posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 08:36 AM
Has anyone ever been walking down the road, or out in the garden in the peace and quiet, then suddenly what can only be described as a sound like an
object coming out of warp drive occurs above your head? after which the sound turns into a normal sounding aircraft. It hasn't happened to me in over
a year, but before that I must have heard that sound about 8 times above the area in which I live. The weather conditions at the time was always
cloudy, which may be why it makes that wierd sound.
I can only think what happens is that because it is cloudy, the sound of the aircraft is completely muffled. Then as it gets closer, or there is a
break in the cloud above you, the sound is able to break through and make this whooshing sound like something is deaccelerating from a very fast
speed. I have never been able to spot the plane that the sound was coming from as it was always cloudy, but am presuming it is a normal commercial
I was just wondering whether anyone else has experienced this, and thought it sounded odd at the time. I imagine the same effect would occur when a
shockwave eminating from a distant source reaches you.