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Chemtrail Challenge Game

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posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by golemina

Im assuming you're in Washington state, if you are, there is enough humidity and cold enough temperatures for contrails to persist, but only just

400.0 7120 -36.5 -45.5 39 0.16 335 42 307.5 308.1 307.5
384.0 7402 -38.3 -46.3 43 0.16 332 44 308.7 309.3 308.7
371.9 7620 -40.2 -47.9 44 0.14 330 46 309.1 309.6 309.1
355.5 7925 -42.8 -50.1 45 0.11 330 47 309.5 309.9 309.5
348.0 8071 -44.1 -51.1 46 0.10 332 48 309.7 310.1 309.7
300.0 9050 -51.5 -59.5 38 0.04 345 56 312.6 312.8 312.7
295.6 9144 -52.2 -60.1 38 0.04 345 56 313.0 313.1 313.0
250.0 10210 -60.3 -67.3 39 0.02 345 69 316.3 316.4 316.3

Will be interesting to see what data the 00z flight shows

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Interesting take OzW.

There is a nice CHEMTRAIL due north.

Afternoon flights will get in gear in about another half hour. I'll keep you posted on the contrails.


Slow traffic day.

Overflight headed little east of north, perfect day (cool + dry) for contrails slow to fade, but contrails it was baby.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by golemina]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by golemina
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Interesting take OzW.

There is a nice CHEMTRAIL due north.

Afternoon flights will get in gear in about another half hour. I'll keep you posted on the contrails.

Cheers, will post my 00z flight with the one in your state. Being in the tropics, its too warm for contrails to linger. That will give you an idea of how our upper atmospheres are different. If you need clarification on the data let me know

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:27 PM
Its the chemtrail believers who have the burden of proof, to show that contrails are actually some spray conspiracy. Well tell us, since you are capable of doing spectrum analyization with your eyes, what substances were added? What kind of planes?

I am sure you have better answers than "just look up". Dont you? Come on, give us some specifics on how the conventional wisdom of those trails being from aircraft exhaust is wrong. Show us an up close pic of a chemplane on the ground. Show us a detailed sampling from behind an chemplane. You do have all that dont you?

What do you have against calculators and math? You seem to have something against logic and reason apparently.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by SCWXA_Meteorologist

So, my guess is that you previously worked for a group that now gives you access to their Chemtrail spray schedule and you use that to tell us about these supposed contrails. Do you really believe that anyone with the ability to think for themselves is going to believe that the pictures we've seen are just contrails? The checkerboard patterns made across the sky and the low flying aircraft that turn around and have their CHEMTRAILS reverse too?

Try debunking these pictures and then maybe someone may believe you about them being contrails.... but you can't debunk those.... because they are real and your so-called science that you are supposedly using is false...

Quite the joke....

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by firepilot

What do you have against calculators and math? You seem to have something against logic and reason apparently.

It is reputed that Gandi was asked the question' What do you think of Western Civilization?'.

To which he is supposed to have answered 'I think it's a good idea!'

So, when you're touting 'logic and reason', I'm thinking it would be nice if you brought some of that to the party.

And so like you will probably choose to ignore the message I've relayed to you from a dear, dear friend, there is little chance you will expand your horizons to even possibly engage in a real exchange on this subject.

Its the chemtrail believers who have the burden of proof, to show that contrails are actually some spray conspiracy. Well tell us, since you are capable of doing spectrum analyization with your eyes, what substances were added? What kind of planes?

Spectral analysis?

I just find it amusing that you are simply unable to entertain the notion that a trained observer could possibly observe a phenomenon that exists outside the very narrow limits of what you think is possible.

I am sure you have better answers than "just look up". Dont you? Come on, give us some specifics on how the conventional wisdom of those trails being from aircraft exhaust is wrong. Show us an up close pic of a chemplane on the ground. Show us a detailed sampling from behind an chemplane. You do have all that dont you?

Ok. 'Just look up' is beyond you... What you can't find it in your Tech Spec index?

How about 'Open your eyes'?

Dude, it's important to understand the nature of the limits of information.

You do understand that concept?

Can you also understand I have access to sources of information that are quite frankly outside of your self-inposed limits of comprehension.

Your friend cares a great deal about you. She really wants you to experience the real world.

This discussion is insignificant.

I am insignificant.

She WANTS you to get some sun.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by golemina

Here you go, latest flight.

