Materialism is religion. Money is a God. They are one.
We are all that is changing through force? It is a real possibility that pending events can and will lead to a shift in global
consciousness, as the title of this thread indicates. Ascendency. What a great word. I mean, say it aloud.
The ideas about service to others is a truth that manifests for those who believe it, and there is a long list of peace-bringing prophets that
attested to it.*** This is the essence of spirituality, (wish I had a more meaningful, specific word there, Spirituality means a million different
things, read context). This is a step that opens you up and pops you into the next level of being you.
Who we are and how we behave depends greatly on the ability to see our neighbor suffering and realize that she is me, for in UNITY if one suffers so
too must all. There is but one ONE. When we see this, I mean REALLY see it, something shifts to the center of ONE. We are we, me, us, you, them, it,
all things.
***There is to be made a clear distinction between the ideas religious prophets have brought to humanity, and what Religion has done with those ideas.
This is why I don't go to a church of some kind, ever.
Their message is now tainted after all the abuse and reworking it has been through.
Church dosen't have the answer because religions lied about the answer long ago. As a result we (humanity) have not grown in consciousness and
unity. This makes people feel uneasy (but after so much of it they don't notice), and as a result they feed the emptiness with THINGS. Some people
like cars or boats, shoes and bags, whatever. They turn their neighbor-loving self off and practice the religion of Materialisim while worshiping
their God: Money.
I did something nice for someone else today, and it made me feel good for a million different reasons!!