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What Are You Doing Today?

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posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by dodadoom
reply to post by Northern Raider

For not believing in armeggeddon, you sure are stocking up!

I see you even have the contents of your bob listed in your sig!

Be seriously thankfull if you never need any of it. Seriously.
Anyone who doesn't at least prepare for a dark night once in awhile,
musta never been a boy scout!

Been stocked up since 1979, Originally I was waiting for Armageddon courtesy of the US and Soviets, Damn well nearly got killed by the IRA cose I was to preoccupied looking for one specific thread or event happening in a set period. It took a while to realise that SITX does not annouce its arrival, TEOTWAWKI does not have a trigger date its a slow steady decline into anarchy and chaos. While people are looking at half witted radio jocks for enlightenment SITX has been creeping up on them one tiny piece at a time, Peak Oil, Global Warming, Collapsing banks, over population, mass migration, rising crime, extreme government, they are all here now but the conspiracy nuts are looking for one specific complete events to happen. SITX is happening right now, We have what is politely termed WHITE FLIGHT, but actually encompasses people from all creeds and races getting the hell out of the big cities and multi cultural connurbations, in the London area alone over 250,000 families moved out in the last two years. The cities are becoming hot beds of militancy, islamic extremists, gang violence etc, and the switched on are getting out.

The markers are all there, already in place showing anyone willing to open their eyes that the time to get out and prepare is NOW, stop looking for conspiracies or you will miss the chance to protect your family.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:58 AM
Today I am roasting coffee beans.

I'll head over to the wholesae store later and pick up some goods.

One thing I know I'm out of is "Contractors Bags." Those are the really thick, heavy duty trash bags. They're perfect for many survival chores, like water storage, makeshift shelter etc.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by Northern Raider

Excellent points, and a must read!
Sorry to hear of your IRA troubles.
You are correct. It's what we dont see that gets us!
Wow, you have been ready for a long time!
In 1979 I was just starting high school!
We have lived through the threat of mutual assured destruction.
Maybe the worst thing we face now after all is complacancy.
We should have been ready for this inevitable contraction
of consumerism and rampant unsustainable growth years ago.
Sooner or later we will run out of water, food, habitat, etc.
Instead we've been living on borrowed time and money,
with no apparent will to change any of it! We are still arguing
over if it's even happening! Wow, how handy! This allows the
very continuation of the things that will "get us", to proliferate!
Indeed the snowball has grown too large to stop rolling now.
All we can do is hang on as we go round and round, just trying
to not get dizzy and fall off.
I don't listen to dates that much either, they are usually decided
by man, therefore can be wrong at the least.
Our current calendar has been tweaked enough, we could be off
by a few years anyway, rendering 2012 as not neccessarily accurate.
That being said, the stars are aligning however.....
I just keep thinking of the biblical passage in Matthew:
But of that day and hour no one has knowledge, not even the angels in heaven, or the Son, but the Father only.
Nuff said. Peace B with U! Much respect also.
Thank you for your reply!

P.S. Today I bought more fuel for the campstoves. (was on sale)

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by dodadoom
reply to post by Northern Raider

Excellent points, and a must read!
Sorry to hear of your IRA troubles.
You are correct. It's what we dont see that gets us!
Wow, you have been ready for a long time!
In 1979 I was just starting high school!
We have lived through the threat of mutual assured destruction.
Maybe the worst thing we face now after all is complacancy.
We should have been ready for this inevitable contraction
of consumerism and rampant unsustainable growth years ago.
Sooner or later we will run out of water, food, habitat, etc.
Instead we've been living on borrowed time and money,
with no apparent will to change any of it! We are still arguing
over if it's even happening! Wow, how handy! This allows the
very continuation of the things that will "get us", to proliferate!
Indeed the snowball has grown too large to stop rolling now.
All we can do is hang on as we go round and round, just trying
to not get dizzy and fall off.
I don't listen to dates that much either, they are usually decided
by man, therefore can be wrong at the least.
Our current calendar has been tweaked enough, we could be off
by a few years anyway, rendering 2012 as not neccessarily accurate.
That being said, the stars are aligning however.....
I just keep thinking of the biblical passage in Matthew:
But of that day and hour no one has knowledge, not even the angels in heaven, or the Son, but the Father only.
Nuff said. Peace B with U! Much respect also.
Thank you for your reply!

P.S. Today I bought more fuel for the campstoves. (was on sale)

Aye the Irish extremists blowing up chunks of England, Ulster and Europe then coupled with the Islamic extremists doing the same in London, cairo, New York, Madrid, Bali etc gave me all the evidence I needed that cities were just death traps in waiting.

