posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 06:17 AM
Folks, I believe, however, If I see one more Asian sky lantern video on this board I think I might just smash my noggin into my monitor. I fail to
understand how posters who reply to threads with Chinese Lantern replies are mocked or are blatantly ignored. If it looks like a duck and quacks like
a duck, IT'S A DUCK. Now I certainly understand if you are waiting on your dog to do it's business and pull out your phone to film a pretty moon. I
also understand you getting excited when some strange lights float by. After you run back to your house, blow out your flip-flop, post the vid on a
message board and someone replies with a Chinese Lantern explanation, THINK ABOUT IT. Google it before you fire back. It's sad that UFO buffs cannot
be taken seriously. Why? If guilty,because of people like you.
The amount of Sky lantern videos on this site recently is astounding. Why? Because this time period directly correlates with this years Chinese new
year celebration. It doesn't even need to be the Chinese new year. These things can be purchased in student science shops, kite shops and mail
ordered. They can be purchased singly, in two's, fours & fives. Due to the candle they flicker, go on and off and seemingly multiply as a result. Due
to the wind they change direction , hover, speed up and slow down. I've played with Khoom Loy lanterns myself. It' was one of the funnest times
I've ever had. It's 100 percent guarantee that if you release some many will scream "UFO".
I am sorry that I ranted. I am sorry that I raved. I want my interesting board back. I 'm not posting any examples here. I've done that all before
and you refused to see the duck. Rather than post your Video for a "high five", why don't you research it yourself. If you had to present it at an
office meeting, I bet you wouldn't be so lazy. I bet you wouldn't present it at all.
I know, I know "Bad Hypno".
[edit on 2-3-2009 by HypnoAsp]