posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 07:09 AM
Bush is a moron, look at the state of things at the moment, its all going to end up in mass murder, maybe even nuclear..eventually.
Thats what happens when people are driven by greed and little brains....
Bush is a bully, I dont fear bullies, but I fear there stupidity.
There is a whole world full of nice people, peacefull people, in Europe, middle east, everywhere.
Dont let racist Texan bastards drive hate into your hearts.
And can a sick warmongering carpet bombing loser praise god??
9/11 was expected, they tried to bomb it in the 80's but failed.
Just took a ruthless braindead psychotic junky moron like Bush to allow such evil.
And come on be honest...most of the US presidents have been morons.
But hey proves your vote means nothing...
Republican = stupid
Have to be stupid and selfish just to be one:/