posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 09:34 PM
Reel view
All is one there is no matter vs. spirit. There is only spirit or energy call it what you like vibrating at different frequencies one slower than the
other but manifestations of the same thing, the all or one.
Do not be mistaken the mind is just a tool that spirit manifest through. It allows spirit to express itself just as our bodies allow spirit to express
itself on what we call the physical level. For the mind to think it is the one is folly.
Yes I AM saying that. Polish and clean your lens and spirit manifesting becomes expressed more clearly rather than distorted by limited thinking and
give yourself a pat on the back. i think I AM waking up
Wisen Heimef YES
C-JEAN No i have not but i will check it out. Thanks
Doomsday- i forgot
Cindymars- exactly
gYvMessanger- agreed
Now if you would like to get a glimpse the that oneness, the witness, the watcher, the god within.
Sit quietly with your eyes closed. be aware of your body the sounds, pressure of your body on your chair.
Now be aware of any feeling you might be having. Love, hate, anger, joy, confusion,
Now just watch your thoughts. Let them flow. Don't try to stop them.
Who is watching your thoughts. not the body, not the emotion, not the mind. There is another presence that is always there, the real you, the god
within the spirit that manifests in All. From this place you can begin to experience the real you.