posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 04:48 PM
If this idea has been posed before then I apologize in advance. That said, has anyone given thought to the idea that the bank bailouts were simply a
debt paid by the government to the banks. My idea is that the government approached the major banks that are in their pocket as well as big money
changers on wall street with the idea of a manufactured collapse. Now initially the banks would lose insane amounts of cash. But would the banks see
it as a justifiable loss when faced with the prospect of a government bailout, plus some extra? I know some people will say that what I am saying is
impossible due to the housing market being the catalyst du jour. But what says the banks never intended to default on the loans and collapse the
bubble? Hell what says the banks were even smart enough to be that forward thinking? So in closing I will focus on my main point in all this. The
bailout was nothing more then debt paid to the banks for services rendered. Just thoughts -J