posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 01:39 PM
i see this discussion died downa few days ago but still - something caught my eye.
in response to youaredreaming's question:
yes i have dreamt things that came to pass, but never the next day. it basically started with a powerful sensation of deja vu - if anyone has ever
experienced that, you know that it is generally fleeting ( a few moments at most). this sensation only got more powerful as it went on, lasting
probably a full two minutes. by the end of it i had remembered the specific dream, remembered waking up from it and having one of those "what a
wierd dream" days. the dream and the event were seperated by several months. what i dreamt was basically a freeze frame veiw of a parking lot ona
rainy day as veiwed from an apartment window. you could say it was prob 1/1000th of the overall information in the dream, but the one view WAS THERE.
the view (real world) and the deja vu occured the first time i ever visited this apartment (saucy backstory there fyi).
there are many other small bits and synchronicitous events that occured in relation to this story, but i will omit for the sake of brevity. needless
to say, it changed the way i look at reality. i spent alot of time wondering how something like that could have happened but soon had to simply
accept it. it has happened since then, and its always very strange. never have i been able to draw any connections between one premonition and
another - nothing significant ever really happens in those moments (that i am aware of) and ive never been able to pick out which event from which
dream will manifest as reality.
as such, there's no practical application of this yet for me. all i know is that in certain dreams of mine, the future and the present exist in the
exact same location and are identical to the last detail.