posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 11:15 AM
I actually think he meant, would you rather be unaware of what's going on around you and be happy (but naive) or would you rather be aware and
knowledgeable, but miserable due to life's downfalls, setbacks, etc?
That's how I perceived the question anyway, considering I've asked myself this a number of times.
The world is not exactly a place to be proud of. Granted, there are some wonderful things to enjoy, but there is so much more to bring us down.
For example, I'm an absolute nature nut. Yet being aware of how closed-minded we are to conservation of our many delicate species warps that love for
nature, and just becomes depressing in the long run. This applies to so much more, that's just the best example I could come up with off the top of
my head.
I really don't know if I would prefer to be happy or knowledgeable. I often envy those who are naive and ignorant, as they can live happily in a
mad-gone world with little to no concern about all the problems we have to face.
However, I would never want to be one of them because they just contribute further to the problem. It's true that ignorance is bliss, but ignorance
also helps a problem stay alive, and often even make it worse. I'm no genius by any means, but I will always admire my ability to see things for what
they really are, and approach the world with an open mind. I don't know what I'd do without that ability, and I feel that the misery and depression
that occasionally comes with it is a worthy price to pay for the gift of awareness.
However, to be able to see many of the problems in our world and know there is little to nothing you can do about it is a very crippling thought..
I'm quite content with dealing with the ups and downs. It's not a very happy life, but atleast I know what's going on.
Hope I answered properly? Or was that not what you meant?