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big bang never happen!

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posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 12:34 PM
If it did we would not exist.
My reason for this idea is simple.

The earth was un unfathomably hot folk's.
At one time every thing was the same way hot even the stars asteroids you name it all hot.

What does heat do?

Sterilization (or sterilisation, see spelling differences) refers to any process that effectively kills or eliminates transmissible agents (such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, spore forms, etc.) from a surface, equipment, article of food or medication, or biological culture medium.[1][2] Sterilization does not, however, remove prions. Sterilization can be achieved through application of heat, chemicals, irradiation, high pressure or filtration.

what is prion?

Prions are hypothesized to infect and propagate by refolding abnormally into a structure which is able to convert normal molecules of the protein into the abnormally structured form. All known prions induce the formation of an amyloid fold, in which the protein polymerises into an aggregate consisting of tightly packed beta sheets. This altered structure is extremely stable and accumulates in infected tissue, causing tissue damage and cell death.[4] This stability means that prions are resistant to denaturation by chemical and physical agents, making disposal and containment of these particles difficult.

So the planet would have been so hot it was sterilized....But prion's can exist?
Isn't that like saying we are giant forms of mad cow disease?

But still the prion's would never have anything to attach to ..because the earth was sterilized during the making.

Do you people honestly think the sun has bacteria to form life on it?....just asking.
Cause at one time or planet was dang near as hot...our core of earth is still molten lava.Do you think bacteria is alive in the lava that will sprout life?

Fact is when lava come's in contact with air and bacteria it grows crap on it.
So how did bacteria get to earth to start life if we was sterilized from the big bang and the earth forming?

Every planet & asteroid would have been the same way..BOOM from the bang would have caused instant sterilization of the universe and all it make's.
Yet we are here.

So the big bang would not have happen.

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 12:37 PM
.....and when the planet cooled enough for " life " to make its way from the clooler solar system?


posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by TheAmused

ummm....there was no life at the time of the big life to sterilize.

Life grew from that point on.

I don't think the dinosaurs had to deal with some big explosion

from the title of your post I thought there was gonna be some interesting theories thrown around. sheeshhh!!!!


Just read your post again....

There was no planets or asteroids at the time of the "big Bang" THEY WERE CREATED BY THE BIG BANG.

But you are correct. If there was life existing in that indefinitely small point of energy at the beginning of time, I suppose they would get burnt up real good.

[edit on 27-2-2009 by wrathchild]

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 01:27 PM
Someone should have been smoking less pot while in high school...

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by wrathchild

Life can't START to grow from a sterilized space.

This is what i can't explain that good.
Not a word smith here

Everything is sterilized in the universe....the big bang had so much heat nothing would have survived.
The heat and power such a event would have made would be unimaginable.

Then planet's start to form from dust and clump together and other planet's do so through out the known universes.
The heat to make to pieces of dust clump and clump and clump till the matter becomes great..from gravity.

But the planet is sterilized...Everything in the universe that could have came into contact with the earth..sterilized all so.

So therefore there is no way a "BIGBANG " happened.

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 01:38 PM
Mass is what causes "objects" to clump together...not heat. The gravitational effects (even from dust particles) from a particle's mass is what causes objects to "clump" together.

Not heat.

Matter does not become "great" from gravity. The more mass an object aquires the more gravitational effect it will have on other objects. Check out our own solar system for an example.

[edit on 27-2-2009 by griffinrl]

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 01:51 PM
At the time i believe you are referring to, soon after the Big Bang, when the entire universe was unfathomably hot, the Earth did not even exist. Billions of years passed before dust clouds aggregated to form Earth's rocky mass. Yes, the Earth was extremely hot during that period, but as more time passed and the planet's surface cooled, life was able to form.

Here's an analogy:
At the time when a plate of Chinese take-out is cooked, it is extremely hot. Hot enough to scour all life from the surface of the food. Place the leftovers in the fridge for a few days, however, and you best believe that your mongolian beef plate is teeming with life. Enough so that the bacteria can cause an adverse reaction within your stomach and give you the worst case of food poisoning this side of Hong Kong.