Will be borderline persistent today

400.0 7120 -36.5 -45.5 39 0.16 335 42 307.5 308.1 307.5
384.0 7402 -38.3 -46.3 43 0.16 332 44 308.7 309.3 308.7
371.9 7620 -40.2 -47.9 44 0.14 330 46 309.1 309.6 309.1
355.5 7925 -42.8 -50.1 45 0.11 330 47 309.5 309.9 309.5
348.0 8071 -44.1 -51.1 46 0.10 332 48 309.7 310.1 309.7
300.0 9050 -51.5 -59.5 38 0.04 345 56 312.6 312.8 312.7
295.6 9144 -52.2 -60.1 38 0.04 345 56 313.0 313.1 313.0
250.0 10210 -60.3 -67.3 39 0.02 345 69 316.3 316.4 316.3
235.0 10590 -63.1 -70.1 38 0.01 345 72 317.7 317.7 317.7
232.1 10668 -63.7 -70.7 38 0.01 345 72 317.9 318.0 317.9
226.0 10830 -64.9 -71.9 37 0.01 345 70 318.5 318.6 318.5
219.0 11022 -63.3 -70.3 38 0.01 342 64 323.9 323.9 323.9
207.0 11368 -63.1 -70.1 38 0.01 338 54 329.4 329.5 329.4
200.0 11580 -60.1 -67.1 39 0.02 335 48 337.4 337.5 337.4
199.0 11611 -59.7 -66.7 40 0.02 335 47 338.6 338.7 338.6
191.0 11868 -58.5 -65.5 40 0.03 335 40 344.5 344.6 344.5
190.4 11887 -58.6 -65.7 39 0.03 335 39 344.7 344.8 344.7

Looks like thing are drying out in your area, but not for very long

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

That late afternoon CHEMTRAIL was just a lucky shot.

The sky had already been filmed.

I'm not in a good vantage point this afternoon.

But since you guys are interested
, when conditions are right, I'll set up at a prime spot. Get some observations.

OzW. Where are you brother? (I'm sure you can already guess I hate you or your answer...
Spring is seriously late this year.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by golemina
OzW. Where are you brother? (I'm sure you can already guess I hate you or your answer...
Spring is seriously late this year.

Lol, Im in Australia

I work for the Australian Bureau of Meteorology as you may or may not already know

I have access to most upper air data from around the world, and I actually launch the weather balloons we get the data from in my region

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

That is so #&*(! awesome (all around).

And I DO hate you!

(It was 25 Farenheit this AM)

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by golemina


My flight from today as comparison

404.0 7495 -16.3 -32.3 24 0.63 246 15 332.8 335.2 332.9
400.0 7570 -16.9 -35.9 18 0.45 250 15 332.9 334.7 333.0
382.0 7913 -18.6 -42.5 10 0.24 270 16 335.1 336.1 335.2
366.0 8231 -20.2 -48.5 6 0.13 305 14 337.1 337.7 337.1
357.0 8417 -21.1 -52.1 4 0.09 303 17 338.3 338.7 338.3
328.0 9034 -25.1 -52.8 6 0.09 295 28 341.0 341.4 341.0
307.0 9515 -28.3 -53.3 7 0.09 302 29 343.1 343.5 343.1
300.0 9680 -29.9 -51.9 10 0.11 305 30 343.1 343.6 343.1
259.0 10712 -38.6 -58.2 11 0.06 325 26 345.0 345.3 345.0
250.0 10960 -40.7 -59.7 11 0.05 320 26 345.4 345.6 345.4
244.0 11124 -42.1 -61.1 11 0.04 319 26 345.7 345.9 345.7
212.0 12054 -49.7 -57.7 38 0.07 316 29 348.1 348.4 348.1
204.0 12302 -51.9 -63.9 22 0.03 315 30 348.4 348.6 348.

Too warm....too dry

Should of said that third colum is temperature and 5th column is relative humidity

Firts colum pressure, second column height in metres

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 09:37 PM

The checkerboard patterns made across the sky and the low flying aircraft that turn around and have their CHEMTRAILS reverse too?

So if aircraft contrails intersect, that means spraying? Thats really makes a lot of sense. The national highway system we have makes plenty of intersecting too, does that mean highway traffic is spraying us?

Since there are thousands of airplanes often along just over the US at times, should they never intersect or cross? Because I have seen chemmies say that crossing contrails means spraying, and others say that parallel contrails means spraying.

