posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 01:34 PM
Yeah I am really surprised that they would even sugar coat the numbers like that anyway. Isn't their job to promote the fear and unrest among the
general population?
Anyway for this job crisis were having, I would suggest trying to get a job at a private company, it might not pay as much, but from what I can see
these are the places that have been least hit by the recession.
My businesses have taken a little bit of hit with the cost of things rising and spending is down among the big companies I service, but I haven't had
to resort to laying off any of my workforce yet, I don't intend to either, even if I have to dig in my own pockets and pay them unemployment
I'm sorry to hear about your predicament, I'm sure something will come up eventually, but sometimes we have to drop our standards in order to get up
on that ladder. I remember being fresh out of University, degree in hand, and still I had to work at McDonald's for almost a year before finding a
job in my sector. It was demeaning, but it kept food on the table.
I wish everyone the best of luck in these times of hardship. It's sad to say that it seems things will have to get worse before they get better, but
they will get better, we're a strong people.