posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 11:27 PM
VERY interesitng...few years ago, on discovery channel, thier was a special about a house in CA? that is totaly respends to yuor
voice, and adjusts tmeperature, bath, flushes toilet, at yuor command.. they also did a sepcial in same program, about how in CA, they were testing
computerized go in, shop, and an airport looking metal detector, scans you, and charges you credit. It wa supposed to be with a
microchip card ro something like that. BVUt,t hey were still expermienting, acording to the special, This was in like 2004 or 5.
scary, aint it? to top it off, it would put mnay more people outa, and god knows how many others, wouldnt really need employees
anymore, because it would be impossible to steel anyting.