posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 02:51 PM
...nothing funn to say.
There are obviously much better examples and links, but is anyone getting as tired as I am over the BLATANT disregard being shown to the 'common
man'? Everyday brings something new..but I'm pretty sure these new-breed presidents/politicians haven't ever met with, or personally responded to
any normal person who's had a genuine beef with a certain issue. Now if it's Brad Pitt or Bono..roll out the red carpet for 'em. Ohhh but I guess
they don't have time to meet with everyone (anyone) in a realisitic sense do they??? Too busy making more important friends perhaps? It just amazes
me that the bulk of our country can watch and listen to this stuff on a daily basis and NOT get offended." target="_blank" class="postlink">Secret meeting with the president