posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 11:53 PM
I should add that the phrase which comes to mind here reminds me of when I was about 20. I wanted a motorcycle. My father, who'd ridden one much of
his life (had a Harley 1100 Sportster around then as I recall), it was kind of funny to watch his face when I told him this. I saw this huge internal
war going on. He desperately wanted, it was obvious, to bellow "No, no, a thousand times no!" but he knew if he said no, or even seemed against it,
I was most likely to go do exactly that, and he was afraid for me. After about 15 seconds of serious internal struggle, he finally managed to say,
sounding almost calm:
"It's very unforgiving."
Many things you can survive. The likelihood of surviving something on a motorcycle (or not having your flesh ripped off your bones) is considerably
I think it's the same for weapons. Knives and clubs are useless against someone better with it than you are, or a lot stronger. Guns are nice but if
you don't have conscious control of yourself then damn, guns are not for you I think. Tasers will really hurt someone, can put them down, but likely
will not kill them. That makes something like that a much better weapon. You could combine it with other things as-needed such as mace.
I put my daughter in karate when she was 7; she'll have a blackbelt by 18 or sooner. I told her I'd get her trained in firearms as soon as I
considered her mature enough, which is not yet, but maybe in a year or two. I nearly bought a gun several times but I couldn't find a decent
affordable fast access gun safe -- that makes me mad. Safety first.