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Coverage of the Near Earth Object

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posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 02:59 PM
Funny watching NBC News last night, and the report of the object that came close to the Earth. If we (Earth) had been hit by it, it would have been like 10 Hiroshima bombs at once. Now, how can something like this only get 10-20 SECONDS of airtime, but the report right after it about whales took like 5-7 minutes! Isn't people being prepared in the event of a cosmic collision (which is inevitably going to happen whether in our lifetimes or not) more important and shouldn't there be some type of plan-of-action in place? I mean, it's not like if there is a plan everyone would be admitting to "aliens", as there are in fact objects entering our atmosphere. So, it is a realistic threat.

Now, on the back side of all this, how many people wonder about the satellites that "smashed into each other" over Siberia? Haven't we been having alot of meteorites lately? The one in Canada was before the satallite crash, I just wonder if the satellite thing was just a story to keep us from freaking out about things that they know are getting ready to hit us. When things do come down, everyone will just say "Oh, there's a piece of that darn satellite," instead of being prepared for catastrophe.

Do you think that the thinking is that we wouldn't make it out alive probably anyways (if we were hit by large debris), so why have a plan?

[edit on 4-3-2009 by scrubsnstuffkim]

[edit on 4-3-2009 by scrubsnstuffkim]

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 03:27 PM
I am glad to see other people are noticing this.
I bet we are going to start seeing a lot more activity going on over our heads.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 03:42 PM
My science teacher was explaining this story to my class. He said it was 10 stories and could've wiped us all out...

I guess he wanted us scared or something. Though I get so frustrated when I hear his Bull ****.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by Trams

How so? What frustrates you about it? Your science teacher was telling you what the news had said about the size....I guess I just don't understand why you are frustrated. Can you elaborate??

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by foremanator

Well, shouldn't we be expecting it?? I mean isn't that the point of the satellite story? Anything seen weird in the sky can just be written off to that.....

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 03:57 PM
FOX News carried it for a couple of minutes this morning. They mentioned that it came close to Earth and the next time will be in 2029.

Maybe they don't think it's relevant for us to prepare, as we're gonna blink out on 12/21/12 anyway!

Might be a good time to head underground with the reptiles

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by scrubsnstuffkim

He told my whole classroom, that the world would have ended. Guess what? Since he was the teacher they believed him. The Ignorance!

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by scrubsnstuffkim
If we (Earth) had been hit by it, it would have been like 10 Hiroshima bombs at once. Now, how can something like this only get 10-20 SECONDS of airtime, but the report right after it about whales took like 5-7 minutes! Isn't people being prepared in the event of a cosmic collision (which is inevitably going to happen whether in our lifetimes or not) more important and shouldn't there be some type of plan-of-action in place?

Well, it came and went, and we didn't get hit, what else was left to say about that? even if we know we can be hit in our life time, what's the point on saying it today and provoke mass hysteria? as bad as it sounds, it is true, either it hits or not, and this time, it didn't so we should move on, and starting to make people afraid on a news channel that thousand of people watch because of something that didn't happen and may not happen in our life time is not something you should expect, it would be of no good to anyone.

If there is a plan, it will certainly not involve saving everyone, only specific groups can be saved in a mass destruction event like the one you are thinking, so, no information will be given to those who are not gonna make it / those who can't make it (small countries, islands, etc)

The entire planet population can't be moved out of the way if something like this happens, and there would not be enough time to actually do it in any case, neither there would be enough resources to do it, so pretty much we must take it that if something like this happens, we are on our own, and only the strong/lucky will survive, if we still can't prevent earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters, then i don't see how we could prevent something like a big asteroid hitting earth.

Sadly, we're most probably screwed if that happens.

[edit on 4-3-2009 by Kaifan]

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Trams

How is your teacher stupid because he told you the truth? Do you know what ONE hiroshima bomb would do, much less 10? Just because a "teacher" told you something, you automatically assume it is false? I don't get that....

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by Kaifan

Believe me, I definately don't think it's preventable, by any means. What I was suggesting is a little more emphasis should be raised by the MSM about preparedness. Because they aren't being alittle more aggressive about making people aware that they need to have a plan (be it on a massive scale, or a personal one) and they need to get serious about it. Not just brush it off as another 15 second news story. Why tell us at all? Why even get anyone aggitated about "what could have been"? Isn't that what we've all been talking about on ATS???

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by scrubsnstuffkim
reply to post by Trams

How is your teacher stupid because he told you the truth? Do you know what ONE hiroshima bomb would do, much less 10? Just because a "teacher" told you something, you automatically assume it is false? I don't get that....

