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How much silver iodide is being sprayed in our skies through chemtrails

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posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 03:12 PM
Weather modification is fairly common knowledge. It's been in the news and in the forums.

It is also common knowledge that the preferred substance for ice nucleation is silver iodide, commonly called silver salt.

I have for a long time said that contrails that persist and spread out into thin manmade clouds (chemtrails) are this practice on a large scale.

Silver Iodide is amazing stuff. It is suspended in acetone (paint thinner) and
when it is burned (vaporized) it expands. 1 gram expands into 600,000 billion particles, each one a potential rain drop.

When vaporized, silver iodide yields about 600,000 billion particles per gram, each a potential raindrop. (There are 450 grams in a pound.) Only a few grams of silver iodide may affect many hundreds of cubic miles of cloud in a brief time.

So I would like to show you how much has been used.

In 1978, 3 metric tonnes (6613 lbs) was injected into our atmosphere.

Silver, as silver iodide, is used in the United States for
weather modification, including rain and snow making and hail suppression; as much as 3,110 kg of silver is used for this purpose annually.


Now, silver iodide never dissipates. Once it falls to the ground in the form of a raindrop or snowflake, the water dissipates, but the silver iodide remains, and get washed down streams, rivers and ends up in our water. Some of it soaks into the soil and creates bacteria and robs root systems of moisture.

Table 4.
Material, units of Concentration
concentration, and other variables

From seeding clouds with silver iodide Usually 10-300; Max. 4,500

From non-seeded clouds Usually 0.0-20; Max. 216


Now this doesn't address what we breath. And that is silver iodides most harmful way to get into our bodies.

Now, I want to show you proof they are using aircraft, more than ground generators

North Dakota
Atmospheric Resource Board (NDARB) is fortunate enough to
have three returning meteorologists running the Bowman and Stanley
radar sites for cloud seeding operations


Seed 1 (Bowman, cloud-base):
Eric Strohacker, Pilot-in-Command;
Ben Duke, Intern Co-Pilot

Seed 2 (Bowman, hybrid):
Ryan Guthridge, Pilot-in-Command;
Cristina Watson, Intern Co-Pilot

Seed 4 (Stanley, cloud-base):
Melanie Nieuwsma, Pilot-in-Command;
Kristen Steuver, Intern Co-Pilot

Seed 5 (Watford City, cloud-base):
Ben Burgeson, Pilot-in-Command;
Mike Larson, Intern Co-Pilot

Seed 6 (Watford City, cloud-base):
Eric Miller, Pilot-in-Command;
Aaron Guffey, Intern Co-Pilot

Seed 7 (Williston, cloud-top):
Nick Peacock, Pilot-in-Command;
Ryan Perrin, Intern Co-Pilot
Seed 8 (Kenmare, cloud-base):

Keith VanLierop, Pilot-in-Command;
Brent Shibe, Intern Co-Pilot

Seed 9 (Minot, cloud-top):
Tom Kovac, Pilot-in-Command;
Kurt Dixon, Intern Co-Pilot
Intern Co-Pilot Rover: Matt Rabe

The NDCMP Pilot Internship
Program began in 1976 and as of the
conclusion of the 2006 season has trained 273 pilot undergraduates.
The NDCMP Meteorology Internship Program began in 1996 and has
trained 23 meteorology undergraduates

Once hired and assigned to an initial field site at Bowman, Ken-
mare, Minot, Stanley, Watford City, or Williston Airports, the pilot interns
are rotated through Minot and Williston (where top seeding aircraft are
based), so they have the opportunity to fly both cloud base and cloud top
seeding flights. Cloud top seeding flights allow the pilot interns the
opportunity to file instrument flight plans and fly cloud seeding missions
at upwards of 18,000

Brier, G.W., L.O. Grant, and P.W. Mielke, Jr., 1973: An evaluation of extended area effects from attempts to modify local clouds and cloud systems. Proceedings of the WMO/IAMAP Scientific Conference on Weather Modification, Tashkent. Publication WMO-No.399. World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, 439-447.
Elliott, R.D., K.J. Brown, 1971: The Santa Barbara II project – downwind effects. Proceedings of International Conference on Weather Modification, Canberra. Australian Academy of Science, 179-184.
Elliott, R.D., R.W. Shaffer, A. Court, and J.F. Hannaford, 1978: Randomized cloud seeding in the San Jaun Mountains, Colorado. J. Appl. Meteor., 17, 1298-1318.
Grant, L.O., C.F. Chappell, P.W. Mielke, Jr., 1971: The Climax experiment for seeding cold orographic clouds. Proceedings of International Conference on Weather Modification, Canberra. Australian Academy of Science, 78-84.
Janssen, D.W., G.T. Meltesen, and L.O. Grant, 1974: Extended area effects from the Climax, Colorado seeding experiment. Preprints on the Fourth Conference on Weather Modification, Fort Lauderdale. American Meteorological Society, Boston, 516-522.
Long, A.B, 2001: Review of downwind extra-area effects of precipitation enhancement. J. Wea. Mod., 33, 24-45.
MacCracken, J.G., and J. O’Laughlin, 1996: California cloud seeding and Idaho precipitation. J. Wea. Mod., 28,39-49.
Warburton, J.A., 1971: Physical evidence of transport of cloud-seeding materials into areas outside primary targets. Proceedings of International Conference on Weather Modification, Canberra. Australian Academy of Science, 185-190.

[edit on 7-3-2009 by doctordoom]

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