Barackhenaten & Renaissance Tiye with Radiance & Rosebud
President Barack Obama looks amazingly like Akhenaten the father of monotheism. Michelle Obama looks amazingly like Akhenaten's mother, Queen Tiye.
Akhenaten had two daughters by Nefertiti They look amazingly like Malia and Sasha. The code names of Renegade, Renaissance, Radiance and Rosebud
correlate well with the ancient depiction of the Royal Family.
Are the First Family clones?
"Human genetic material, largely undamaged after 2,400 years, has been extracted from an Egyptian mummy and has been grown in the laboratory. One
2,400-yr-old mummy of a child was found to contain DNA that could be molecularly cloned in a plasmid vector. These analyses show that substantial
pieces of mummy DNA can be cloned and that the DNA fragments seem to contain little or no modifications introduced postmortem."
New York Times
April 16, 1985
I have been showing off my art work of Barack Obama as Akhenaten to see what people think. Admittedly, most of my friends already see the world
differently than your average citizen. Let's just say they already come with a conspiracy bent. My hope is to instill wonder in our world and to say
that things just might be a little stranger than you thought.
I would show my friends this picture and say, "What do you think?" Without any other comment.
They would say, "Well, he does look a lot like Akhenaten."
My jaw would dangle just a bit.
I say, "OK, I understand that you do not know that this woman next to Barackhenaten is Akhenaten's mother, Queen Tiye."
"That's really her face?" They ask.
I say, "I have done nothing to alter their faces. I simply found a photo that was facing the right direction and their mouth was closed. I cut the
face in half and super-imposed it on the ancient busts."
"That is amazing!"
"It gets even stranger." I say, "I found that Akhenaten had two daughters from Queen Nefertiti...
I wait for it.
"They do look like Akhenaten's children!"
"Notice in this ancient frieze of Akhenaten and Nefertiti with their two girls, what is the other most prominent features of this picture?" I
"Didn't Akhenaten worship the sun god Aten?"
"Oh, and the flowers."
"Exactly. Do you know the code names the secret service gave the first family?"
"Isn't that a secret?"
"I guess it should be but, no, it was in the news. Their names are Renegade, Renaissance, Radiance, and Rosebud."
"Radiance and Rosebud?"
"Absolutely. Here look for yourself."
"Well, what do you think now?" I ask.
"Are there family connections?"
Come on, what are the odds that a woman that looks exactly like the mother of Akhenaten would marry a man who looks exactly like Akhenaten and have
two children that look exactly like the offspring of Akhenaten and Nefertiti?
As a kid my mind was open to such possibilities. As I studied the pyramids and ancient astronauts, I knew mummification had a mysterious property that
we in the, then, 20th century could not reproduce. Our new mummies decompose. The ancient Egyptian mummies did not. I knew this allowed for the
retrieval of a viable cell for cloning and I pondered if there would be some day when "they" would bring back the Pharaohs. I was thinking of some
Armageddon script when the dead would walk the Earth. What I never thought of was, the clones coming out as the first family of America!
"Today is a great day to live." They say.
This is not to be racist, but there will always be similarities in racially tall and skinny black people, and the pharoes were genetically close to
this ethnic stereotype, so I doubt there's meaning there. Plus we don't have photos of the pharoes so we don't know how accurate the statues are,
or even if they are correctly identified.
Obama has Nigerian ascendency, and that's geographically close to Egypt, which again reinforces the idea it's just normal racial traits. Don't make
these threads too often or the New World Order priest cast, whoever they are, will try and spin Obama into a god figure, even more than they have
tried to do already.