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by griffinrl

But the clumping makes heat that's how it sticks and CLUMP'S.
There fore sterile still.
The heat from a big bang would have made the dust sterile when BANG!!! it was made.
There fore no way is it possible for bacteria simple cell organism's exist or form from a sterile vacuum.known as a big bang.

What you all are saying is this.
Bigbang ...extreme heat matter forms ect...
The universe is made...

The shear heat of such a explosion would have made it impossible for any life to every exist in the universe.
Even after everything cooled down..
Why because nothing exists .......the ENTIRE UNIVERSE is sterile
even anything it would make because to make would have to be introduced into our sterilized universe.

How can something get into our sterilized universe to create life simple bacteria and so forth?
and If you say a big bang made the bacteria...
Name one bacteria or simple cell organism that can survive the making of the universe and the shear heat of simple dust clumping together to make planet's.

As i said i am no word smith...
But i know space is a vacuum endless..there is no such thing as a entry point or exit point.
So to have a explosion so big it make's everything in existence...would have to make everything sterilized till the end of time so to speak...and there fore no life could or would have ever been made from a explosion such as a big bang.

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 02:05 PM
Again...heat doesn't have anything to do with "clumping". As a body aquires more mass it's gravity increases allowing more mass to be attained. Sure this pressure forms heat but that's a byproduct of the effects of gravity and mass.

This is high school physics.

But i know space is a vacuum endless..there is no such thing as a entry point or exit point.

How do you know this is fact? You'll need to provide sources for this information if you have them

[edit on 27-2-2009 by griffinrl]

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by TheAmused

Life can't START to grow from a sterilized space.
yes it can

becasue your deffintion of life is wrong

and well matter didnt exist until a few million years after the intial big bang expansion .. to hot for matter to form dont ya know

then when it cooled the particles were able to coallese and form matter

and much of that matter formed organic compounds and those gave rise to organic strutures and organic chemistry did what it does and now the earth is populated with organic structures containing organic chemistry using organic compounds .. and we call that life

maybe learn a little about what your trying to disprove .. and when i say learn i mean really learn not just go copy paste some junk off AIG

you may have been taught you dont have to know much about the bible or the history of your religeon its ok to be dumb you can ask your priest anything you dont understand .... but it doesnt work like that for important stuff ... and well science is important its the reason your alive and able to make such silly statements via a couputer while sat in a comfortable heated house and enjoy the benefits off all that science your trying to say is wrong in your ignorance

if you really think bronze age goat herders stories are true then why not go live thier life style, and leave our science alone for us to enjoy?

[edit on 27/2/09 by noobfun]

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by nikmti
At the time i believe you are referring to, soon after the Big Bang, when the entire universe was unfathomably hot, the Earth did not even exist. Billions of years passed before dust clouds aggregated to form Earth's rocky mass. Yes, the Earth was extremely hot during that period, but as more time passed and the planet's surface cooled, life was able to form.

Here's an analogy:
At the time when a plate of Chinese take-out is cooked, it is extremely hot. Hot enough to scour all life from the surface of the food. Place the leftovers in the fridge for a few days, however, and you best believe that your mongolian beef plate is teeming with life. Enough so that the bacteria can cause an adverse reaction within your stomach and give you the worst case of food poisoning this side of Hong Kong.

Yes ...
Now how did the bacteria get on the food?

The universe and all thing's are sterilized .
There is no such thing as a bacteria or germs nothing...everything if it did exist was wiped out from the explosion.
and anything that get's made is sterilized because there is nothing but matter and energy and heat.
So where did the bacteria on your food come from..if a big bang made everything in the universe sterilized from word go?

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 02:10 PM
Your argument is flawed. You assume that your theory of a "sterilized" universe is fact. Until you can provide sources to back up your theory it's pretty much worthless.

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by griffinrl
Again...heat doesn't have anything to do with "clumping". As a body aquires more mass it's gravity increases allowing more mass to be attained. Sure this pressure forms heat but that's a byproduct of the effects of gravity and mass.

