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Christianity, and The Truth Behind It

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posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 10:18 PM
(Part 1 of 2)

Christianity, or the following of Christ and his teachings. The moral lessons the bible entails and the obligations of its followers. The ten commandments, or laws, and the seven deadly sins and the punishments that go along with them.

These moral codes and teachings, along with it's over-zealous following have ravaged humanity for nearly 2000 years, and show no sign of stopping. But what is Christianity? What does it mean to be Christian? These are questions that hold many answers, and many complexities. Let us explore this, in a simplified manner, to try and uncover some truths.

Christ was born on the 25th day, of the 11th month. Or somewhere about this time, seeing as how even this is contested in debate.

He was born of the virgin Mary, and three kings adorned him with gifts upon his birth.
He was a teacher at 12, and baptized at 30 by John the Baptist. He had 12 disciples who followed him, and spread the his teachings and moral philosophies.
He was known by many names such as the "Son of God", The "King of Kings", and others like the "Alpha and Omega".
Once betrayed by his disciple Judas for 30 silver pieces, he was crucified by the Romans, placed in a tomb, and was resurrected 3 days later and ascended into Heaven.

This is all common knowledge to most people, and shouldn't be anything new. Now I will refer to someone also from biblical times, Joseph. Joseph:

Was of 12 brothers
Was sold for 20 silver coins by his brother Judah
Began work at 30
Was also crucified and killed.

Any coincidences anyone?

So I have a few questions:

1. What is the significance of 12?
2. What is the significance of the Orion's Belt?
3. What is the significance of the 25 of December?
4. What is the significance of the resurrection of Christ?
5. What about his ascent into heaven?

1. The Number 12's Significance:

The number 12 has significance in astrology, or the study of the stars. There are 12 Zodiac signs, derived form constellations seen in the stars. The constellations where personified by the ancient peoples of the world and given great meaning through myth and lore. In Christianity and Judaism the number 12 has a very strong significance. 12 Apostles, 12 Tribes of Israel, 12 Great Patriarchs, etc.

Why is this? Mainly due to the fact that we have 12 zodiac signs, seen throughout the year in certain intervals at different times of the year. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc. These references to the number 12 are merely references to the zodiac signs, and their placements in our year, and the ages. For every age there is a sign to depict it. We live in the age of Pisces, or the fish. Hints why one of many Jesus's signs is the fish, seen every where from bumper stickers to shirts. The new age will be the Age of Aquarius, or the pitcher bearer. Aquarius is the bringer of water, hints the pitcher of water he carries. He is the sign of spring.

The end of the world as we know it is more probably the end of the age as we know it, when the new age of Aquarius comes. The end of the world is actually an error in interpretation, with Aeon, or Age, mistaken for World. The end of the world is actually the end of the age.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 10:25 PM
(Part 2 of 2)

2. Orion's Belt:

The three stars of Orion's belt are referred to as the three kings. These three stars point sun on the 25th, the day when the sun ends its long journey into the bottom of our sky perceptibly, and once again raises into the sky, having died on the cross constellation and been resurrected. Hints the 3 kings come and adorn the son of god with gifts upon his birth. The story is used in two ways, for the resurrection of the sun, and the birth of Christ, The Son of God, The Son of the Sun.

3. The 25th of December:

As referred to above the 25th of December is of significance because of the "rebirth" of the son, and is used in a plethora of ancient pagan religions; as well as many modern monotheistic religions as well. The constant fight of life and death, good and evil, light and dark. All simple, all personified in the gods of myth and in more modern times as god.

4. The resurrection of Christ:

Also in reference to the birth of the sun, the resurrection of Christ took place after 3 days. It takes the sun 3 days at its lowest point in our sky, on the cross constellation, before it begins to rise again in our sky, reborn, resurrected.

5. The ascent of Christ into Heaven:

Again, and finally, also in reference to the sun. The sun rises forth into the heavens after 3 days of death at the bottom of the sky.

So now where do we go. If it is all this simple, whats the point? Where is the value in our religion, in our attempt to live a moral and righteous life? I am not going to say there is no importance in moral living, or in the attempt of bettering ourselves or our communities. But please beware of how the establishments of the Church and state will use god, in any means or context, to try and subdue you, to try and instill fear into your life, and to try and ultimately control YOU.

