When it comes to certain core meditations, many do not try to visualize these things that many have come to associate with meditation.Some would call
these visualizations distractions at best.
When it comes to meditation the center of your focus usually is yourself.For this matter focusing on what you are feeling inside is important.There
are several chakra systems out there which many associate with power transfer points and the ability to send/recieve energy, in your body. I use none
of them...
In our lives that we experience things see things and most importantly feel things over time .Many things can come to build up within us.Making it
hard to relax.
This can be due to many things but what we have to focus on here is how to get away from what we feel and aswell what we associate with those
On a day to day basis we can come to have something some would call feeling habits. Such as the phone ringing can make us stress out. To make an easy
example.if your relative called every day at a certain time you would create a feeling habit around that phone call depending on whether or not you
liked talking to this person.
The important thing to do here my friend is disassociate the time, feeling and thought from who you are. The purpose of higher meditation methods
are to allow you to easily deal with anything that can happen on a minute to minute basis not allowing these things to influence how you feel
So the easiest way for many to begin on the lower teachings are to learn to do this in a calm motionless state.The point of this is so you can
And when i say focus i mean focus on not focusing.Learning how to channel energy can be a hard thing,and not neccesarily important or even a part of
meditation at all.
In many teachings meditation is to limit or cut off the flow of thought and the energies contained within.When i say energies i mean the feelings that
spread throughout your body that are associated with the thoughts and notions of that which can stress you out.
Two of the most important teachings in my mind when it comes to meditation is that of the observer and that of the alder state.
The observer state when it comes to meditation,is usually one of the most effective teachings when it comes to stress and not knowing how to deal with
it.In this teaching we say to let your thoughts become something separate from ourselves.This is hard to do on any level when we are in the thick of
our hard times.
The main problem we find with meditation of any sort is what many of us call the chattering monkey, which in truth is our brain thinking much like a
spoken voice we can hear,when trying to clear the mind it will keep going and going and going.
See we are very simple in many aspects.Our bodies get used to what we feel, sort of like a primary basis it is used to feeling.This is caused by our
feeling habits we get accustomed to everyday. Our brain patterns or rather the way we think is effected by these daily events or happenings and we
release what some call endorphines which is what causes us to feel. Some will associate this with the release of our kinetic energy, or chi.
These feelings are logged with these thoughts, within us, and we can eventually relive these stressful moments upon just a thought,because our bodies
are used to releasing this energy with the thought of what stresses us out.And our bodies are used to being stressed out or rather have gotten
comfortable in this state even if we are dying from it.
So the observer state is a key, used to try and stop this chattering monkey from talking to us in our heads.
It can be hard at first.but what you have to try to do is prepare a meditative routine to build up our own intention towards it and empower the ritual
or procedure within ourselves. What i do is go and sit in the same place everyday and run some water.
Sound is used by many to distract us while trying not to think.I like running water cause it has always eased the process for me. Aswell when thinking
about using tapes of people talking, words can sometimes cause us to think more due to the communication so usually organic sounds or music even is
used alot.
When i was younger and this teaching was first introduced to me, i was told to try and isolate my thoughts,become a person watching these events or
happenings that we are "reliving" or thinking about as apposed to being the person involved.
Try not to connect yourself to the person of which you are thinking about(yourself) and this will help distance your thoughts with the immediate sense
or feeling of what had happened.Stopping the thoughts is what we are trying to achieve but at times even just slowing them down can help.
This is where the alder state or alderman state as i call it can come in handy. As i had spoke of before we log feelings and thoughts within us,many
call this the subconcious. We have the ability to use a portion of our brain for every day minute to minute use,and we have a storage of sorts.What is
happening is we are connecting with mostly bad memories or maybey we arnt connecting with memories at all,but living within the daily confines of our
feeling habits?
Our metaphysical self or soul (many people call it different things)is essentially made up of these thoughts feelings and memories all the way back to
our first days as a child to now. Somewhere between then and now we have come to certain points where we recognize ourselves as being "US" usually
for many people these are moments of clarity and meaning,happiness and accomplishment.Times when we are all we are.
The point of of trying to create an alderman state within you is to help draw on power from yourself using your thoughts and memories of great meaning
or happiness to do so,by using the feelings and chi produced by those thoughts to help charge us when we are down.To let us know hey it hasnt always
been like this.I can do it.!!
As we try to connect with our past and the "good" moments within our lives we begin to see energies flow back to us and the more we try to remind
ourselves of who we are inspite of everything the more power we can draw on.
Well i hope this helps.Let me know if you have any questions.I can tend to ramble at times
[edit on 10-3-2009 by toraylin]
[edit on 10-3-2009 by toraylin]