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We are Invading your Planet! And, here is how:

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posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 12:20 AM
An Invader observes the Human Race, and formulates a plan. It seems to be succeeding.
To prove this to his Superiors, he even posts the basic idea of this plan on many Alternate News and Conspiracy websites, so his Superiors will witness that the Human Race STILL does nothing to prevent the events from occurring.
The Invader sits and types:

In recent centuries we came to your world. We saw that your species is adaptable, intelligent, creative, spiritual, aggressive, violent, peaceful and easy to repair.
We also saw that yours is one of the rare species in the Cosmos that seem to be able to make use of two concepts that are not often seen in the myriad star systems that span our galaxy.

1. The concept of a "God" or "Gods" that watch and guide your people.
2. The concept of a "Hero" rising to any occasion, originating from even the lowliest of your kind.

Stranger still, we have observed that both concepts, from time to time, actually seem to become evidenced in reality, and capable of impossible feats that defy our calculations and expectations.
There is much your people do, that, in theory, and from our observations, you should not be capable of doing.

You have differentiated your Species into several Races. Throughout your history, "Power" has shifted from one race to another. All have had their time in "The Throne".
All have taken their turn making great leaps on cultural, technical, spiritual and economical levels, to name a few.
Some of this was done in under the auspice of Strengthening a Nation, or Saving Souls for a Religious reason. The reason matters little.
All Races have also committed their fair share of atrocities: Slavery, Murder, War, Power-Mad-Conquest, to name a few.
Again, some of this was done in under the auspice of Strengthening a Nation, or Saving Souls for a Religious reason. The reason matters little.

At this point in your planet's History, especially during this century, we observed that the Caucasian Race seems to be most dominant, has made the most advances, and has effected the entire species, one way or another, more than any other race.
We do not care about concepts of "Right" and "Wrong". We are only interested in targeting the most dangerous aspects of our enemy, (The Human Race), and disposing of it. Whether the "White" race is good or bad means nothing. We only see them as the biggest danger, in terms of "resistance" for our impending invasion. We see them as a threat. Luckily for us, so do most "Non-Caucasians".

In a similar regard, we find the "Christian" faith, and it's many sub-sets, to be rather problematic. Again, we do not care about your petty views of "Right" and "Wrong", and do not care about you simple, tiny religious wars. We simply see the "Christian" faith as the most powerful, proliferating, wealthy religion on your planet. And, as with the Caucasian race, Christianity seems to be widespread throughout your entire planet, seen both as positive and negative by the peoples they come in contact with.
We see this belief system as a potentially dangerous one. Luckily for us, so do most "Non-Christians".

After identifying these 2 large Human Power-Bases, studying the psychology of your people, reviewing your planet's Human History and collecting data on your many cultures, we have found the key to toppling your kind as the dominant species of this world.

see next post below...

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 12:21 AM

Through a simple system of "Fear-Mongering", "Racial Prejudice" (which, by the way, dwells within the hearts of all your races), Greed, Disinformation, and the use of your own Media Channels, we have caused the following:

1. The "White Race", who has, in only recent centuries, become the Dominant Race on your planet, technologically, economically, militarily, etc. has become Demonized. This, the most powerful, (at this point), of your world's races, instead of being embraced and followed into war against my people, is being systematically weakened, detested, taught self-loathing, and, through a process of guilt, is turning away from all things that would have given your people a chance of victory against us.
You have turned your "Lion" into a "Lamb". At the same time, the people who were not in power, have contributed the least, and caused the most worldwide deterioration of you species, are now being place in positions of power, authority and decision, all through "Artificial Means" that have nothing to do with ability, history or deeds.

We believe that your species may actually destroy your one chance of survival, your last "Lion" before we ever even strike. Thank you.

