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Indigo, crystal, wanderer or just meaningless lables?(An inspired writing on truth and separation)

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posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 04:21 AM
I first posted this in the wanderers among us - sound off! thread and again in my life story thread but the more I think of it I believe it deserves a thread of it's own. It's modified somewhat to make sense outside of the original thread.

So I was considering the terms used to describe people who feel a certain way about the world and this is what came out to me by inspiraton.... I don't know about the word wanderer as a child and teen I used to call myself a child of sorrow. That's all I know. I have heard the term light worker, healer, empath, crystal to name but a few. None of these truly resonate with me or rather all of them resonate with me equally. I believe what we are does not need a lable. Or more correctly can not and should not be labelled. We who are so aware of the wrongs of the world should know the insignificance in belonging to a 'crew', religious or other group that separates us from the ones who do not belong to our group.

From what I've read a lot of you feel the separation of being in this world and suffer by it. I hope you can see clearly that creating more separation is not the answer. I believe the answer is to unite. To find the think that links us all aware and unaware. That is how we raise the energy of this place. By creating an unbroken line of unity. I see it a bit like that game 'every one's connected by 5 people' or whatever. I.e. if you look hard enough everyone's got something or someone in common. When we undo the separation that was created between us by perceived, ethnicity, culture, language, music choice etc we will truly be set free and understand the beauty that is US as ONE.

As much as I am excited at the existence of this thread I am at the same time saddenend that it is separation that brings us all together. I wonder how we could start the trend of working together as supposed to working individually.

I believe some have got the idea of free will wrong. There is no infringement on free will to share knowledge of any sort. How could there be? As a matter of fact by sharing the knowledge that we all have we are encouraging free will. For when we receive information, or the whole picture, that is when we can practise free will to do as we see fit with what we know. When the truth is withheld or part of the truth is hidden that is when we are truly enslaved by the one who hides the truth. Giving us just enough to dance to their pipe to receive more handouts of partial truth.

I think about it like this. If you are in a relationship with someone and that someone is unfaithful. And you are a person who does not like to be intimate with many people. If that person choose to withhold the information that he/she is unfaithful

A. He/she is removing your free will to make a choice based on the facts.

B. Is forcing you inadvertently to be with people who you did not chose to be intimate with. Hence you are emprisoned or your free will is removed from you. Although you are staying by your own choice in a relationship that appears to make you happy.

If the person on the otherhand choose to tell you and you decide to stay. Then you have excersised your free will and made a choice based on facts.

I hope you understand where I am going with this.

HiddenHand and anyone else that say they can only reveal half the truth for fear of messing with our free will is actually doing just that. They are creating an element of control by making you choose to want to continue in their believes. Had you seen the whole picture from the start then maybe you wouldn't have 'resonated' with anything this/these persons where saying.

Apart from that I am happy to see that I am not entirely alone and sorry that there are others who have to live with the pain of being hypersensitive to atmospheres and energies that people and inanimate objects give off. It is truly gift with a double edged sword attached.

Any thoughts in this good people of ATS? What's you take on this?

Love and light

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 05:01 AM
Beautifully expressed. i don't like the labels either. They only serve to continue the seperation and an attempt to ostracize us as not being "normal". All who have souls on this planet are indeed as One. but sadly not all who are on this planet have souls. And you will see a few of these beings crop up on here shortly, i admire your courage in making this thread, as i have long felt the need for it.

Those who are out to serve themselves, are controlled to seep your energy, to draw negativity out from you. they do exist, and they abound, yet they serve us as well, as a means to overcome ones own negativity. In saying that, i would like to also say that not all who exhibit the traits of these "robotic" humans are 'robots'. some are simply unaware of the workings of reality. be prepared to deal with these as your thread moves along.

Certainly, not allowing one to know the complete truth behind things hampers free will, but know this, free will is the one thing that cannot be completely tampered with. It is a highly abstract concept, but it is behind the adage that truth always prevails.

thank you for making this thread.

Love and Peace

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by M157yD4wn
And you will see a few of these beings crop up on here shortly, i admire your courage in making this thread, as i have long felt the need for it.

