posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 08:32 AM
Last night I was outside around 6pm EST, with my girlfriend and her little boy. I was letting him play outside for a bit before it got too cold.
While we were standing there, I looked up, and across my house, maybe 500 ft high, but waaaay too low for a helicopter , came this object. Keep in
mind it was totally daylight outside.
OK, I don't know how else to describe it other than, it was white-grey looking...the front was almost shaped like an egg laying on it's side, and
there was like, a straight part coming out of the butt of the egg towards the back. I am no expert at judging size, but this thing was at LEAST as
big as a car.....made no noise, had no wings, flew straight north across my house, across a strip job (coal operation) across from my house, and out
of sight.
I have never saw anything like this, I looked to see if it was something like a drone, or something looking for the growers, but this thing doesn't
look like anything I can find a picture of.
Anyone have a clue? This is the most odd thing I have ever saw, couldn't get to a camera...just stood there in amazement....g/f's little boy asked
me what it was, and all I could say was "I have no idea". Definitely scary.
I hope someone can show me some picture and say "was it this?", and make me sleep better!