and finally

2. The "Christian" faith begins to topple. By utilizing ancient records of Christians being responsible for mass deaths in various parts of the world, and through the use of your media, again, forcing this information into the minds of your populace, we have managed to keep these acts as fresh in your minds, as if it had happened just yesterday.
Although our 2nd large fear, this religion, has been responsible for incalculable Good, change, education, charity, etc, we have managed to twist the minds of MANY humans, causing them to attack this belief system in a truly bloodthirsty manner.
Anything that strengthens your species, must be destroyed!
Our first concern, was the unfamiliar type of strength that this religion, among others, seems to provide to your people. We have not been able to quantify or isolate the trigger or energy source, but something is definitely occurring with your "believers". We will not say that your "God" or "Gods" actually exist. That would be "Primitive Human Drivel". But, we are concerned with SOME of what we have observed. Things that should not happen, on occasion, seem to happen. And, we have been unable to identify any outside intervention, (other alien, or terrestrial presences).
No matter. We will drive your crosses into the dust before we ever even land our "Planetary DePopulizers" on your soil. Or, more accurately, you will drive them into the dust.
We have found, as strange as it seems, your people still seem to be more affected by the "Guilt" that this religion seems to trigger in your people.
You seem to react more to this guilt, than to all the millions of deaths.
We found that the thought of being responsible for your wrong-doing seems to be simply intolerable for your degenerate species. We laugh at you all!
Although deeds in the past have been evil, (in your eyes), of all the faiths on your planet, none have attempted to heal the wrongs, as much as this one. And, none have done as much to try and aid your species.
And, it is, of course, for this reason, that this belief systems must fall. We cannot allow this to continue.
Through the minds of the twisted, jealous, guilty, weak and frightened, disinformation has been easily achieved. Through us, your people have managed to create an atmosphere where people are ashamed and frightened to continue with, take up, or even state that they are members of this belief system.

In closing, I, on behalf of my people, would like to thank those of you humans, who have sided with us, and are even now, bringing down any hopes you may have had of fending us off.
It is because of you that we will succeed. And, we do appreciate it!


White Race=Bad

Keep up the Good Work.

We will... be in touch.

[edit on 6-3-2009 by SumnerKagan]

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 12:53 AM
Its a great story! reminds me of a few different movies I've seen.

And it does kind of make sense in a funny way. Heck, thats how I would do it.

Is this your own or did you find this elsewhere on the web? If so please post the link to where this is all quoted from.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by SumnerKagan

I can't comment on this, because as far as recorded history goes, there's not one point that humans weren't influenced externally.

Technology is something we could probably claim as our own. But things that heightened our level of awareness, enabling us to explore our extra-human abilities, that we didn't learn on ourselves. Myths and legends imply something non-human passing down the knowledge to us. You could almost say that whatever we are now, it's because of them..

Our present unclassified technology is limited. But faith isn't.

If they have ill intentions for mankind, then they deserve hell. Even though it's too late, if we are at war with an alien race, there are still a lot of opportunities to bring the war right at their doorstep.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by QBSneak000
Its a great story! reminds me of a few different movies I've seen.

And it does kind of make sense in a funny way. Heck, thats how I would do it.

Is this your own or did you find this elsewhere on the web? If so please post the link to where this is all quoted from.

Glad you liked it.
Sorry, no link to another source. I just whipped it up.

I just happened to be looking at some situations, and I thought about a lot of the theories that get tossed around. Then, I tried to view it from a totally disconnected, antagonistic point of view, without any of the "right" or "wrong" stigmas that we label stuff with.
Ignored the right or wrong of comments involving Race or God, either for or against.
And, yeah, that's how I would do it too.
Divide and Conquer.

And, the idea is the same if Africa was the planetary "Super Power" right now, and Wicca was the largest religion in the world.

Which is why I tried to make it clear that Caucasians and Christianity may be the "Big Boys" now, but they weren't always. The pendulum swings back and forth, and everybody gets their turn.

Bringing them down would make the job of taking our world, just so much easier.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 01:54 AM
Well done! it does make one think of the possibility.

You should write more.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 02:29 AM
Nice read, I've consider a scenario smiler, but lacked the creative wring skill to properly formulate it ! One could also perhaps replace Aliens with ruling elite

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 03:56 AM
Anyone else notice the cyclical nature of "world power" starting in say the middle east, then moving west around the world, through various empires and so on. Starting with Sumeria and moving along west as time past? Correct me if I am wrong on that above Just thought it was odd.

The point I am making is it seems power as it where on a world stage is moving west around the world, Right Now Id say we where exiting the North American or US empire as it where toward the Asian nations as the new seat of power in the world.

So what I am saying is the story is flawed in that when one power in the world topples a new one tends to rise, SO if the "white power" and "religion" fall of the west, it looks like the Shift is going toward Asia .

Caucasian Lion in the story will just be usurped by the Asian Lion next.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by QBSneak000
Well done! it does make one think of the possibility.

You should write more.

I write a little, here and there.

