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History of Housing Prices Chart - *SHOCKING* You Need To See This!

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posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 08:12 PM
Glen Beck is shamefully incompetent to use a graphic like this and whoever set him up to present it is equally a moron, first of all that entire chart up until around 1932, the only real thing accounting as a mortgage holder was a farmer, don't get me wrong mortgages existed but nothing like how they look now or immediately after the great depression, I believe and read many accounts where people mostly either purchased their homes in cold cash or had the majority of it covered in cash and only had a couple of years to pay it off, also the banks were not involved in securities or as powerful so a lot of the cost built into the overall value was minimal, there was a balance between manufacturing and financial industry, Wall Street was somewhat of a novelty with the availability easy to buy stock and was not the same factor as it is now tied into the overall economy or world economy.

As an economy grows one expects that the numbers on there will go up, the doublings, the mathematics to it all, fibonacci and so forth play into this to an extent, don't forget all the gambling done with derivitives especially the last decade and credit default swaps, unseen corruption, you have totally different animal and dynamic than 50 or 60 years ago, the data really not compatible to compare and present in the way he presents it anyhow.

Going back to the late 30's and 40's according to what I have read the financial industry got more involved and thus much more powerful they began to assist in driving up the prices of homes, also the fees and cost of materials and everyone that started appearing on the scene such as high power brokers and real estate professionals.

He needs a real cost of living graph along side of it with a personal savings rate graph and also a taxation graph to top it all off, I can't believe that they gave him this in many ways simplistic data deficient POS graph to use it as a point to somehow bash the president and once again stereotypically place the blame squarely on a homeowner in your neighborhood, how about some of the hot shot people that were flipping houses, the upper middle and higher class people that were taking out the home equity lines and taking out long shot loans betting on properties that got caught under the fence, there are many other demographics than the picture painted by Beck and other newspeople like the unfounded rant by the absolute idiot on CNBC, I bet you some of the same folks Beck or any of those cable financial programs rolls around with are also part of the problem, watching this leads me to the conclusion, Beck is about as clueless as Joe the Plumber when it comes to being able to first explain, second understand fully a point he would like to make that is obviously over his head and thus the point he would like to make falls way short.

But once again, as the idiots who somehow bought the Joe the plumber story there will be those same brainless morons that buy this false propaganda

[edit on 26-2-2009 by phinubian]

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by TheWayISeeIt


I've seen this clip 100 times!!!

I didn't forget it!

So now what? You won't find too many GB fans around here so who are you catering too?

Ever wonder why it's SO EASY to bash ANY politician no matter WHAT SIDE YOU ARE ON??

BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL CORRUPTED LIARS who don't give a damn about the regular guy. Cater to the lobbyist...cater to their campaign fundraisers...cater to anyone that can keep them in office and keep their pockets full while they continually RIP OFF every hard working US citizen.

People are cutting back and struggling yet our government is OUT OF CONTROL with it's spending.

How is that supposed to be sustained? IT CAN'T. IT CANNOT BE SUSTAINED.


posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

If you are referring to me, I edited my post to add a link substantiating the claim made in the video. ( With a little more detail.) Sorry, I don't believe everything I see. Especially on TV. Especially on You Tube. Especially on FOX.

Mr. Beck is speculating on the chart's path going forward. But it does appear the prior data was sound. However the chart was meant to illustrate Real Estate as a poor investment in general and DOES NOT relate to Obama's plan. It was "cherry-picked" and I still believe it was used as a "prop".

Link again:

I agree with everything else you said. Sorry, if I jumped the gun.
(Glad your clip is out of your revolver.)


[edit on 26-2-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by TheWayISeeIt

It's a new game and not one of Obama's making. Give the man a chance and understand why he has to take those chances.

Democrats are in control because Republicans blew it. This was their chance to change things.

Instead they go on a SPENDING SPREE to the likes that has never been seen before. This country is so indebted I don't even see how it's possible to get out of it. Yet..THEY SPEND MORE...and MORE....keep on spending.

Let's just ignore it like Republicans did when Bush was in office and PRETEND EVERYTHING WILL BE OK.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by phinubian

Here since you don't want to search for it for yourself.

That is everything you need right there.

And for the other guy that Posted the video about Bush here goes a guy from the Clinton Administration admitting what the Community Reinvestment Act will do.

We can play this game all day.

