reply to post by gYvMessanger
The Talmud lists the 7 laws,
1. Prohibition of Idolatry: You shall not have any idols before God.
2. Prohibition of Murder: You shall not murder. (Genesis 9:6)
3. Prohibition of Theft: You shall not steal.
4. Prohibition of Sexual Promiscuity: You shall not commit any of a series of sexual prohibitions, which include adultery, incest, bestiality and
male homosexual intercourse.
5. Prohibition of Blasphemy: You shall not blaspheme God's name.
6. Dietary Law: Do not eat flesh taken from an animal while it is still alive. (Genesis 9:4)
7. Requirement to have just Laws: You shall set up an effective judiciary to enforce the preceding six laws fairly.
1,4,5, 7 are devoted to enforcing a belief system upon people and controlling their mind & body - how could anyone say one group has the right to
enforce these on another?
2,3 and 6 are mostly sensible, although exactly what is 'murder' and 'theft' have changed quite a bit in modern times, they're hardly conclusive
- we can deduce that from the fact the penalty is death, murder apparently isn't murder if you kill a gay person, or the person said something
against god (like presumably i am doing now -does this post mean I deserve death?)!
I don't think you can claim only a small portion of Judaism follows these rules, they are built into the very core of judo-christian-islamic
tradition, the morals of them are repeated time and time again - the ten commandments are basically the same but with a few more added (now even
someone who wants next doors ass deserves death)
For the old world jew the rule was anyone that obeyed the laws was ok but if they weren't jewish then you could and should treat them like a second
class citizen - they weren't part of gods chosen so didn't really matter, they however had to treat each other much better, over 600 rules dictate
how they should act, these then got 'edited' by 'wise' men but the world of god remained the most powerful word, these rules given to noah,
rewritten for (by) moses were still very clear.
Then came jesus, for the christians he muddied the water no end, fulfilling the law and dieing for our sins however clearly stating he wasn't here to
change the law, in fact he made it even tighter AGAIN -now simply THINKING about sex was adultery, the message remained clear we should stick to gods
original laws (v4 (don't forget adams 6) so again i deserve to die for my actions while writing this post
The muslims were soon to get an even more confused dogma, even tighter version of the laws -however again the prophet seemed to relax much of the
lords teaching for example compared to the talmud or the new testiment the koran is practically a feminist manifesto however once again those core
rules remain. -although islam teaches that christianity is wrong about much of jesus, even down to the fact they say he could talk when still newborn
and was born under a tree not in a manger the noahide principles are intact.
So to sum up; Adam given 6 laws, noad gets 7, moses, 10, Jewish lawyers get over 600, jesus enhances, mohamad peach be upon him enchances them again -
then it get REALLY crazy...
The roman empire uses christianity to hold together it's falling empire, the once mighty senate is replaced by the papalcy and iconography, jesus and
mary idols, etc become common -then later people like john calvin have a reformation, The Interpritation of the laws, certainly the minor laws is
radically changed again (nothing like the original's) but it doesn't end then - each system fragments again and again, southern baptists and the
armish spring up each with a new and unique version of the laws. The same happens in islam, sunny and sh'ite but allso waharbi and a million other
factions. The same in judaism, each groups practice differing wildly - however one thing remains the same...
in ALL these groups, the same central pillar remains, those rules given first to adam then noah then moses make up the very core of all moral and
practical life choices, every step of the way they have been the main foundation of all holy law.
I would argue that they are the basis for a mechanism for control which has been used by elite clergy everywhere though out all judao-christian
nations and beyond. Maybe we wouldn't be where we are today without them, however now we are all wise men we should realize that no one has the
right to control other people. Sure some of the sentiments are good but 'do not murder' is only a fair law if it means don't kill anyone-for if
the killer is to chose whats 'murder' and whats 'justice' then how could it ever be fair? it's time to faze out our religious past, our mixed up
dogma and confused morals -we need to start again.
So really i don't think it matters if the face of this or that religion gets distorted again, none of them will last much longer and it's not like
anyone of them have clean hands, all the worlds water wouldn't wash the blood from religions hands. The crazy people seem to be taking over the
religions because all the sensible people realize it's not worth fighting about anymore, it's time to move on.