posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 11:48 PM
Despite that I have more alien, entity, generally paranormal, occult, and other "weird experiences" than I can count, my WEIRDEST experience -- most
inexplicable to me -- isn't any of those things.
For many years I obsessively studied hypnosis, both as a hypnotist and via self-hypnosis. I did some pretty major work with it for many years and
really changed myself as a person for the better. I'm in the top % of hypnotic suggestibility, or I was back then anyway, so I'm a good subject.
Although some of my friends were into some weird things (eg MUFON) I was a skeptic back then. I made fun of abductees in talks about hypnosis; damn
the jokes are just too easy I guess. (So that I would fall into all that experience is like some kind of karmic return I suppose.)
I had a friend, a very low-key, understated, conservative east coast woman who was older than I. She was a hypnotherapist, and much more the therapy
type than I'll ever be. She led a hypnosis social group I was in at the time and it was always her calm reason (when everybody else was so
hilariously at the polarities) that brought us to earth and I really respected her.
One day, I agreed to have her hypnotize me, just for fun. Because I'm so suggestible this is not something I did much and never before or after with
her (partly resulting from this experience). The loose idea was that maybe she'd do a regression. I wanted to see if I could 'revivify' fully. (I
did this spontaneously a couple years later on a separate topic; it is like 'reliving' a memory rather than 'remembering' it.) So we began, and
she suggested that I go 'back'. I remember vaguely wondering to myself if that's what I really wanted to do. Apparently I torqued the experience
with that; I had pretty extreme "lucidity" ability so I think on this one point I (subconsciously) took control. This was around 1990 I believe.
The experience went like this:
I'm sitting against a tree in a forest, tied to it. About 5 men, 2 or 3 asian, are about 20' from me around a small fire. It's dusk, not yet dark.
I'm looking at my shoes. They are interesting to my lucid self as I haven't seen anything quite like them before. They're black, and they are made
kind of like soft but firm slippers that come up to two soft flaps and one folds down against your foot on top and one folds over that. Although it's
just fabric it holds firm. The sole is rubber but not hard. All in all they feel more like some kind of modern moccasin.
My hypnotist asks if I'm tied with rope. I wasn't. I was tied with a clear-opaque, rubberish kind of rope that I somehow 'knew' had to be cut with
ultra-sharp special knife or laser; I had the knowing it was used to hold massive ships in port, because it had the tiniest bit of stretch but simply
could not be pulled apart. She asks what I'm doing there. I say that I've been running, and they've caught me, and I'm pretty sure they're going
to kill me now. So she takes me years back in time.
I'm lying on a beach I know is in the hawaiian islands somewhere. My boyfriend is younger than I am, I know as I look at him lying there, blonde and
a little curly haired, next to me. I have a little money but not a lot, I understand at that point; I've done something 'slightly public' I sense,
I can't get what though, maybe publishing a book, something not important but that got me enough funds to change what I did for a living and got at
least a few people to take me seriously for some reason. She moves me ahead in time to some 'key point' of importance.
I have a friend, a man I'd known for awhile. He is telling me, in all seriousness, that he's an alien. I'm laughing; he looks totally normal. He
says that he and 5 others came in a small craft to do a combined study here; he was a sort of xeno-anthro-pologist. There was some reason he chose me
to get close to but I didn't explore that. He tells me that he's discovered the other members of his crew have sold out, they've done something
highly illegal. Granted it appeared everybody had done it, but apparently situation was prime-right and they had walked right into opportunity. He had
to tell me though my life was in danger if I knew; someone had to tell my people. He felt great remorse about it.
At this point I realized I was in MY future and was so shocked by this I came completely out of trance and exclaimed, "This is the future!" "Back
to sleep" she says and I go out.
His people had made a deal with the governments of the USA and China. Apparently in some larger government we know not of, the requirement for open
contact is a one world government, The deal was, China and the USA would partner and pretend to be different sides/polarities of a single government.
This would allow the team to present them and to be their official representatives. In exchange for this they had arranged for the governments massive
tech to help bring all the people of the world into line behind this illusion. And in exchange for the tech the governments had jointly agreed that
they would give these guys South America. I mean literally... the whole continent. Apparently they wanted it for botanical reasons, it was more rare
than we knew, but also some aliens as a game preserve and others for other reasons; they could build it out as they chose. My friend felt that most
the people would be enslaved or obliterated. As an anthropologist dedicated to NOT interfering, this was horrible to him.
I had an interview, briefly on television, allegedly about something else. I planned it, live, and blurted out the info, as succintly as I could. They
cut me off, acted like I crazy, that was it. But I shortly saw (and 'felt' somehow) the people after me.
I went to the Ozarks to hide. Eventually tracked them, to stay behind them. They eventually caught me, many days later. I'm back against the tree and
the men seem to have come to a conclusion.
One of the asian guys came up and kicked me in the head. I nearly fell off my chair in the room. Then he takes out a very jagged knife, like fisherman
use, and literally guts me. I feel myself dying and she brings me out.
I told her it was obviously hallucination, ridiculous. I refused to be hypnotized by her or anybody after that.
19 years later, I don't know what to think. A movie script maybe?
Not making this up. Might be crazy or creative-back-then, but serious now.