I spent today sorting out my kit in the bug out vehicle, I seem to collect more and more stuff in that vehicle as time goes by, respects

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 03:38 PM
I have attended my first job interview in over four years in an area that will take me a very decent way away from the City of the Damned.

It'll be me, the good lady and 90,000 others.

Still, that's better odds than 2 against 7 million.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by Nirgal

We wish you the best of luck!
Sounds like you are doing the right thing!
Cheers, peace and prosperity to U!

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by Nirgal

Wishin ya good vibes for a new start away from the city

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by citizen smith

Given your "student" status I'm assuming you're going to bed, rather than just getting up.

All-nighters finishing off the disserpointment?

Ah, those were the days...

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by Nirgal
reply to post by citizen smith

Given your "student" status I'm assuming you're going to bed, rather than just getting up.

All-nighters finishing off the disserpointment?

Ah, those were the days...

If I di'nt know you any better i'd bitch-slap you from here to Liza Minelli's doorstep

I've been up all night working on my conference presentation day today....people to do, things to see, and all that

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by citizen smith

Well, good wishes an' 'ting for your particular Viva Voce. I hope the subject is not too dry, otherwise you'll be nodding yourself off.

Right off to work to see if I've been grounded vehicularly...

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by citizen smith

Originally posted by Nirgal
reply to post by citizen smith

Given your "student" status I'm assuming you're going to bed, rather than just getting up.

All-nighters finishing off the disserpointment?

Ah, those were the days...

If I di'nt know you any better i'd bitch-slap you from here to Liza Minelli's doorstep

I've been up all night working on my conference presentation day today....people to do, things to see, and all that

Graduates are like Lighthouses in the desert, Brilliant but utterly pointless

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by Northern Raider

Graduates are like Lighthouses in the desert, Brilliant but utterly pointless

I'll take that as a compliment.

Particularly as my degree was tenuously connected to deserts.

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 01:29 PM
Ok so we went to Costco yesterday. They have a very good deal on 25 lb bag of Jasmine rice. I really like Jasmine rice, much better than Basmati. If you haven't had any, it has a almost floral fragrance quality. Anyway 25 lbs for $12.00

I will package it into 1/2 pound lots via the vacuum sealer, and then seal the whole lot into mylar bags with oxy absorbers for long term storage.

Looks like i'm going to need a few more 5 gal paint buckets and lids.

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Jmurman

Not to bring down the mood, but I am in St. John's, NL and just this morning we had a helicopter just off our coast bringing employees to offshore oil rigs, 18 were on board, 1 rescued, 1 found dead, 16 unaccounted for, so what am I doing today, glued to news for info, very small city, everyone knows everyone. If you wanna check it out, its local news is but its even on

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 01:39 PM
Survival activities of today:

I spent about 45 minutes perusing the canned goods isles at the grocery store checking out expiration dates to figure out which lasted the longest and would be a good candidate for stockpiling. So far the canned red salmon seems to be the winner lasting till roughly 2013 if i recall correctly. Now its just a matter of finding suitable containers and making a supply run.

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 03:10 PM
Today I have been upgrading my shopping list for household equipment, Namely shuttering timber 4x4 boards, role of barbed wire for back fence and some steel bar to make reenforcements for the front door.

I have also started reading a new book called Day By Day Armageddon, Its a zombie post apoc book thats heavy on planning info just like Patriots was.

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 06:59 PM
This weekend, I'll be rototilling for the big garden and I'll also be getting some potting soil to start my tomatoes.

If my luck holds, I'll be planing corn soon. I'll be planting a new batch every two weeks or so and should be enjoying the first corn about mid June. Tomatoes will start to ripen around July.

I'm also planting two types of melons, zucchini and a few other tasty treats.

If the situation doesn't get worse, then I'll be giving away lots of veggies. If it does get bad, I'll have plenty to eat and my garden will supplement what I've stored.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 08:49 AM
Yesterday I picked up a nice first aid kit for free. It came from a Infinity auto, and is surprisingly decent in content.

I'll use this in my range bag for the time being.

I also got in a tool that I ordered for moving dovetailed sights, without beating on them.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:05 AM
I am putting together my "some assembly required" 16 ton log splitter. Yea right, opened it up and it was a fraking jig saw mess. Sky is red this morning so I do not know how much time I will have before the weather turns. We have been clearing out back of the house for a new garden spot and I have a 14 ft. trailer full of weeds and brush to take off to the dump. Still a month away from planting here so will roto-till in a couple of weeks. Have a new e-book to read and did a little checking on the author. He looks to be the real deal and some one to pay attention to. Also made a new friend yesterday.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:11 AM
Today I have ordered a Gerber artifact fpor every member of my family and am currently looking for an air rifle for my son.

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