posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by truthbetold4U
The most important thing in your life is the only thing that no one can take from you. It can change the course of human history or just the course
of your life. It makes or breaks Kings, Presidents, Dictators, countries, Empires, and Corporate CEO's. It is the reason you are living the life you
are living, and the reason I am living the life I am living.
It can cause a host of illnesses or completely cure ANY illness.
It can make you happy or unbearably miserable.
What is it Dirk????
Your thought life!!!!!
We can all end this right now!!!
Our thoughts are the most powerful unstoppable force in this universe.
Why do you think that TPTB are trying soooo hard to controll them???
They are well aware that we are powerful beyond measure.
"Our greatest fear is not that we are insignifigant, but, that we are powerful beyond measure".