Ok, thanks for the feedback. First of all the reason I believe in ghosts in the first place is the following:
The following was posted by me to the following thread, I did not want to type it all again so copied it here from the following
How many here have actually seen a ghost?
First a little history that I believe is related to the incident.........
From about the age of 10 my younger sister would start screaming at the top of her lungs. This was sometimes at night while we were all sleeping and
sometimes in broad daylight. She would tell us that she would see a lady silouetted in white. Most of the time the lady would simply appear, float in
place and then dissipate while other times she believe that this lady was trying to speak to her. On a few occasions my sister's friends experienced
seeing this lady also with the same screaming results. I myself, I thought she was having issues at the time (I was 13 and thought it was girl stuff)
and did not believe her. This went on for probably close to 3 years that we lived at this house, but the incidents seemed to decrease from the time we
first moved in(She did not experience this until we moved to this house).
We moved to another house a few miles away from the previous address. We lived there for about 2 years with no more incidents. I had pretty much
forgotten about my sisters "lady in white" as I am sure she had started to do.
Ok, here we go. The following are events that started happening to me.
I had a dream that I had walked out our sliding glass door into our backyard and walked to the backyard gate and opened (This gate opened to a wide
open field where we dumped our grass and yard debris). When I opened the gate there was this dog waiting there, he seemed un-menacing, I turned around
and headed back to the sliding door. As I approached the door I found that I had building sense of urgency to get back in the house and close the
door. In my dream I made it to the door and quickly closed it. This dog was sitting outside the door begging to be let inside. Even know I was fearful
at this time for some damned reason I opened the door..........Then I woke up. A little later that day my Mom asked me if I had snuck out the gate as
it was open that morning..........Goosebumps.......
A few days later our family dog, a min pin, and I were in our family room watching television. I heard a creak and crackle in the back corner of the
room which seemed to be emanating from the ceiling or roof. This was a loud noise almost comparable with what would seem like a giant outside the
house pushing down on that corner of the roof. Our min pin was growling and had his center strip of hair standing at attention while intently staring
at the corner and he then promptly exited the room. The sounds while diminished continued. I exited a short time later. (There were a few occasions
while watching television in which the TV would turn off or on or off for no reason during this time. I am not sure if it was related.)
I tried for the most part to avoid the family room as it had started to make me feel uneasy when in the room. I started to spend a lot more time in my
room. I don't remember how many days after the living room incident, maybe a week and a half I began to hear tapping in the wall of my room. This
tapping had no apparent rhythm or time of occurence. I would get up off my bed or chair to investigate and the sound would stop. This tapping at times
seemed to almost be a knock. I knew it was not anyone on the outside because when I first heard it I thought one of my friends had hopped the fence
and was outside knocking and had gone to check....nobody there. This went on for a few days and night....tapping, knocking some creaks and cracks and
the occasional hint of what seemed to be small shadow movements out of the corner of my eye.
Main incident...Here come my goosebumps again......
[edit on 5-3-2009 by nonnez]