This is high school physics.

But i know space is a vacuum endless..there is no such thing as a entry point or exit point.

How do you know this is fact? You'll need to provide sources for this information if you have them

[edit on 27-2-2009 by griffinrl]

Sure thing soon as you can provide me proof of rubbeing 2 particles of dirt create's a duck.
or any life what so ever in a sterilized space

[edit on 27-2-2009 by TheAmused]

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by griffinrl
Your argument is flawed. You assume that your theory of a "sterilized" universe is fact. Until you can provide sources to back up your theory it's pretty much worthless.

Flawed maybe..
But wrong it can't be.

Common sense tell's you..not science ..or god

If you heat a object till the point of molten lava..nothing not even bacteria exist's on that lava...Unless you introduce it from a external source after it is cooled down.
But a big bang would have made sure no such bacteria could have ever existed or been made.

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by TheAmused
reply to post by griffinrl

But the clumping makes heat that's how it sticks and CLUMP'S.

while it does generate small amount of friction that hardly enough to wipe out life a we know it and tiking has nothing to do with heat

guess what gravity .. yes its just a theory too .. another one you didnt bother to learn about

The heat from a big bang would have made the dust sterile when BANG!!! it was made.
there was no dust until it had started to cool down

sorry wrong again

There fore no way is it possible for bacteria simple cell organism's exist or form from a sterile vacuum.known as a big bang.
except that when the univere cooled and matter formed it formed organic coumpounds and created enviroments where oganic compound could form (theres sugar based compounds floating around in space how cools that)

so after the heat we have organiuc compound forming and enviroments that present a good oppotunity for them to do thier thing and life to arise

if you want to know somthing that really would steralie the earth and kill all life ... submerging a planet in water for 40-150 days depending which bit of the account you read

all the land base d plants die off, the herbivours fresh of the boat begin to starve making them easy prey for the carnivores, but once they eat the easy kill herbivours they have nothing to eat and starve

and well noahs family lock them selves back in the ark to avoid being eaten and turn to canabalism and each other and noah the last urvivor starves to death .. the end .. well except for all the fresh water fish that now live in the sea rather then rivers and ponds because the sea has been de-saliniated to the point of it bieng fresh water

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by TheAmused

Sure thing soon as you can provide me proof of rubbeing 2 particles of dirt create's a duck.
or any life what so ever in a sterilized space

how about wel provide you with that a soon a you provide us with anyone with a clue about the subject saying thats what happens

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by noobfun

swissssh , 3 point , game over (star for you)

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by TheAmused

I've shutdown more than one stupid trolling thread here with uneducated responses concerning science. I suppose one more won't matter, huh?

If you choose to follow that path of discussion I'll gladly reply. But try and bring some logic and facts to the table please?

So I can start out by asking you where and when I suggested that rubbing dirt together created life? You can't start a debate by setting up straw men. And they are quite easy to knock down. Just so's ya know

And I can always count on noob for providing links to verifiable information and sources so that's why I don't usually do. I try and speak with logic and reasoning and common sense. Thanks noob for all the sources that you always provide!

[edit on 27-2-2009 by griffinrl]

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 02:38 PM
Hi, informed answerers.

As we know, for a few "years" (if they could have existed)
after the big bang, there was not even one ondulary/particule
existing then. . . It was the primary soup.

[ I would like to be able to stop that points system. . .]
And now, for all of us, before answering any further:
do we have more points, when more people answer to
a thread we start ??? EDIT: I find it and YES ! Wake up all !

EDIT 2009/02/27 19:05 : I can't believe it !
**2** pages now ? And still new answers ?
Just to tell all that I CLICKed the [ Unsubscribe] button !

Blue skies.

[edit on 2009/2/27 by C-JEAN]

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 02:40 PM
Again..just because you don't understand basic physics, how atoms form molecules that form different compounds....well.....ignorance is not an automatic for divine intervention. But then I must have been misinformed by all my "liberal" college edjumacation

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