We must not be sheep to the shepherd, the supposed kind hand that protects us, leads us to safety, but in the end ultimately destroys us for his own benefit. There is no such thing as security, in safety, or stability. Not by true definition at least. We must try our best to rely on ourselves, rather then to trust in others. In the end you are the only one looking our for you. A lesson hard learned and truly undervalued.

Think not to question, question not to think.

(This is only a part of many I shall write to show you angles of Christianity, and of the influences that it instills on our daily life's, in every way, shape, and form imaginable.)

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 10:54 PM
I cannot argue with the sun and the stars. It makes sense that Christianity and other religions follow the same script. Ever since mankind first looked up at the stars we needed a story to explain how things work. Religions come and go but these astrological events remain the backbone of the story.

Kind of makes me wonder what main points an alien religion would be since it would be a totally different view of the stars and such.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:02 PM
I have heard this theory repeatedly. It is essentially the same idea that David Icke has about Christianity and other world religions. While it does make some sense, for some reason, I just don't buy it.

[edit on 26-2-2009 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:32 PM
Seen it before.
Nice attempt.
No dice.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:38 PM
If you ("you" used collectively to refer to all christian aplogists like the OP) are going to refer to astrology and other "pagan" religions to back up your own faith, can you at least have the grace to recognize that those same religions are in themselves valid spiritual paths?

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by Terra Nuovo Umanita

3 Kings? Where did you get his figure. And kings? This is not in the New Testament.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 12:22 AM
This is almost verbatim of the explanation offered in Zeitgeist. What exactly is your angle here? Another end of the world alarmist thread?

I do believe that christ was based on an archetype. But you can throw all the evidence for this at christians and the walls they have built in their minds do not permit them to accept the truth of this matter. The debate will rage on.

As far as the whole 2012 thing goes, NO ONE really knows what will happen. Peoples ideas about this matter exist strictly in the realm of speculation.I do not believe in an alarmist interpretation of these dates. These are scenarios that no one seems to agree on.

The only truth that exists about christianity is what you personally believe it to be, and that is all. It does not mean you are right outside of the scope of your own faith. It is pointless to really have these arguments. You are not revealing anything new here, these threads only exist now so people can beat their heads against the wall trying to convince people of things that they are not willing to accept.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by asmeone2

A good start is researching solar deity's
Over a hundred sun gods

Besides it was in Rome where Christianity took off. Mostly because they combined the pagan holidays with those used by Christianity. Originally it was called Saturnalia.

Ethical guidance for people recently converted to Christianity . . . was offered at first by a polyform ministry of grace, reflected in the New Testament. But as time went by moral authority was increasingly focused on an ordered ministry of bishops and deacons. (History of Christian Ethics, Vol. 1, Augsburg, 1979, p.39)

ATS Thread

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 04:56 AM

reply to post by Terra Nuovo Umanita

1. What is the significance of 12?
2. What is the significance of the Orion's Belt?
3. What is the significance of the 25 of December?
4. What is the significance of the resurrection of Christ?
5. What about his ascent into heaven?

1. Onetwothree four five sixseveneight nine ten eleventwelve......Because Zero is nothing, 12 is not 12, but is the BE trayor...the same one putting his hand in to the dish and consuming with HIS....His own hand...."let not the left know what the right hand is doing"

To do something willingly, is to not be asked to do it. Judas and Jesus......I am Jacks unrelenting self loathing, I am sorrowful even till death." What's rule number 1? Don't talk about death club.

2. His Penis....really, not trying to be funny. "The universe is on orions belt"....MIB....He comes on the clouds of heaven, dressed in white, with a name only he will know on his thigh (which means penis) Only you know the name of your unborn son.....only you.

3. Saturnalia....Hexagon at the north pole of saturn....who's our daddy?

4. The significance of the resurrection of Christ that is different then that of Re incarnation, is you get to share a host. It was yours (figuratively speaking), but by surrendering to Christ, he now gets full rights and will come upon those not doing his will like a thief in the night. Good thing his will is for you to make babies for him to inhabit.

