Absolutely disgusting. I do not believe in the NWO, but I believe there is something just as dangerous; this extreme political correctness. They want
us to bend over backwards so as not to offend the religious...NO!
I love freedom of speech and I'll do anything to defend it. I like having the freedom to offend you by criticizing your religion, and I love the fact
that you can turn right around and criticize me just as harshly. This is getting ridiculous...
As i said no one will speak against the muslim faith..they fear for there life's.
It will spread till all are mulims..
Now the u.n will back there belief and make it illegal to speak ill of there religion.
But piss on Christians Jewish and every other religion... your fair game..
But dont you speak bad about our head cutting jihad killing religion.
Or you go to jail...WTF
This is EXACTLY why America was founded... to escape religious overlords of then the "Roman church".
Now we see history repeating itself, this time with Islam.
Again, we see the true colors of the UN. A corrupt organization with dreams of power over people.
I don't agree with 3/4 of the people in this country on most issues... but having the freedom to debate and speak out against things or for things is
our foremost RIGHT.
Suppression of the freedom of speech under the guise of "hate crimes". What a freaking POS organization.
God, I hope we come to our senses and throw these morons out of our country. Let them babble and make useless resolutions on someone's dime.
This is a joke - the implication that the UN would find "speaking ill of religion" to be offensive ? ha
I find the UN's practices of roasting small children over an open flame as an "acceptable" form of punishment to be highly offensive........and
that is by no means the worst of their practices
A short read of the attached link (which contains harrowing pics) gives some indication of what the UN are really all about
What makes you think that they're doing this because they find the speech of Islam to be offensive?
There is clearly another hidden motive to this. They're appeasing the Muslims around the world to placate them to let others not criticize them so
they can have a new world order with potentially the Muslim religion all powerful. i don't know... I'm not being bigoted here but that's just a
thought. I've read some conspiracies about the UN and how they want a one world religion or perhaps they're doing it because they want to outlaw
the criticism of the religion to TEST people to see how willing they are to accept such a ban of criticism so they can do anything they want to.
Well, I'm just throwing ideas around, and this is HIGHLY unlikely.
Maybe the UN puts this resolution forward, it's rejected and they look at the sponsors (I believe Pakistan was mentioned) and say "hey sorry, we
I have no doubt that you are right - there is an underhand agenda behind every move made and your idea that it is a "test" for public reaction
sounds right on the button -
Testing times for everyone - the big question is, how much people are prepared to take before they wake up and snap!!
I really don't see how this is the "powers that be" at work. I don't think it's a test run. I think it's a bunch of politically correct nit-wits
caving under pressure to a bunch imaginary friend worshiping bullies.
Personally, I say the US should just go ahead and subjigate the planet.
All this wishy-washy, back-door, political game playing isn't helping matters.
If we are going to be the constant bad guy, it doesn't matter.
Bring on the UN.
Let's clean house.
It's going to end up on our doorstep sooner or later.