posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 10:24 PM
You can thank current Secretary of State Hiliary Rodham Clinton for her role in handing over U.S. physical land and property to the Chinese on a
silver platter because once our economy falls, the Chinese will have the rights to major buildings, houses, and even entire cities. So now, we've got
Spain, Mexico, and China to worry about fighting against to stop them from taking our land and our freedom, not to mention fending off our own
government and their daily acts of betrayal against United States Citizens. Right now, our government's role is to adhere to the agenda of the NWO by
committing acts of treason through lies, deceit, denial, deception, disinformation, distribution, and destruction right before our very eyes. They're
not hiding anything from us anymore, and by the time they're done, our country will look like the hand of God physically came and flipped our entire
land upside down. We appear to be the modern-day Atlantis, and I'm tired of seeing journalists comparing our future fate to that of a sinking ship
and when we all wake up, we might be DUMB, stuck in Deep Underground Military Bases, victims of everlasting torture the likes of which hell has never