5. The most confused picture the church paints ehh? Ascent is not etheral, ascent is biological. This is why unless one descend, they can not ascend. "Lovin me up while I'm going down" Betray the son of man, by thinking your spirit will be set free rather then giving life to a child, so that at your release you are homeless if you have not made a home that "moth and rust" cannot destroy,....a child.....


posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 05:34 AM
OP, while the analysis you portray here, IS indeed relevant and important to the symbolism of Christian literature, don't yourself be fooled into thining that coming across this .. that you've cracked the case and this is the end all be all.
I am NOT a christian..
I understand the parallels within christian mythology and Egyptian mythology and Roman/Greek mythology.
If I were you... Id scourge this site....
and hopefulyl come to an understanding that aside from the veneer of astrological signifigance you've discovered...
that ALL religions contain this type of data.. and are dynamic.. while containing within the same sentence.. movement of the celestial bodies.. simultaneously containing a seethign amount of deep wisdom as to the actual practical physiological genetic transformation and creative potential within each human
i hope you don't dead end yourself at this point with your theological studies..
there's soooo much more..

while i completely agree with you in the "church's" brainwashing of the sheepish easily fooled lowbrow masses...

religions are the most complex method of relaying the most important information to mankind.
only one with eyes to see will truly see..
here's the site... there are many many lectures on MP3...


posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by prevenge

Simply using this post as a starter for many different threads I plan to post. I know full well none of this is knew, or unknown, but I would like to use it here as a basis to build off, to shed more light that albeit known, is either not now well known, or accepted, and try to show the many angles that exist to the truth.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by staple

Good to see someone educated on here who is willing to make constructive conversation instead of critical debate.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by staple

Perhaps if they exist their religions are similar or close to our own understandings of mythology.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 02:44 PM

I get what the OP is saying, it's just that I've seen a trend lately (off of ATS too) for Christian apologists to use non-Christian scriptures to attempt to verify their religion, while still condemning that external source, andthat is beginning to get on my nerves.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by asmeone2

That is sort of irritating. However, once you realize that everything is interrelated, that irritation subsides a bit.

[edit on 26-2-2009 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
reply to post by asmeone2

That is sort of irritating. However, once you realize that everything is interrelated, that irritation subsides a bit.

[edit on 26-2-2009 by SpeakerofTruth]

In a scholaryly setting there is of course room for comparing religions, I am particularly fascinated by looking at end-times prophecies laid side by side.

What I'm talkign about though is folks that say something like ,"Jesus was also Budhha and Mohammad and Quetzacotl."

While the philosophy may be similar in a lot of ways we have a pretty clear picture of the lives of these people and they are NOT the same, and we can't say conclusively that one is the other reincarnated, either.

It was like someone in my real life, (sorry no reference) who was trying to argue that Jesus was attempting to spread Budhism.

Religions are similar in many ways, and they do to a point have the same ultimate teachings, but they are not all the same thing.


posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 04:20 PM
Asmeone, obviously,Jesus,Mohammed and the Buddha were physically different people. However, I do think it is quite possible that the same spirit inhabited these individuals. Then there again, as ou stated, that cannot be conclusively proven.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Asmeone, obviously,Jesus,Mohammed and the Buddha were physically different people. However, I do think it is quite possible that the same spirit inhabited these individuals. Then there again, as ou stated, that cannot be conclusively proven.

Yeah. And some get so caught up in proving that they are or aren't that themessage gets forgotten.

Sorry to be bickery, but it burns me to see some new worthless argument put up just for the sake of being right. That's humans for you.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 06:33 PM
It would be puerile if this was the totality of the meaning behind the Christian mythos, rather than merely the first step towards deciphering the two thousand-year riddle. The builders of the Church all looked to Plato as their most distinguished Pagan forerunner when he wrote that the World-Soul revealed itself in the form of the letter Chi (X).

The descent of the Solar Logos--("the parable is this: the seed is the Logos of God," Luke 8:11)--into the crystal sea of matter (Revelation 4:6), his betrayal by the Adversary, his death on the Cross of the four elements, his entombment--the coffin of lead--his resurrection, and the sacrament of the eucharist, the very body and blood of Light and Life--eaten in remembrance of this act--all forms part of what C.S. Lewis called a "true myth."

But as I have said, for those who truly wish to know the truth, don't take anyone's word for it; read a book. Read a hundred books if that's what it takes.

[edit on 26-2-2009 by Eleleth]

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