posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 04:21 PM
Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Facefirst, did you vote for Bush in 2000? I did. Big mistake believing that expletive deleted.
They don't give a rat's a$$ what we think. They are going to do what they want come hell or highwater.
No. I did not vote for Bush in 2000. I am an independent and reserve my vote for who I think has the best, ideas, experience and the expertise in the
ever more important area of Foreign Policy. (ie. Tact) Bush had very few of those IMO. Prior to becoming president, Junior had never been outside of
the United States, save for a trip to Canada. I truly believe that his world veiws are limited and a bit skewed as a result.
They also seem to turn a deaf ear toward's public opinion. Junior doesn't even read the papers! He should, as it would give him a broader and more
open understanding of how and why the American people as well as the rest of the world thinks and feels. This ties in directly with our neighbors such
as France, Germany and others.
I think Junior's heart is in the right place, but I do not think he has the ability to come up with and follow through with the best possible
[Edited on 28-4-2004 by Facefirst]