reply to post by Hastobemoretolife
First of all, political ideologies do not fail or succeed, nations and people do. We have this concept of socialism and communism as being failures,
conceptually...they aren't. The nations that we associate with these ideologies have risen and, mostly, fallen...but this is due, not simply,
because of an ideological flaw, but because of a plethora of other additional factors; internal corruption, over expansion, war, etc.
The phrase "failed socialist agenda" harkens images of collapsing communist nations, with populations dressed in drab, gray clothing, waiting in
breadlines for their meager rations. But nobody is pushing for that dystopia. Its silly.
What is being pushed for?
A Universal health care system, which practically every other "successful" capitalistic liberal democracy in the world has, which don't operate
perfectly but, having used them myself I can say that they're actually quite good, at least its a hell of a lot better than having to go without
visiting the doctor ever because you're an uninsured worker and can't afford to see a doctor.
Removing the limitations on science which, lets face it, have been been imposed by the interference of big business and big religion. We have the
tech, we need to use it.
Regulating business...admittedly...yeah, its a bit anti-capitalist...but they are the ones that have gotten us, by being unregulated, into this
crisis. American Politics has bent over backward for far too long in favor of business, at the expense of the common citizen, of the middle class.
Far too few people control far too much of the wealth. Because access to money means access to politics, it means that those who control the money
control politics...its not difficult to see where I'm going with that...
Anyway, I have to go to work, where I am uninsured, so I can't write more...but I leave asking this...
If our economy collapses completely, are we going to turn around and make note of the collapse as being due to a "failed capitalist agenda"?
Probably not. But, if all things were equal, we should because "our" failure is due to, if not the same, very similar factors as the failure of
those socialist nations that have failed before us. Over expansion, greed, internal corruption.