Edit - to fix video link

[edit on 26-2-2009 by Hastobemoretolife]

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by David9176

Who are you catering to? Should the banks shut their doors tomorrow with your money in them? Should we just sit back and not deal with what has been unleashed on us? Because that is what we are looking at here.

The situation is what it is. Someone has to deal with it that someone is the govt. , now run by the party that did not architect this novel situation, but is inheiriting it.

Do you have some kind of solution to these issues beyond complaining that 'your money' is being given away? Why were you not so concerened about that when you watched that vid 100's of times? Were you incapable of comprehending the ramifications?

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by David9176
reply to post by TheWayISeeIt

It's a new game and not one of Obama's making. Give the man a chance and understand why he has to take those chances.

Democrats are in control because Republicans blew it. This was their chance to change things.

He has been in office for four weeks.

Instead they go on a SPENDING SPREE to the likes that has never been seen before. This country is so indebted I don't even see how it's possible to get out of it. Yet..THEY SPEND MORE...and MORE....keep on spending.

Let's just ignore it like Republicans did when Bush was in office and PRETEND EVERYTHING WILL BE OK.

The last admin gave out 2.4 trillion dollars in the last days of its term. Your point?

[edit on 26-2-2009 by TheWayISeeIt]

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by TheWayISeeIt

The last admin gave out 2.4 trillion dollars in the last days of its term. Your point?

And this spending continues...hell it puts that to shame.

Thanks for refreshing my knowledge and anger at what happened before Bush left office...but once again....what do you say about the spending now?

I don't see you complaining about that?

Why do I seem to be the only one blaming both sides?

You are just doing more of the same Rep/Dem BS that many of us are sick of....can't you see yourself doing it?

Are you ok with the spending bonanza right now? Or does the last 8 years justify it?

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 08:45 PM
I'm sorry friends, those who support the rantings of a loon will be fated to follow him down the rabbit hole. I realize many are unsure of what will happen with our economy, but if any if us truly think we can simply get mad and order our government to change we would have done that eight years ago. I respect those who oppose our present administration, thats your right and your responsibility. But remember civil war visited our great country before and it is an unforgiving mistress. Disagree respectfully, fly your flag upside down if you must but don't turn your back on the greatest hope (and often curse) for mankind. God bless America. and pay your taxes!

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by David9176

And what other solution do you have besides the govt. spending to keep the zombie-banks open?

You understand that, right? The banks are dead. Literally. They have loaned out trillions more than they have on hand. The govt. has to support the banks until the people who owe money to them can pay their debts...

If people are working and putting money into 'regulated' banks the govt. can stop propping them up entirely. In order to get people back to work, the economy has to be moving and the only way to do that is to give money to the private sector and create jobs both govenmental and private.

All of this must be done, and it may not work, because there are so many executive signing orders and laws of deregulation that have to be put into place. But it is what it is and something has to be done and that something is now in the hands of the govt. becuase of what was done during the last administration.

I am not baiting politically I am pointing out extant facts that are salient to this dialogue. You cannot have this conversation and say it is not political and the cause of political decisions. Becuae it was, and it still is. The bad news for the guys up to bat now is they are only getting feces thrown at them when we all need, at the very least a base hit just to keep going.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by TheWayISeeIt

Would you please drop the Republican/Democrat stuff a lot of us on here don't like either one. Both parties got us into this mess and both are making it worse. The government should not be spending anymore new money and should be cutting the hell out of what they are already spending. They should get out of the way and let the markets and money have it's correction and get it over with. All they are doing now is prolonging the situation. As for Obama I only have one thing to say "actions speak louder than words" to me there is no defending what he is doing right now, I honestly was hoping that he would be different, but surprise, surprise different person, different party some ol BS.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by 68eric86

And if you have it your way, the bank close tomorrow and whatever funds you or your employer have disappear with them. Then what?

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by TheWayISeeIt

I know what the facts are. I've been following all of this since Bush/Paulson first came out the door and starting screaming for bailout money.

The fact is that our monetary system (fiat) can't stand. We are all held hostage to the banks that the government is so willing to give taxpayer money too.

It's a black hole. If people aren't willing to spend money and buy houses because of fear of losing their job then it will never end.

They look at our HUMONGOUS debt and see that they have to start paying their own debts because THEY KNOW it is unsustainable.