Those who are out to serve themselves, are controlled to seep your energy, to draw negativity out from you. they do exist, and they abound, yet they serve us as well, as a means to overcome ones own negativity.

Thank you for the encouraging words M157yD4wn, and thank you for the warning. I am fully aware of these beings be it sleeping souls or others and I was kind of hoping that they'd join the conversation. There's plenty of love to go around and then some. If we are going to make a difference then we need to challenge and fill the darkness with light by means of respect and inclusion. I hope you agree and will join me in taking them on by playing our game not theirs if they happen on this thread.

Love and light

[edit on 7/3/2009 by IAmD1]

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 04:31 PM
Anyone have any comments on this? I am surprised no one else has had anything to say about it so I am bumping the thread in the hope that we'll get a conversation/discussion going.


posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 07:34 PM
Exactly. There really isnt much else to say, I agree with everything that you have written.

We are all human and we are all Spirit.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 08:10 PM
"Luminous beings are we. Not this crude matter" "Master Yoda"
A grain of truth to this..

[edit on 7/3/2009 by reticledc]

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 08:45 PM
My own pet theory is that a certain "shamanic mentality" is actually a genetic part of humanity; that certain people (not everyone) have an inborn tendency towards the mystical. In the ancient days, these people would become the shamans of whatever tribe they were born into and thus serve a very important survival purpose for the tribe. As we settled down however, and as the world has modernized, there is less and less of a place for these people. These are perhaps the "wandering souls" that the OP speaks of.

Its interesting to note that in her "Short History of Myth," Karen Armstrong describes the mystic/shaman of the tribe as often having a crisis around adolescence; almost a psychotic break or "dark night of the soul" when they reached puberty. Resolving this crisis would be part of their initiation and would give them the power to commune with the spirit world as mature, developed adult shamans. It's interesting to me because so many of those today with a mystical bent seem to have gone through a similar sort of trauma in their adolescence. Only our modern society writes this off as "troubled youth" rather than a shamanic rite of passage. To me, the fact that this is so common is strong evidence that a shamanic strain of mysticism runs through a certain percentage of our population even today, although society no longer recognizes it or gives it the value it once had.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by silent thunder
My own pet theory is that a certain "shamanic mentality" is actually a genetic part of humanity... To me, the fact that this is so common is strong evidence that a shamanic strain of mysticism runs through a certain percentage of our population even today, although society no longer recognizes it or gives it the value it once had.

Hi Silent thunder that's interesting because I've though along the very same lines myself. My next question or thought is why is it only in some of us? What is it that makes us genetically related? Where di the first shaman/sensitive come from and why?

Interesting indeed.

Thanks for contributing to the thread.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by IAmD1

Sorry, mate, you're just another ape like the rest of us, so don't go giving yourself airs. Not having enough common sense to see that you're just like everyone else is not a qualification for thinking yourself special.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:12 AM
Just useless labels, there have aalways been those types about, maybe because of the net people are picking up on it more now.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Astyanax
reply to post by IAmD1

Sorry, mate, you're just another ape like the rest of us, so don't go giving yourself airs. Not having enough common sense to see that you're just like everyone else is not a qualification for thinking yourself special.

Ha ha I was wondering when one of YOU (haha) 'possitive' types where gonna join the conversation. There's nothing wrong in being an Ape if that's what we are. But I have to disagree that you and me are exactly like eveyone else or each other for that matter. You are special at what ever it is that makes you special but judging by your answer it certainly isn't being supportive or indeed positive. I am special at those things that make me special. What I was wondering was actually why are some of us aware of certain things whilst others are not. Could there be a genetic memory of some sort that is active in some of us. The same as you and me are genetical variations of the same type of Ape.

I hear you and feel you but chose to disagree. Add something that makes me believe that you and I are the same in this and we'll have a constructive conversation about it.

Love and light. Thank you for you contribution

[edit on 11/3/2009 by IAmD1]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
Just useless labels, there have aalways been those types about, maybe because of the net people are picking up on it more now.

