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while you're right to some degree or rather I HOPE you end up being right IN THE END..when it really matters (i.e. at the 12th hour), but what will your little shotgun and infinite ammunition do against a SWAT team/home-land securing marine corps squad breaking through your door?
Originally posted by tsloan
Just food for thought...Ever wonder .."why" a "central one world government"? If you move past trade issues and currency issues..."why" You want to unite a system to make it more stream line and stronger right? "why" What would one small group of super rich people have to gain over the "end game" the win, the final score of a world government? I mean in life you move on to the next level in board games...Whats the next level of a one world government? The preperation of a unified stronger system to accept and absorb into another unified system? We are building weapons that could level and kill off planets.....Who are we planning on using these weapons against? Each other?...No.. as crazy as some of these leaders are they all have one thing in common..the will to live? Come on people... A unified government that has super weapons and a desire to seek out space for knowledge???? I don't know...kinda sounds a little like all the stuff thats plastered all over the one communication media that has the most influences over the masses all over the world....The plan is being drawn right under your nose...just look past the slight of hand tricks...There is a purpose for all this. We might want to be part of a unified government body when it's all said and done cause what every they are planning for doesn't seem to be taken lighty for them to engineer a plan that has taken this long. Cause thats a lot of logistics to have world "enslavement" as the end game. They all ready have us if they really want that end, cause if the cops came and took your neighbor off to jail and you ask "why" they could say he was part of a international terrorist plot that launders money for would never know any different...right? You might be shocked but would you really question it? So they have us already. They are planning something but for the logistics they have set in motion it's wayyyyyy beyond social control.
[edit on 25-2-2009 by tsloan]
How do we prevent this? First step is to understand what America is. America was formed by those escaping the tyranny of the majority and the unfair taxation in old Britain. America's foundation is our Constitution. If it is protected, we might survive this. If it is tossed aside, we might as well raise our white flags today. The Constitution protects our freedoms. Nothing else, nothing else in this world, has that power.
The day you hear that our Constitution has been dissolved is the day that the NWO has won. This will also be the day that a brand new revolution must and will inevitably begin.
Good luck to all.
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
Gage Canadian Dictionary 1983 Sec. 4 defines
Capitalize adj. as. "To take advantage of - To use to ones
own advantage."
Blacks Law Dictionary • Revised 4th Edition 1968,
provides a more comprehensive definition as follows .
Capitis Diminutio (meaning the diminishing of status
through the use of capitalization) In Roman law. A
diminishing or abridgment of personality; a loss or
curtailment of a man's status or aggregate of legal
attributes and qualifications.
Capitis Diminutio Minima (meaning a minimum loss
of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. John
Doe) - The lowest or least comprehensive degree of loss
of status. This occurred where a man's family relations
alone were changed. It happened upon the arrogation
[pride] of a person who had been his own master, (sui
juris,) [of his own right, not under any legal disability] or
upon the emancipation of one who had been under the
patria potestas. [Parental authority] It left the rights of
liberty and citizenship unaltered. See Inst. 1, 16, pr.; 1, 2,
3; Dig. 4, 5, 11; Mackeld. Rom.Law, 144.
Capitis Diminutio Media (meaning a medium loss of
status through the use of capitalization, e.g. John
DOE) - A lessor or medium loss of status. This occurred
where a man loses his rights of citizenship, but without
losing his liberty. It carried away also the family rights.
Capitis Diminutio Maxima (meaning a maximum loss
of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. JOHN
DOE or DOE JOHN) - The highest or most
comprehensive loss of status. This occurred when a man's
condition was changed from one of freedom to one of
bondage, when he became a slave. It swept away with it
all rights of citizenship and all family rights.
Diminutio. Lat. In civil law. Diminution; a taking away;
loss or depravation.
Capite. - Lat. By the head.
Originally posted by Jazzyguy
Perhaps that is where Glen Beck comes in. He's a fresh face with a new spin, not that different from Ron, only younger.
Originally posted by BooBetty
Has anyone considered there could be TWO elite groups vying for a new world order
Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Been following these link on "Above Top", for awhile now. Just wanted to give some additional food for thought regarding this topic. Nobody has brought up the fact that in order for the U.S. / World Government to pull this off (which I personally do believe is an on going process), they would have to have the our military in their pocket. Having been both enlisted and an officer in the U.S.A.F. and Army, I can assure you, a majority of my military brothers have a very health disdain for the political elite. There have always been a handful of upper echelon hacks (individuals like Gen Clark and Powell) who would follow orders to kill U.S. citizens. As a volunteer force, we are sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. If these clowns actually do try to usper the Constitution, there will be hell to pay. Additionally, I have a number of relatives that are fairly high up in various Federal Law Enforcement Agencies, their stance is no differenct than mine. Keep in mind 80% of the U.S. Military voted against the current administration. What you have to watch out for is a gutting of our military, to the point we could not effectively protect the country, if massive unrest did developed either internally or externally. Don't give up on the troops, Most of us serving believe in God, Family, and Country, in that order. If the elites try to take away any of these, they will be eventually removed from the gene pool, if push comes to shove.
I do have to ask this probably crazy question: is it really that bad to have a one world gov't and/or one banking system? It might make more sense if we all worked together and had similar currency systems, etc. Now granted, our founding fathers purposely set up 3 branches of gov't for the whole checks-and-balance theory, so that no one part could become tyrannical. But I struggle to find why this one-world concept is so bad? Help me understand?
Originally posted by rufusdrak
but what will your little shotgun and infinite ammunition do against a SWAT team/home-land securing marine corps squad breaking through your door?