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Assisted suicide ring members prep for court fight

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posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 11:56 PM

Assisted suicide ring members prep for court fight

ATLANTA – Members of an assisted suicide ring say they've done nothing wrong and seem eager for a court battle over criminal charges they helped a Georgia man kill himself, while their supporters are using the case as a rallying cry for more debate about end-of-life issues.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 11:56 PM
This is something that is something that needs more attention in my opinion. The government needs to stop prosecuting cases like this an instead deal with the real problems that affect the population. Why the governement think that they are better suited to tell someone whether they should live in complete torture.

I have wonder for a long time whats behind it Big Pharma that want this people to live as long as possible so they can cash in on treaments and drugs? Is it the religious fanatics inside the governement trying to imposse their agenda and vision on others? Combination of both? Either way I think that is someone is capable of making an inform decision about their lives specially how they want to end it, and in that process they need guidance on how to end their lives with dignity and as painless as possible, they should be allowed to do so.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 08:17 PM
This is something I have firsthand experience with so I figured I'd post my opinion.

My wife's mother had a treatable form of MS. She was on medications which made her easily depressed and suicidal. The 'medical experts' in this group felt that her condition qualified for assisted suicide. It was, incidentally, the same group listed here.

So you have people, whose basic qualification is literally that you have an 'intolerable' condition. Not terminal. Not excruciatingly painful. Just... intolerable. They then take 50 dollars from you and send you a bag and a helium bottle. They then TALK YOU THROUGH the process - thus getting you to go the full way when perhaps you might have a second chance. In the end, I cannot see much of what they are doing as anything but ugly profiteering on people who, perhaps in a moment of weakness, commit to a permanent decision.

These people irrevocably changed my wife's life. She had an argument with her mother, then got a phone call a day later as her mom committed suicide effectively out of spite. Her god-mother found the body. I have seen similar opinions that 'people in terminal conditions should be allowed to die'. Perhaps. But what about people in non-terminal conditions? What about people who are just messed up because of the meds they are taking and are depressed? Is that good enough for assisted suicide?

After several years my wife finally made progress in forgiving her mother and herself for what happened, but this was something that caused her to go on medications and consider suicide herself.

It's amazing how far reaching the implications of one person's choice can go. And should these people be liable? I believe so - they provided the kit, the knowledge, and a counselor to walk her through the process.

One could say there are bigger fish to fry, but let's not forget that people commit suicide every day because of financial circumstances, loss of house, job, wife, or whatever. Do we really need people helping them do it? How would you feel if you came over to a family member's house to find them face down with a bag over their face because they had succumbed to suicidal depression?


posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 08:12 PM
I'm sorry to hear your story.

Like I said in my OP, im only in favor of assisted suicides for those people who are living in torture day in and day out. May be that wasn't your situation with your wife mother and you are right that if that wasn't the case someone should be found liable and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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