I am wondering what you mean by 'those types'? Please elaborate. I feel that you may have missinterpreted my thread or indeed the intention behind it.

I was wondering if the labeling is what is causing the separation. The 'us' and 'them' fenomenon that is keeping the world at war. I believe it is one of the key problems that prevents us from, moving forward as one for the benefit of all, as supposed to smaller groups who are in competition with eachother.

What say you?

Love and light. Thanks for contributing.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:47 PM
Everything is a label. Labeling labels meaningful or meaningless is an additional label on a label. Labeling labels good or bad are more labels to go along with the labels.

Correct me if Im wrong

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 11:57 PM
just meaningless lable. Why must you lable me? My essence has no lable.

And meaning has no lable, we just try to lable it and that distorts its meaning so we make more lables to lable the alternative meaning, but then it gets so complicated that its entire meaning becomes absolutely meaningless.

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by IAmD1
There's nothing wrong in being an Ape if that's what we are.

Whether it's right or wrong, it's what we are. The facts have long been in and the argument is over.

But I have to disagree that you and me are exactly like eveyone else or each other for that matter.

Every human being is unique, but we are all the same kind of ape nonetheless.

You are special at what ever it is that makes you special but judging by your answer it certainly isn't being supportive or indeed positive.

Why shouldn't it be? Because I choose not to believe in pseudoscience and self-serving delusion? When something is good, true and worthwhile I am extremely 'supportive and positive', especially if it's a project begun by someone I know and care for. Helping the world along isn't easy, and people who go about spreading error and falsehood don't help.

What I was wondering was actually why are some of us aware of certain things whilst others are not.

Some people are naturally intelligent and perceptive. It is because they have been born that way, or because they have received some life experience or training that makes them that way, or both.

Could there be a genetic memory of some sort that is active in some of us.

No. At least not the kind you mean when you say 'genetic memory'. Genetic memory is, at best, a metaphor for your genes' expressive potential inside a human body - their ability to code for proteins and whatnot.

Not everybody has to be scientifically literate, but people who make claims based on scientific ideas certainly do. If you're going to start talking about genes, learn genetics first.

Add something that makes me believe that you and I are the same in this and we'll have a constructive conversation about it.

I don't think there is a basis for any kind of constructive conversation here. My post was an attempt to make some foolish or miserable teenager think twice before embracing the stupid, Fascistic proposition that all their troubles are due to the fact that they are somehow different - not in degree but in kind - from the rest of the human race. That is a very dangerous idea indeed.

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Everything is a label. Labeling labels meaningful or meaningless is an additional label on a label. Labeling labels good or bad are more labels to go along with the labels.

Correct me if Im wrong

Well put
- I couldn't agree more. The point of the writing was not to add another lable to a lable but to discuss around the necessity or non necessity to define what we are by giving it another name. Isn't the important thing to fight for inclusion rather than creating more exclusions?

As soon as a new lable comes into existence we do all we can to either fit in to that lable or to stay out of it. Some one creates the rules for belonging to that lable and the game is on. That IMO causes the separation I was talking about. If there were no lable in the first place maybe more people would feel included in the conversation and some bonding could take place between people who otherwise may feel separated from eachother by the lables we are given or take on to ourselves.

Welcome to the conversation Skyfloating and thanks for sharing your wisdom.

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by Astyanax

Originally posted by IAmD1.

Every human being is unique, but we are all the same kind of ape nonetheless.

I disagree with this. I believe we are all the same kind of human not Ape. If we were Apes in the true sense then we would walk on all four, hang in trees and live in flocks somewhere on a mountainside or in the jungle somewhere. We would not have the type of speach we posses and certainly not have this conversation that we're havning. But other than that I agree that we are of the same genetic material and therefor belong to the same 'lable' of animal.

Why shouldn't it be? Because I choose not to believe in pseudoscience and self-serving delusion? When something is good, true and worthwhile I am extremely 'supportive and positive', especially if it's a project begun by someone I know and care for. Helping the world along isn't easy, and people who go about spreading error and falsehood don't help.

