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Feds Grant Eminent Domain As Collateral To China For U.S. Debts!

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posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 09:04 PM
the truth is in the words,you must understand what language is being used to understand what is being said.
the truth is buried in bills and laws written by politicians and lawyer "types" of supposed 'honor".
Y'all don't sprechense der language.
The medical,and legal "industries" speak latin,if you don't understand it,you are just sitting there wondering what just happened,what was just said.
the terms change frequently,like yearly,like what words mean what things.........
Thank Gd football remains the same...kinda...and beer
Whatcha gonna do?,you argue about what better car makes there are out there...what brand of beer you drink....who will win the next game...
No wonder

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 09:09 PM
That word "conveyance" keeps coming up....
Gee whiz,what could they possibly mean by that in all of it's forms?

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by chiponbothshoulders

The transferring of a property title from one individual to another. does that not sound good?

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 10:43 PM

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by Stargate5150

Ok...since China and the rest of the world think they can come and just take our property..Then i say its about time The U.S. Start collecting on its debt owed by the world. I say we take Europe since they owe us for both WWI and WWII, Japan since they owe us as well....all of Latin America and any other country that has a debt to us...I mean if we're going to start collecting against America then its time for America to start collecting her self. But please let china try and come collect...they may have invented Guerrilla warfare but they will find out real quick that Americans have perfected it........... So come on and bring it CHINA....come on and BRING IT!!!!!!!!

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 01:24 AM
This is most interesting as I live in Colorado and know for a fact that the Chinese have been picking up land in the southeast portion of our state. I would presume they have purchased it legally, but this post is very "off-putting" to say the least.

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 02:03 AM
I doubt this is actually true given that the source, Hal Turner, is a xenophobic fantasist.

But it would be fine if it really is the case.

Don't forget, China hasn't been given any property yet - just a piece of paper saying they have a right to it. This is routine collateral for the mountains of paper that says their money can be returned to them with interest.

If,say, the US gave California as partial collateral to the Chinese, who is going to enforce their right to take it? The World Court? The UN? Arnold Schwartzenegger?

And let's give the Chinese some credit for not being fooled twice?
They would want more than a paper guarantee.

Hillary should go to the Saudis and promise them all rights to the moon.
An American flag was planted on it. They just might buy it.

Imagine the flag with a crescent moon on the Moon.

Mike F

[edit on 1-3-2009 by mmiichael]

[edit on 1-3-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 07:32 AM
I'm calling bull crap on this one. This would've been head line news and I think Rush Limbaugh would've burned at the stakes for the opportunity to send Obama with him by slipping this crucial news onto the media. But, let's just say it is true... hypothetically. "Who cares!?" What would be there capabilities of enforcing such a law? Ground troops? HA! Good luck, with over 90% of American citizens owning a gun and most of those owning more than one. They couldn't fight us on the ground and they're not going to go blow up all there new property. Plus, if it came down to that the government would wind up getting in the middle of it anyway, regardless of who's property it is. We have troops stationed in 162 countries in the world, why would we not finally make one of them our own?

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by chiponbothshoulders

This just isn't true at all. I've read several pieces of legislation, which a lot of them incriminating laws such as the Patriot Act, and most are completely understandable. There may be some legal terms, but the definitions are easily available online.

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by mmiichael

Which this is an interesting question in itself, if I can get acharge of damaging federal/state property by breaking a army or California National Guards jaw, because these men are considered "state property," would that mean China could use them (their property after they take it) to keep order in these states (public use).

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 08:00 AM
Originally posted by Foppezao Jim Roger's

[respectable dutch authority in public t.v .]

Look at this, a real eye opener..most is in english after 3 minutes with dutch subtitles.
Interesting is what Peter schiff tells @43 min.

The Chinese might want to go just for gold first..then US companies..
I do think its reasonable to see the CHinese want to get paid back in natura, lots of gold, maybe Uranium, yes those a good investments in these days..

oh sorry quoted my own post

[edit on 1-3-2009 by Foppezao]

[edit on 1-3-2009 by Foppezao]

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 01:15 PM
Anybody who considers this to be even a half-truth must be living in some kind of paranoia world.
Give me a break, the entire Washington scene would be awash in rumor, threats of impeachment, and other shenanigans.
Please get a little more serious with your publishing of such stuff!

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 06:40 PM
take the green pill...
the federal reserve (the Private Bank) will soon pull out- leaving the new National Bank (a centralized bank -see communist manifesto) and our FSR's in our pockets will be void. only ATM cards mapped to our ss# will have any 'credits' on them- see gas station for zip code entry prior to pumping on a card - then -when 'we' have no 'money' - we canot buy food, but wait HR645 (FEMA camp funding)will already be approved by our foreign gov't currently called 'congress' and then the Govt' will 'feed', shelter, and take care of us all at the fema zone yellow zone and blue zone..WAKE UP

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by chiponbothshoulders
the truth is in the words,you must understand what language is being used to understand what is being said.
the truth is buried in bills and laws written by politicians and lawyer "types" of supposed 'honor".
Y'all don't sprechense der language.
The medical,and legal "industries" speak latin,if you don't understand it,you are just sitting there wondering what just happened,what was just said.
the terms change frequently,like yearly,like what words mean what things.........

