posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 04:51 AM
In this post, I want to compile the UFO evidence that I feel is the most convincing. The aim is to build up a selection of footage that in my opinion,
has not been faked or manipulated because let's face it, there's a hell of a lot out there. I've tried to get my hands on videos that get up-close,
have a steady camera and have good resolution.
I'm not an imaging expert (Although I do have A-levels in Photography and Graphic Design and an Honours Degree in Film and TV
) so I can't really
prove that any of these videos have not been faked. Nevertheless, I think that many of the fake videos can be spotted even by someone who hasn't had
much training.
I also invite others to post what they think is "convincing" footage.
So, I'll start off with this, posted on YouTube on Jan 31 2009
YouTube Link
There's a point around 2:30 where the object does a kind of "wipe" and disappears from the sky. In my opinion, very convincing footage. We can also
take into account the reference point in the video at the start; the camera zooms in from a wide angle shot of the building.
The next video is from "Out of the Blue" aired on the Sci-Fi channel, complete with some analysis from Bill George, a visual effects supervisor from
Lucasfilm's Industrial Light and Magic.
YouTube Link
Finally for now, this clip from "UFO: Fact or Fiction?" from Zone Reality hosted by none other than Jonathan Frakes of Star Trek fame. What strikes
me about this video is that the object is such a strange shape. The sides and markings are extremely clear.
YouTube Link
Thanks for reading, I am interested in hard evidence and would welcome other videos that are clear and up close. Feel free to post anything you find
that matches this criteria because the only way we will ever find out what's really going on in our skies is through a sincere effort to bring
evidence like this to public attention. People who deliberately disinform and try to rubbish this stuff are denying you and I our right to the truth.