posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 03:37 AM
Who me? The one sitting here at 4:23 in the morning? Blurry eyed and an ashtray full of cigs I don't even remember smoking? I did manage to cook some
dinner for the famiy this week - only one of them got burned, the meals that is - muhahaha
Yes, I'm an addict. I love ATS ::warm fuzzies:: I simply can't get enough and I haven't even ventured into the creative writing sector yet. One of
the many things I love about ATS is how international the membership is; just tonight we got to learn about lights in the sky in London in real time.
This is an awesome community with a lot of very intelligent minds, experts, thinkers, researchers, and the loose nut here and there.
You can not trust mainstream media outlets. If you've read up about secret societies then you'll know why. I'd rather hear the truth from people on
the ground rather then the packaging mainstream is going to give you. I would highly recommend Jim Marrs (he has his own board here) book "Rule by
Secrecy." A highly enlightening book and a must read for any ATSer.
Finally, I couldn't help but feel you were punking on some of us a bit. I'm into personal responsibility and freedom. If I choose to be up all night
and day reading thread after thread - that's my business honey. And frankly, your op is of no consequence to me. Keep on enjoying ATS yourself and
soon, yes very soon, you'll be one of US. Muahahaha
Self Edit for inappropriate personal comment
[edit on 2/28/2009 by Whisper67]