @ 01:46 PM

MT69-muslims and arabs are out to get you and your little dog too. be afraid be very afraid...ummm, we must defeat the enemy where ever he exist because he is evil. we must kill-kill-kill and then sink trillions of dollars into rebuilding and when all that is done--well we'll just create another threat to our civilization...and they'll be out to get you and your little dog too so never be happy always be afraid that your civilization is at stake in every conflict with every under-developed country with an abundance of resources. yeah, roll your eyes at that.

You're clueless. I see stuff about terrorists that you will only find out about if the news media catches wind of it somehow or if the terrorists actually get away with their BS attacks.

I'd bet you're one of those wackos who doesn't believe muslim terrorists weren't behind 9/11, the USS Cole, the first WTC bombing, the Kobar towers, the recent killing in Kuwait, etc...

posted on Feb, 1 2003 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Java
To be more concerned about some CEO making a profit over defense operations over the safety of the lives of women and children might not be the best way of looking at the problem.

Eisenhower? Military-Industrial Complex, Java? Wars created for the purpose of inudtrial profit by the people now in government who use to run the companies and are still joined at the hip through blind trusts, family members and former underlings? You can't be missing's too obvious.

posted on Feb, 1 2003 @ 02:44 PM
You aren't suggesting that the military-industrial complex has incited and provoked the Islamic world to hate America, has trained them to wage war against us, causing us to have to protect ourselves, thereby creating revenue for the weapons manufacturers?
What difference does it make that the complex will make money when it is our safety that is the issue?

This isn't a 10 year operation, it is a several week operation. This part of it, anyway.

posted on Feb, 1 2003 @ 03:22 PM
When talked about in public, and that's damn rare, the estimates talk about a 10 year comittment to keep the peace.
Makes a big difference if the choice between profit and peace comes into play, which it has, and they choose profit.

posted on Feb, 1 2003 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by Saphronia
UP-I wasn't talking about you pesonally, i'm shocked at how you pesonalized the things i posted.

Internet. Sometimes, it's so hard to explain something.

Saphronia,I didn't take it personally and I wasn't personalizing the things you posted. So, don't be shocked.

I was just explaining my feelings, no more.

posted on Feb, 1 2003 @ 07:56 PM
MT69: it doesn't matter what i think. we're not talking about me. we're talking your overwhelming fear of Muslims and Arabs...maybe you are stressed from your job and need to talk to a professional or maybe you just need a vaction. it can be hard looking at the darkside of man everyday and not everyone can handle it. maybe you should take a leave of absence. clear your head on some beach and get away from it all. you are too caught up in this thing. life is too short, cousin.

UP-so, i misunderstood. good, cause i'm not use to watching what i say and some people are easily offended. the "white man" is a figure of speech i grew up with...just describes the ruling class.

posted on Feb, 2 2003 @ 03:09 AM
My prediction is that nukes will be used in this war...Perhaps even a few of the long-range ICBM's that the US has will be launched, but my main thrust with this is that *someone* will use nukes on a strategic scale. The main problem with such military proliferation is that everybody's gotta have a military...Yet, if no one has a military, then no one would *need* a military; But if even *one* faction (social/political/religious/whatever) has a military, then *everybody's* got to have one too. A vicious circle, isn't it? The only reason to have any kind of military is because someone else has one too...

All I see is the beginnings of another (Un)Holy Crusade...With Bush on the verge of becoming the "Self-Proclaimed Pope" that will get the New Crusades going.

Is is merely my mistake in historical observation or is it true that there has not been *any* rational decisions/actions originating from the White House within the past 50 years?...

[Edited on 2-2-2003 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Feb, 2 2003 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by Saphronia

the "white man" is a figure of speech i grew up with...just describes the ruling class.

Believe me or not, but I'm not feeling like a ruling class member.

The ruling class is not white, black, yellow....The ruling class is the class who have the money. And when you have the money, you can be black, brown,white, straight, gay, a man, a woman....YOU ARE THE RULING CLASS !

posted on Feb, 2 2003 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by Saphronia
UP-so, i misunderstood. good, cause i'm not use to watching what i say and some people are easily offended. the "white man" is a figure of speech i grew up with...just describes the ruling class.

Where did you grow up ? This statement goes some way in explaining your biased opinions. Obviously you dislike the ' whiteman ', and this is expressed in your views. With this kind of thinking racism will never disappear.

Back to the main subject. The terrorist threat combined with WMD's and Rogue Nations could easily be a threat to civiliastion. A major bioweapons attack could destroy all order in a country.

[Edited on 2-2-2003 by mad scientist]

posted on Feb, 2 2003 @ 05:56 AM
Yes, MD, it is your mistake. There have been many rational decisions originating from the White House in the last 50 years. Most between the years 1981 and 1989.

Mad Scientist, might you be taking the race thing a bit too far? I've never felt Saphie to be racist, at least no more than I or any other normal person is. Wouldn't you agree thatsome ethnocentricity is normal, especially if you are a member of a race that makes up only 14% of the nation's population?

posted on Feb, 2 2003 @ 06:04 AM
That's just it, not seeing people as the same as you. I didn't mean to be so harsh in the previous post, Saphronia.

[Edited on 2-2-2003 by mad scientist]

posted on Feb, 2 2003 @ 10:28 AM
UP: point taken and like i said it wasn't meant to offend. i don't wanna take this topic too far off course. money is power and influence and the majority of those with that type of control are white.

MS-I grew up around black nationalist/Nation of Islam. though i don't subscribe to the teachings, never have, it is part of the enviroment i grew up in and so it does have a minute effect on my views. my mother is a devout christian, so the teachings of Yeshua/Jesus also play apart. i'm a business woman and that also plays a part. i'm a democracy loving american, and that also plays apart. i'm no one thing-i'm a little bit of everything. and, sir all opinions are influenced by bias. to say my opinions are bias is correct, so are yours.

Java: it's 12.7% of the population.

posted on Feb, 2 2003 @ 01:08 PM
Saphronia - So you're an American enjoying the freedoms of this society while whining about life not being perfect on this planet. The US is to blame for morons around the world ruining their own countries, right?

You don't mind living in a country that won't be invaded anytime in the near future because of the military, but then you act like you're some elite calling military actions to help protect you as imperialism.

You like the status quo but don't want to defend it. You're one of those responsible for 9/11. You are one of those who would've called the FBI racists if they actually took some action on their suspicion of Arabs in our country taking flying lessons at numerous flying schools. The FBI most likely feared bad PR for such an investigation, thus it died before it could un-glue the terrorists' plans. The terrorists KNEW they could get away with murder in the US because there are clowns like you here ready to defend them.

Oh, Saddam wants to thank you for the support. He'll be sure to ensure "your" safety when terrorists use his WMDs over here.

[Edited on 2-2-2003 by MT69]

posted on Feb, 2 2003 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by ultra_phoenix

Originally posted by Saphronia

the white man has made and regretted later when the pain is too deep and the actions too far gone to reverse then you want forgiveness and trust--"we're not like that".

Great post!!!
I do not regret ANYTHING ,I don't feel guilty of ANYTHING, and I have NOT any pain !

So, I don't ask for any forgiveness and trust !

Do you know why ?

1) because I didn't destroy any civilisation.

2) You're speaking about something that happened there is many decades now, and we don't have to be guilty for what our grand-parents did or did not !

3) Hussein is a tyrant, and he have to be removed.

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