hi you all,
"everyone" talks about the 2012 sollstice...
I discovered a "new" truth/question(and answer)
As the galactic allignment takes place , where will the moon be at that "moment"?
As it turnes out the moon wil be BETWEEN the earth and the sun on the evening of 11 dec 2012!!!(around 23.00)
select dec. 2012(go)
so then there's(if i'm correct); the galactic centre,the sun,the moon,earth
all you(I)ever hear is GC-sun-earth in the coming 2012 sollstice
The galactic centre puts out massive amounts of "cosmic radiation"(or gravitational waves?)
with the("newly discovered")2012 sollstice, it's not just the sun and earth
BUT it's Gal.C.+sun+MOON+earth
there could be tremendous gravitational forses at hand here
GC-radiation AMPLIFIED by the gravitational pull from the sun,AMPLIFIED by the gravitational pull from the moon
directed at US, at earth.
the moon(in new moon phase)could glow bleu/red(as been foretold)by the amplified radiation(northern lights effect?)
there's your nibiru/planet x.....
the earth (supposes to)stops spinning for three days(as been foretold)
could the moon become trapped between these gravitational forces?
And thus change the earth's rotation(creating a poleshift?)
how about yellowstone's-supervulcano in such an event?
or how about the "humm" a lot of people are (recently)hearing around the world?
is there evidence?
history/stories about maya,sollstice,end off days,nibiru,gods,5the new world,solar alltime low,
massive solar bursts predicted,more earthquakes,more hurricanes,holes in the ground and al lot off
"side" predictions/science with 2012 as a focal point
the world is changing fast
any thoughts?
greatings, seppsoft