posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:56 AM
Towards the end of it I became more comfortable with it being there, almost bored of it really. I began to question whether or not this thing was
really in my room, if my eyes were playing tricks on me. One night I rolled over onto my left side. To my suprise I could see my sillouette on the
white walls in a green light! This scraed me and confirmed this this was in my room. The walls were all white, there was nothing whatsoever in the
room that was green let alone a light. I layed there, worried that I could not see this thing any more and I now had my back to it. I got up the
courage to lift my right arm which lifted the blankets on me, the silouette in the way matched what I was doing and from the direction of the ball! I
quickly rolled back over and started at it again and true to form it was still there, had not moved a bit.
Shortly after that I began to sleep through the night, I have never seen the ball again.
But during that time one wierd thing did happen. Around the middle of it I woke up and I could hear pitter patter, pitter patter, of something small
running around. No like an animal though, not like something that walked on four legs, like some that moved on two legs with a short leg span, and it
moved very quickly. Pitter patter pitter patter, very quickly, then stop, then again. I layed there listening, staring at the hallway where the noise
was coming from, just starting and waiting to see soemthing, even a shadow of whatever was making this noise. As I layed there listening, I could
begin to distinguish two or three of these things moving around, the noises began to overlap. Whatever it was was "intelligent", it sure as hell was
not a machine/toy/animal. I just layed there, listening and watching, eventually I fell back asleep, the noises went the whole time. I never heard
those noises again.
Also in that period of time I woke up one night and my eyes were glued completly shut. And I mean completly shut. I woke up, unable to open my eyes I
started digging at the beads of whatever was across my eyelashes. I dig at it for 10 minutes and made no real headway so I yelled for my mother (it
tooka few minutes, but I did eventaully get a noise out). She came in and lead me blind to the bathroom where I began try to clean this gunk off my
eyes. It took me a solid 20 minutes to get this stuff off, it was honestly like strong glue. I have no idea what it was and it never happened again,
my mother used to be head nurse and she said that she had never seen anythign like it.
Two or three years laters my sister saw a book in a store with an alien on the cover (communion or something like that). She swears up and down that
is exactly what she saw in her room that night.
Just to be clear I never saw anything around that whole time, no ufos, no aliens, nothing. I wish I had, I wish I had gotten up the nerve to touch the
ball, but I never did.
However the rest of my family all have better stories then me. My sister swears, along with her friend at the time, that they both saw the same thing
on a different night. My parents have a crazy story from that night too, I think I was too young to remember.
Now I haven't thought about this in a long time but recently I was going through some stuff I drew when I was very young, and there was a whole ton
of ufo drawings I did. Ufos with my family and aliens standing around. Dozens of them. Also I am a parent now and recentally my oldest son and
youngest daughter both swear they have seen a "young boy" in the house. She was terrified to go down the hallway for quite a while becuase thats
where she saw the "young boy".
I haven't really told this story before but I figured it's time I wrote it down. I'm not looking for anything but opinions here. Has anyone else
experienced anything similar? This would have been roungly 25 years ago now.