Latin is one of the root languages of modern English. Any word can be looked up online in seconds.

There are dozens of countries where people, rich and poor, speak two or more languages.

Every year millions of first or second language English speakers study and learn scientific, medical and legal terminology.

There's a reason lawyers, doctors, scientists earn more money and get more respect. They studied hard and learned how to think more precisely and understand a text book or document.

There are things called books. They come in all shapes, sizes, languages and degrees of difficulty. The more you read them the easier it becomes. The people who read them know a lot more and usually go farther in life than those who don't.

Mike F

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by vor78

They can't afford it, the states get too much money from the feds!
Kind of like a mob payoff. Planned economic disaster would help them.
Thats another reason why it's all very possible in the future!

[edit on 2-3-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 10:21 PM
It cant be real, i think that guy just wanna to be famous. i had watch his clip on youtube. Some of his idea is not realistic, but funny !!!

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 05:51 AM
You should run this goverment the same way we have to run our house holds. If there is no money, we do not need it. You do not borrow money from any one else and then put our land up unless it is your land. If you get off your tails and get rid of the illegals we would have the money.

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 02:48 PM
It's silly to discuss this without specifying what debts are supposedly being collatalized with "all US property".

Chinese money has entered the US in two main ways: as purchases of US Govt debt (like T-Bills), and as private sector investments and loans (many of those complex derivatives, including the toxic assests, are held by Chinese owners).

Chinese owners of T-bills get the same deal as US, European, or Peruvian T-bill owners - there is a promised rate of return. There's not way that international money flowing from China (MOSTLY FROM PRIVATE CHINESE sources, not the Chinese governmen) to US treasury bills is getting some sort of extra collateral that nobody else gets.

Chinese money that is invested in a business (eg: stock or venture capital) or loans (eg: mortagages) in the US likewise gets the same deal as anybody else's money. They can potentially foreclose on any asset which is specified as collateral in the contract (eg: business assets, or a home) - period.

This whole urban myth is based on some cartoonish concept that the Chinese *government* has a special unique relationship with the US government, and that the "debt" is all government to government, outside the normal channels of T-Bill auctions to all comers.

Yes, Chinese investers could demand some special extra collateral before buying T-Bills, and refuse to buy the notes. Here's how that would work - when the bills are up for sale at autcion (which sets the interest rate), they could choose not to bid, and let investors from the US, Europe and other nations bid. If there are fewer eager buyers, the interest rates would be bid up, which would attract other buyers. If there are not enough bidders at any interest rate, the US government would fall short of new capital. At that point the US government could hypothetically consider sweetening the deal with some kind of additional collateral - most likely existing federal property, offered to ALL T-bill buyers, not just those investors who happen to live within the borders of the PRC. It would be stupid to give one group a special deal, while turning down the rest of the world who might underbid Chinese bidders, if given access to the same deal.

But since US government securities are selling well world-wide, this hasn't happened. (Why are US government backed securities selling well? Do a little web research, but basically even with whatever insecurities they may have, there really aren't many safer investments for large amounts of money in the world financial market right now. Stocks may go much lower still, banks may fail, businesses may go bankrupt, gold is speculative and varies, other government bonds and securities are at least as shakey, and despite the major qualms people are starting to have, there isn't really any safer currency available than the US dollar for them to migrate to).

There's a lot of Chinese money (mostly private) invested in the US, but not because investments from a rich Chinese person is treated any different than money from a rich Pakistani person. It's because the Chinese happen to have a lot of money, and in particular because of the imbalance of trade. Basically, US businesses buy a lot more from Chinese businesses than they buy from us, so they wind up with more spare dollars than they want to stock away, so they use them to buy US stock or T-Bills or other investments - as a hedge. However they get the same deal that other domestic and foreign investors get. Having that Chinese money competing to buy US government securities has helped keep the interest rate the US Govt must offer to everybody lower. Of course, American or Saudi money competing in the auction has the same effect.


posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 03:54 PM
This story started with Sorcha Faal at "" Don't see the story there any longer but it was there and the quotes i've seen are word for word what was on their website.

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 07:29 PM
This post is neither for nor against what is being stated about the eminent domain issue. Rather, it is about basic economics. Would you buy T-bills or hold cash from a country who appears to be bankrupt having a National Debt which, if you figure in the KNOWN future Social Security payments, Medicare expenses, and Medicaid expenses which projections show to be between $50-$75 TRILLION without WANTING some type of assets as collateral????? I think NOT!!! China is holding an estimated $800 billion in notes. They see the news that we are "hurting"...Housing Mkt, Stock Mkt, banks, unemployment, economy, etc... so only a fool would want to take on a larger amount of "paper" debt from that country. Even the Wall Street Journal, a few weeks ago, mentioned that China was possibly going to quit purchasing our debt. With that said, I would not be surprised that China would demand some ASSURANCE of repayment.

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