I know some of you think that silly things like details do not matter, but if you are going insinuate this vast aeronautical conspiracy that would involve tens of thousands of people if not more, those little pesky things do matter.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 09:59 PM
A poster/member of another forum I read, showed us that:

Wheather forecast, German TV, state sponsored broadcaster ZDF, january 14th 2009.

From app. 0:40 in the clip, the forcaster says, pointing to southern germany,
"..will be only snow and ice in the south..."

and then he points to the west of Gemany, saying:
" ...and here we got something that we cannot identify as rain or snow.
Here, in the west, these sinuous lines - This was most likely produced by some planes,
military planes, over the North Sea this afternoon, at an altitude of approximately
5 or 6 kilometers . This has nothing to do with the weather."

One can clearly see the chemtrail-lines on the screen in the back.

EDIT : Are we to believe those who say that these are chaffs ?
HUNDREDS of miles long chaffs ?

Blue skies.

[edit on 2009/3/11 by C-JEAN]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by C-JEAN

Chaff dropped by planes during an exercise will appear on weather radar as rain. It's not a chemtrail either. There have been times in the US where they thought a huge snow storm was moving in and it turned out to be chaff instead.

This looks almost exactly like the German screen, here in the US. It's just chaff.

It can also pop up on radar as a huge return as well.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by firepilot

I realize what you are saying and I guess that means that the military and all the secrets they have wouldn't be able to get out into the open either.... what would happen should a person that is involved in this type of activity make it known and come forward? Would they be silenced or maybe court martialed for uttering secrets? Maybe they would have them turn up missing or dead, like a lot of the scientists that have come up dead who studied biologic warfare. Maybe they had something to do with the spraying and they were OFFd?

As to the criss-crossing patterns that I linked to in the pics. They are not contrails and if you believe they are your not saying much about your ability as a met tech.... I knew a few of them in the 80s and helped them with their readings and putting it into WMO wx AAXX format.... the ones I know now do not believe its contrails and believe that the barium that has been released within these CHEMTRAILS is proof, but for fear of their careers and their pension they will not voice this.

Gee... that would mean conspiracy and we can't have any of that here on ATS... You've got to be kidding...

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by AllTiedTogether

Do you have any idea how much barium is released from GROUND sources? There are natural sources of barium along with manufacturing plants and man made sources.

As for criss crossing, there is no way to AVOID criss crossing when you're flying. Just like there's no way to avoid parallel flight paths.

I've spent 25 years working on aircraft and never saw anything suspicious, and live in one of the busiest air corridors in the US, and have yet to see anything but normal contrails. I used to drive back and forth across country, and never saw anything but normal contrails.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by Zaphod58

Words of wisdom that I take as importantly and factual as bush saying he had no idea that 9/11 could or would happen.

I tend to believe my met tech friends who I've actually seen work and voice their opinion, knowing that's what they are and not someone who is telling me that his knowledge is this when the evidence points elsewhere. I think any Professional that states that he knows that chemtrails are not chemtrails is seriously putting his abilities on the line. No one coming to a conspiracy site looking for info on CHEMTRAILS is going to believe that the poisons coming from these planes is condensation. Give the general public a little more credit in the brain department. They realize that even the best met tech is unable to forecast the weather the next day let alone forecast contrails... This thread is probably being sponsored with the help of the Chemtrail Spray Team of our wonderful government, providing a detailed forecast of their spray routes etc and he has all the info he needs to forecast seven days straight.

Nice military looking guy. Works for multiple private organizations... my guess is one of them is a subgroup of CST or military or UN affiliate.

IMHO of course

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 10:54 PM
Chemtrail Meteorologist
posted on 2009/3/8 @ 19:17
?. . .thread wich bizarely is now a 404 error. . .?

I never believed in the theory of chemtrails.
I'll probably be the guy that debunks the entire thing.
In fact, there... yada yada yada. . .

Why, that weathercock/windvane behavior?

Blue skies.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by AllTiedTogether

This thread I started may assist you and your tech met buddy:

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

This thread isn't meant to dismiss chemtrails outright. It's meant to show barium and aluminium ISN'T the 'smoking gun' of chemtrails.

So if that is the point of the linked thread then what does it have to do with teaching my met tech friends anything, who already have about 100yrs experience between them all. would you believe people who you actually know that worked as met techs or someone that presented a theory and said he was a tech on line? I'd believe the real person with years of experience over the theory and online person.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by AllTiedTogether]

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