posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 12:50 AM
I hang on every word you say, some I can let go yet others seem to stay.I love the sound of your voice, the look of your eyes, but not the coldness in
your heart as we painfully cut ties.
The thoughts in my head wrap tightly like a noose around my neck, choking and suffocating, I painfully reflect. I think of smiles sharred and good
times past, but I dwell on the times you put me last.
I will always hold the love I have for you, because despite all you have done, we were once two. You cut me down and left me in place, and in moments
of weakness I search for you, but you've left behind barely a trace.
Your heart is incappable of compassion, and your mind tempted by lust, your body has many times been given but at the cost of my trust. A price I have
had to pay, for the pleasures of your actions as you did lay.
You are a thief stealing little by little one bit at a time, what have you gained from your actions? Was it worth destroying this heart of mine? You
are never remorseful for the pain I feel in this end, you've ravaged my love, you've lost a friend.
I wish you lasting reflection, in the years spent together in vein, but in addition to the above I also wish for your strength, to heal those two
hurting little soul's pain.
I'll carry this with me as long as I can, right alongside the wonder of just what could have been. Step by step, every breath I take brings me just a
bit closer to the new life I'll someday make.
[edit on 18-6-2009 by alyosha1981]