In the meantime, the fed is pumping huge amounts of money into the system to stave off deflation but they run a huge risk of hyperinflation if they take it to far.

This can't be stopped. We have lived too long above our means and the system HAS to correct itself but they won't let it. They are fighting it and it will only prolong the pain.

We still have commercial real estate bubble to deal with, the credit card bubble to deal with, and regular real estate...they won't let it burst.

Then throw on top trillions upon trillions of other spending, much of it garbage.

It's economical suicide.

This country has no money. NONE. In fact we are indebted to up to 78 trillion (including SS and medicare obligations) which is higher than the ENTIRE world's GDP of 78.4 for one year.

We have to's going to hurt...but we have to let the inevitable happen and try to save what is left.

This is leading to MASSIVE government control of all facets of life and we are letting it happen.

When this is done there will only be two classes in America....

The penniless..and government.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 09:08 PM
In this changing economy, I lost my job. I am fifty-years-old and doubt anyone is going to hire me. That's o.k. I'll make it on my own in the greatest country in the world. Via the Internet, I have access to a world market. I'll survive without the government helping me. They're all a bunch of screw-ups anyway. But the biggest crook of all is Glenn Beck. He is playing off the fears of the public. I used to be a fan of his, back when he believed what he said. Now he just says any crazy thing to stir up fear and distrust. He is the leader of the hate-mongers. Anyway, that's my two-cents. Want to sleep good at night? Turn off Glenn Beck.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by TheWayISeeIt

That is what the FDIC is for. Besides it is just a few big banks that are going to fail. The government prolonging this is making the little banks fail.

I tell you what the solution is. Cut the government budget, transtion to a a fair or flat tax, get rid of the IRS.

Just doing those two things. Within one year the economy will boom.

The solution is often a lot simpler than what people make the situation aught to be. Right now we are just following in the foot steps of Japan when they went through their lost decade, and the Great Depression, Carter also did this.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by kinda kurious
Sorry, I am still waiting for the shocking revelation. This thread appears to be another veiled guise to attack our President with all the usual suspects responding.

Glen Beck is no economist. He is a hate monger and racist. A poor man's Rush Limbaugh on FOX.

BTW, His chart contains a fatal flaw. The median home prices HAVE NOT been adjusted for inflation. It cannot be a constant flat line over time. Also, there was conveniently no source for his data. "Fuzzy Math" as you Pubs call it.

He's just spewing misinformation and riling up the minions.

Sorry to rain on your little circle jerk. "Just sayin'."


[edit on 26-2-2009 by kinda kurious]

I think he probably go his info directly from this article.

Just for the record....I agree with you kinda kurious. It does not take into account cost of live in those different years, pay scale, nor If the average house in 1890 was 100k I'll eat my hat! It makes no sense why the market would want average home prices to be stable at shows no growth. I would say the math is skewed as well.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 09:12 PM
TheWayIseeIt please stop this arguing with David. IT is a moot point because we already understand it.


posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by CaptGizmo

Actually this is where he got his information from.

It also has excel sheets showing earning for the years and interest rates and credit and all that good stuff.

This is a link to the bio of the guy that did the research.

I'm just saying he got his PH.d from MIT in economics.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

Are you's know that.

he must have a hidden agenda.

I wish Glenn Beck was more like Bob Ross.

Forget's all HAPPY TREES.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by David9176

That star on your post was me. Thanks you for taking the time to articulate a postion and not use CAPS
I understand you are frustrated and can now see that you are following the situation, but I still don't see an answer there, and that's okay. I don't presume to have one either, but it is better to go into these types of dialogues without being too upset. It takes away from the opportunites to learn from each other.

While hastobe has a verison of a 'solution'. In principal the Flat Tax sounds like a good idea, but I am not sure how the specifics of revenue flow would work in a way theat resolves our current dilemma.

hastobe, do you have the numbers crunched that show flow for flat tax. And that would of course not apply to State, City or Sales taxes, right?

And the banks are ALL ZOMBIES citi, b of a, wells, all of them...

EDIT TO ADD: I just saw that person with the artistic, but sickening to me avy
, say I should stop arguing with you. None of the above was motivated by that post. I appreciate your change in tone, and do not think we are fighting so much as fighting to agree on what the situation is and maybe stumbling on a solution we could get behind.

[edit on 26-2-2009 by TheWayISeeIt]

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