posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 02:44 AM
Don't try to crack anything! Even conventional components can have corrosive or toxic elements.
While I can believe you believe, it is more important to do some things right away. Don't take the chatter here serious No one here knows proper
investigative. If there is an explanation it will possibly be revealed in this set of tasks.
First: Photograph your wounds or have a friend help you. Do this ASAP so rapid healing does not erase the damage. Place a ruler next to the
wound and photograph it with the wound in the image. Now shoot it from further away to show location on your body. Do this with good light or detail
will not be recorded. Also do not get closer to your subject than your focal length can compensate. There should be a setting on your camera for
manual. Try different shots, manually focusing, or try different angles to focus as good as you can. Shoot the parts again too. Same rules apply.
Second: Write down and sketch out your experience in as much detail as you possibly can before your memories fade or become polluted by some of
the silly comments here. Time, details about your condition etc. This is critical.
Thirdly: Do not try and investigate the objects yourself. Keep them safe, and do not reveal their location until you recognize some credible
authority that will help you. I recommend Mufon, but go through the main headquarters site, not your state or regional.
Then: Contact MUFON headquarters in Denver. I could give you the number and contact, but then there is doubt. Go to the website for MUFON and
do your own search for the number. Only then will you know it is not a diversion.
Sure these look like conventional components, but we can't know for sure until people with experience can do proper tests.
There are many possible scenarios we can think of for these objects being like they are. Freshmen investigators here are not scientists. Their only
evidence is an opinion they fancy is obvious. Real investigators do the work and do not express opinions. They are too busy doing science, not
pseudoscience like discussion level opinionated extrapolations. Like I said, freshmen at best.
Sorry people. If this person believes what they experienced I would take them serious enough to suspend judgment until proven otherwise. Your opinions
are based on ignorance of details and lack of understanding in the profound.
I have questions too, but first lets help this person give us details first. If it is a story to test our gullibility it will be clear soon, but right
now, most of the comments here are unfortunately only noise quality.