Because he doesn't know the future, he doesn't know if it was going to hit with the power of ten hiroshima boms, or 20, or a hundred, and he doesn't know if it will actually end the world, or just a country, and saying it like that can only cause psychological problems with some people, if they start living in fear because someone told them the world ends any one of these days, their lives can be affected in a big way, there are people who can't handle certain things very well, remember that, and i also think this is a stupid teacher, he should not talk so easy, how irresponsible can some people be?

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 04:24 PM
Actually this topic and fear have been given plenty of consideration. Just look at the number of movies of this exact scenario.

I would imagine the real problem in dealing with these possibilities is political. If say the US were put up a satellite armed with a device to deflect incoming asteroids, comets or debris we would be immediately called liars and the safety device would be considered a weapon. Damned if we do and damned if we don't as they say. Do you think any other country doing it would be believed either?

If any country did this tomorrow does anyone here think that a conspiracy thread would not immediately start about how the safeguard was actually a conspiracy to destroy the earth or something?

Our own fear of each other will keep us incapable of protecting the Earth against these things until we grow the hell up as a species.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by scrubsnstuffkim
a little more emphasis should be raised by the MSM about preparedness.

Beyond the already numerous movies and documentaries that are shown constantly, what more could they do? We could put weapons up to protect us, but for my thoughts on that see the above post of mine.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by scrubsnstuffkim

How do you prepare? Like in the '60's? Bomb shelters? Duck and cover drills? A major impact (or airburst) is essentially a random occurrence like an earthquake. Unlike an earthquake, every spot on the planet has the same likelihood of being hit. With a very large impact it doesn't matter where you are. There is no preparation that will do any good.

[edit on 3/4/2009 by Phage]

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by Kaifan

Saying something will and could are two different things. If something of that size were to his this planet, it very well would have a devistating effect. There is too much evidence from other planets/moons in our solar system to suggest this as the truth, much less indications from our planets own past. So, how was the teacher irresponsible for making people aware of impending possiblities?? Are you suggesting that our "kids" can't take it?? Why would they be so interested in the topics we discuss here at ATS if they can't even wrap their minds around the possibility and the ramifications of such an event as this?? That's what I don't understand.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by blujay

How do you prepare to be hit by an object from outer space? Dead is dead and vaporized is vaporized. If you panic before it happens it seems a waste of time. Why worry about things you can't control anyway? If a planet killer comes along, we could not do anything. May as well not fret over it until it happens and then you won't much care.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 04:33 PM
Well, yeah i agree with you on that, but i guess they tell because the people will know anyway, and besides, the way they informed about this doesn't do any harm.

People most probably will react as they expect them to, doing nothing at all, it is just another news story and tomorrow they will forget about it.

How could msm inform people to be prepared for something like this?

Let take for instance, if some news channel were to start giving people advice on how to be prepared for a mayor tsunami, what would people think or do? panic comes to mind, even if you say it is just 'in case', we know what may happen on people's minds right?

Remember how lots of people believe whatever they see on msm, if its on TV, then it is true, the same for radio, etc, remember 'war of the worlds'..

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by scrubsnstuffkim

Asteroids the size of 2009 DD45 are estimated to hit the Earth about every 100 years (on average).


Asteroids the size of a 10-story building, 30 meters (100 feet) across, are about the smallest that can cause significant damage. Typically, these asteroids explode several miles above Earth's surface in a large fireball. The great majority of them would blow apart harmlessly over the ocean or an unpopulated area. Because these asteroids are so small, we have little hope of reliably detecting or tracking the estimated 200 million asteroids this size that cross Earth's orbit.

The pressure of the meteorite's impact on Earth's atmosphere causes it to explode with the force of a few megatons of TNT, more than 100 times the strength of the nuclear bombs used in Japan during World War II. Shock waves may damage objects on the ground. Some meteorite fragments might survive the explosion and rain down over the area.

Significant damage from the blast very high in the atmosphere, but not devastating.

[edit on 3/4/2009 by Phage]

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by Phage

I guess it was the way it was addressed. It seems like such an important topic, and yet was gently brushed over....

Now, don't misunderstand me...I am not saying (or suggesting) that we can stop, or even survive, something like that militarily or otherwise, but I am more wanting to bring attention to the "smallness" of it to the MSM, and how big of a deal it really is. As I am sure all of you here know, we aren't told everything, so why tell us anything? Sometimes I question why they ARE telling us something.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by Phage

Thank you for the info, Phage.... I'm really not trying to start a fight or make anyone afraid....just wanted to see what people thought and if anyone else agreed with me.....

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