Originally posted by OpusMarkII
Nice read, I've consider a scenario smiler, but lacked the creative wring skill to properly formulate it ! One could also perhaps replace Aliens with ruling elite

Exactly! The "Alien" scenario was just a good place to start.
The main point was how easily we can be divided. And, if we are divided that easily, how much harder will it be to conquer us?

Originally posted by benrl
Anyone else notice the cyclical nature of "world power" starting in say the middle east, then moving west around the world, through various empires and so on. Starting with Sumeria and moving along west as time past? Correct me if I am wrong on that above Just thought it was odd.

The point I am making is it seems power as it where on a world stage is moving west around the world, Right Now Id say we where exiting the North American or US empire as it where toward the Asian nations as the new seat of power in the world.

So what I am saying is the story is flawed in that when one power in the world topples a new one tends to rise, SO if the "white power" and "religion" fall of the west, it looks like the Shift is going toward Asia .

Caucasian Lion in the story will just be usurped by the Asian Lion next.

Good point. That probably would be the logical procession of things. The "Pendulum" swings back and forth, and Power changes hands.
But, what if, in this case, that "Logical Procession" were interrupted, or artificially changed?
In essence, keeping ANY Race with "Power Potential" from coming into power.
We would have a planet where the powerful are practically volunteering to give up their power, and "the Weak" (at this time), are being artificially injected into seats of power.
Much like we have now.
Unlike anything seen in nature, we have become a species that seems to be obsessed with tearing itself down, and despising it's own strengths.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by SumnerKagan

Which is why I tried to make it clear that Caucasians and Christianity may be the "Big Boys" now, but they weren't always. The pendulum swings back and forth, and everybody gets their turn.


China's the most populous nation on earth - the most populous race..

and Islam is the most populous religion.

did you mean financially the "big boy" or were you meaning literally.


posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 07:37 AM
Dont invade our planet , just fix the economy , we'll let you have it

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by prevenge

By using the term "Big Boys", I wasn't talking about numbers or area.

I was talking about Balance of Power.

In one way or another, Caucasians and the Christian faith have been labeled with terms that signify positions of Superiority, Control, Manipulation of Worldwide Matters and Bullying of other Nations and Religions.

[edit on 6-3-2009 by SumnerKagan]

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 07:46 PM
I find your use of "The Throne" to be interesting. I was explaining a few weeks ago about how I constructed a question is do these invaders even know what a real Throne is and if so what is their plan for overcoming the one I built.

For example, my Throne shreads Reality. If someone walked up to me and shot me point blank in the head, I'd survive and they'd be remembered for commiting suicide.

Another cute aspect of my Throne is that it traps everything that enters my reality forever and the only way to escape is suicide or I hope they have a craft that can achieve faster than light travel.

I think your invaders' eyes are bigger than their stomachs to be honest.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 06:41 PM
Sorry Huck. Not sure how I was supposed to answer that. Or, "if". hehe.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 07:03 PM
Unless youalready knew: It's impossible to move from one star to another. There are simply too many catches and holes to fall into, so my response to this interstellar travellers, who are by the way hostile when all we know about interstellar travelling insurance companes' policies: Do not engage in any kind of warfare, be it direct or diplomatic. Do never interfere with things like race or religion, and lastly: Live and let live. Unless you do so, we won't pay for your mission, and we WILL find you....

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 07:20 PM
First of all, I hope you are correct about "the rules" that govern Non-Earth agencies, if they exist.

Second, "Moving" from star to star is possible. Nothing is keeping anything from doing it. Moving from star to star within any kind of sane time-frame MAY be a different story.

Finally, the "Alien" theme wasn't meant to remain static. It is interchangeable with NWO, Supernatural Entities, or pretty much ANY group or individuals that would wish to topple our reality as we see it.

And, it was meant to cause a slight tingle at the base of the reader's neck and a light-bulb to appear over their head, as they see similarities between my scenario, and certain events in the real world today.

[edit on 10-3-2009 by SumnerKagan]

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 08:16 PM
I liked the story. You could have fleshed it out a little more, and made a true short story out of it.

Originally posted by prevenge
...China's the most populous nation on earth - the most populous race..

and Islam is the most populous religion. ...

A little off topic: China is no longer the most populous nation on earth, having been surpassed by India a few years ago.

Islam and Christianity (if you include Catholics) are neck-and-neck for most populous religion.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by sir_chancealot
I liked the story. You could have fleshed it out a little more, and made a true short story out of it.


Islam and Christianity (if you include Catholics) are neck-and-neck for most populous religion.

Good Info. Didn't know either of those facts.

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