posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 12:56 AM
I just finished playing the game, Halo Wars, and finally beat it. Took me a few days, because I'm used to First Person Shooter games, which I prefer.
I still prefer F.P.S. games over this one, but it was Halo and awesome nonetheless. The video you put up, bodrul, is awesome, and my favorite as well.
I downloaded the video cut-scenes from YouTube and uploaded them to ATS Media, and if you would like to see them I began a Halo Fan Group on ATS Media
as well.
SpartanKingLeonidas : ATS Media : Halo Fans
They are not in any particular numerical sequence, as I had to scour YouTube to find them, as well as downloading and uploading was a pain in the
By the way, once you beat the game, it unlocks all of the movie cut-scenes, and you can play them all at once, which is what I'm doing while typing
out this post right now.
Oh, and bodrul, it's spelled, Spartan.
I found a Halo Wikipedia, dedicated to only HALO.
Halo : Wikipedia Link
Here's a link for all kinds of stuff on Mjolnir Armor.
Mjolnir Armor
[edit on 16-3-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]