No simply because of the short snappy way you expressed your opinion. You could have chosen so many ways to say the same thing but you didn't. I agree that there is alot of falsehood but to say that the opinion I expressed was selfserving is plain wrong. Did you read the whole thread I was talknig about the oposit of that. I was talking about including everyone to join together and to serve eachother. Why does support only have to extend to people you know and care for why not everyone? Firend or foe. Especially when it is free to give like in these forums?

Some people are naturally intelligent and perceptive. It is because they have been born that way, or because they have received some life experience or training that makes them that way, or both.

No. At least not the kind you mean when you say 'genetic memory'. Genetic memory is, at best, a metaphor for your genes' expressive potential inside a human body - their ability to code for proteins and whatnot

Yes and it is this natural inteligence that was at least in my mind under discussion. I don't see how we are saying different things here. I believe there are some affinities one are born with and others that you learn. Those that you are born with could they be due to a 'genetic memory' that everyone carries but only some access? Why not? Everything else in life and genetics is like that. So no I was not refering to a metaphorical 'genetic memory' but an actual genetic memory. And what makes you think I do not know about genetics at least enough to have this conversation?

I don't think there is a basis for any kind of constructive conversation here. My post was an attempt to make some foolish or miserable teenager think twice before embracing the stupid, Fascistic proposition that all their troubles are due to the fact that they are somehow different - not in degree but in kind - from the rest of the human race. That is a very dangerous idea indeed.

There is always room for constructive conversation like the one we (IMO) are having right now. One of my points is that in order to excercise free will we must see the whole story. (IMO) So in order for you to help someone you must let them make their own mind up by providing your proof for them to scrutinise. I love that we are disagreeing on this because that breeds ground for growth and exchange of ideas. Some of which are readily acepted and some which are at their infancy.

Love and light. Thank you for explaining yourself further so that your ideas and your voice could be heard. Now it is up to each and everyone who reads this to agree disagree or be unmoved by it all.

[edit on 12/3/2009 by IAmD1]

[edit on 12/3/2009 by IAmD1]

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 06:14 AM

It's been several years since I last posted here, literally. Good to be back. As you can see I have called myself an "Indigo_child" but I am not what you might expect to be by this term. I do not have ADHD, I do not have(active) psychic abilities and many of the other defining characteristics. Still, I chose to name myself, "Indigo Child" merely to label myself as a young person(not very young now) who has interests in spirituality and tries to somewhat practice spirituality.

I think many who use this label are probably just doing what I do. They want to fit in neatly into a category, and Indigo, Starseed or whatever seems to fit the bill. Ultimately, yes it is a rather meaningless category.

[edit on 12-3-2009 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 06:24 AM
Or more correctly can not and should not be labelled.

Ha ha I was wondering when one of YOU (haha) 'possitive' types where gonna join the conversation.

You are going on about how people shouldn't be labeled.
Than you instantly label someone in the next post.
You seem to be one of those attempted gift of the gab speaking people, who talk so much rubbish you end up going around in circles and contradicting yourself.
Please for the dealers sake, do not take up used car sales.
Perhaps consider philosophy, or fiction writing.

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by CaptainCaveMan
Or more correctly can not and should not be labelled.

Ha ha I was wondering when one of YOU (haha) 'possitive' types where gonna join the conversation.

You are going on about how people shouldn't be labeled.
Than you instantly label someone in the next post.
You seem to be one of those attempted gift of the gab speaking people, who talk so much rubbish you end up going around in circles and contradicting yourself.
Please for the dealers sake, do not take up used car sales.
Perhaps consider philosophy, or fiction writing.

Pun was intended in the reply above hence the capitalisation and (haha's).
Actually to lable that person was the point as to show how useless it is and that it only creates separation. I don't believe I am contradiction myself but please prove me wrong. I am willing to grow and to accept my misstakes.

You must have missed this so I am pointing it out to you. This is a philosophy thread hence posted in the Psychology,philosophy and metaphysics category board.

Lone and much light to you. Thank you for adding your thoughts.

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