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check this robot out

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posted on May, 1 2004 @ 06:41 PM
OK well first of all i have not seen all the clips for this robot but i did see the one where the robot stopped the car. the wheels mounted on the shoulders, if you read thru the site, are part of a momentum storing system that allows it to walk and move its arms without a massive change in RPMs on the engine. in response to the fact that the site is registered to a BMW ad agency, that is entirely plausible. the man who supposedly made this robot works for BMW, that's how he has access to the parts for the robot. the BMW managment at BMW probably saw a great opportunity to get some free press, and so hosted his site with their ad agency.

and need i add that something of this comlexity would need a HUGE team of professional animators and most likely a year to complete. if someone has access to BMWs budget see if a sizeable amount of money was allotted to a cg/computer animation department. or, if anyone knows of some type of agency that tracks the hiring of animators, check with them.

about the bad shadows... the clips are fairly lo res. there is a lot of detail that could account for missing/misdirected shadows. if someone could persuade the man to release higher res clips we would be in much better shape for a complete analysis. perhaps hidden lights...

about the robots motion: i watched the car stopping clip multiple times and i have come to a tentative conclusion that this man must have invented/implemented a very new and complex balancing system that constantly adjusts the robots position. it is eerily human. but there is a whole computer in that thing's chest devoted to balance... otherwise, it is definitely, and without a doubt fake. BUT THIS IS NOT MY FINAL CONCLUSION!

like someone else said, the programming needed to see the car, anticipate its speed and arrival time and brace for impact are very, very implausible.

also, it would take one man several years of FULL TIME work to develop something like this. i assume this guy has a full time day-job....

i hope to god this thing is real.....

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 11:31 PM
I love the video on the web site its on it talks about the transformer called the HUD made from a mini cooper. I like the time people have spent typing notes and drawing sketches for it. At the bottom of the page there is a e-mail address to write to. I will send them a message and see if all I get back is spam.

If you look up 'VW transformers' on Limewire or whatever you like to share files with you can find a VW that turns into a Autobot. It has the logo and everything. sweet

I like to think that these are just for the new Transformers movie in the works. Maybe DreamWorks is looking at this thread and seeing if their ideas are garbage.

The Worlds Greatest Android Project is the Asimo made by Honda it can walk around, walk up stairs, pick its self up if it falls down...ect.
If you are rich you can buy one, and me one too. ty

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 07:13 AM
IF this was real, it would have had MASSIVE attention of the press...

It's definitly CGI, without one doubt...I wish it was true though...but there are too many artifacts that point to CGI...

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 04:40 AM
Well supposedly he's been working on this project around 10 years now. To me thats not enough time to make it that perfect.

I dont find anything that isnt plausible though. Everything that they claim that robot can do has been tested and proven. At that intersection another problem arises though. If you look deep enough the links one his sight provide proof well at least enough for me that its possible. They also prove to me that each section of that robots technology was developed and tested by many different labs over 5-20 year increments.

So the real problem with that being real is could that man and any friends of his working on it acquire the documentation and reproduce all of those functions then put them together cohesivly in 10 years.

Or if he couldnt acquire some of them could that man and his friends possibly recreate 10-20 years of work in under 10 years many times over?

I dont beleive this robot is real. I do beleive however that robot with all of its bells and whistles is possible.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 04:50 AM
HA this cracks me up but to tell you the truth I have never seen a mini look so good, hard to believe those ugly little cars are good for something other than finding very small parking spaces.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 02:41 AM
The cooper robot is a great pastiche.

Check this 'Citroen transformer' out, also from Europe:

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 12:17 PM
pretty neat, but the animation isnt as good as the Citroen transformer's.
look at the shadow of the car + the robo. the shadows dont exactly agree.

probably one of those weird pseudo ads, might be for the new Live action Transformers movie

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