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USO Research

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posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 04:50 PM

From UFO Evidence


Date: March, 5, 1969

Location: Pacific Ocean, Armed F. Pacific, United States

I was aboard a destroyer in the southern pacific with a hunter killer group tracking what we thought was a russian sub doing about 24 knots underwater for 22 hours when all of a sudden the craft excelerated to 40 or so knots for about ten minutes then flew out of the water /stood motionless above the water for about 5 minutes and took off in a westerly direction. I saw the object with a pair of binoculers hovering above the water.I was in a gun mount with about three other men when we heard commotion on deck. Our guns etc was trained on the object but i opened the hatch and peered out with the eyeglass and saw helicopters and jets circling above this object. It was facinating to see this object just hovering as if it did not have a care in the world!As a helicopter got closer it took off in a westerly direction. Much photos were taken but where are they?? Not long after /maybe 15 minutes or so another craft or maybe the same one? came down about 600 yards from us on our starboard side and paraleled us for about 1/2 hour as another destroyer tried to get up close to it from behind.We were doing about 30/32 knots. again our carriers scrambled thier jets and choppers. I know many photos were taken. I was reprimanded for opening our gun door and peering out but under the circumstances everyone understood. This was not the only time this happened while on a. s. w. duty in the Pacific.

Date Reported: 1/24/2006 9:00:43 AM

Sighting Time: 5:30 am

Day/Night: Dawn

No. of Witnesses: Many

Duration: 45 minutes total

Description of Area / Surroundings: South Pacific Ocean hundred or so miles from land.

Full Description & Details:
The object was oval shape and about 35 ft long. It appeared to glow as if it had a halo encircling it. Maybe lights around the middle couldnt really make that out /remember i was 19 years old and a long time ago. It hovered about 50 ft above the water.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?
No! I was trained to tell what is real, airplanes, ships, subs, balloons. I was trained to zero in on obects at night, dawn, dusk, anytime. I could tell you what type of aircraft from any country. What type vessel from anywhere in this world. We all know what we saw and we were told to keep it quiet!!.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting:
I never thought about it till i saw my first one in the navy. Since then i have seen at least 4 in my lifetime. Two in the service and two as a civilian.

Reported Sighting? No

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:34 PM

From UFO Evidence


Date: October, 15, 2004

Location: Es Vedras, IBIZA, Spain

Summary: Denial and lies are rampant amongst the Spaniards.Go to Ibiza you will see and hear.

Date Reported: 10/17/2004 1:44:15 PM

Sighting Time: 11:00-03:00

Day/Night: Nighttime

Duration: always 3 seconds

No. of Object(s): Multiple

Urban or Rural: coast

Size of Object(s): 20 metres

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude: 3km

Full Description & Details:

There is an underwater base at Es Vedras Ibiza. On a clear night you will see and hear.

Do not ask the local natives they are afraid and some will be hostile even. Ask divers around San Antonio and they will even describe the sounds of ufos impacting the water.

They were not meteorites-they were UFOs at incredible speed some rapidly changing course with impossible maneuvers defying gravity. All aiming for the beautiful rock formation and disappearing about 1000 feet above ground level, 10 seconds later you could hear amongst the waves the 2 second thud (DOOOHHNDEDOOOHHN). The 2 nights I spent there I saw over 70 phenomenon. Only once did I see a ufo climbing from the water vanishing with great speed. Sometimes 2 UFOs were seen entering the water from the North. 80% came in from the East with a trajectory roughly with Malta.Go to Cala Da Hort look above the island from 10:00 pm on to 04:00 in the morning and you will witness.Interestingly on both nights at 11:00 pm beginning 2 boats with strong horizontal lighting appear and move back and forth behind the rock formation.As if to act like beacons.Locals say they are fishing for squid but do they only fish there? Is that not a dangerous place to be?No red and green light on acording to the International Maritime Convention either.It has been reported that during the day a single cloud drops onto the rock formation and remains ther for hours-even on a cloudless day.Folks there is definitely an underwater base there and the rock formation is an important navigational point.

Location: Germany

Age: 36

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:35 PM

From UFO Evidence


Date: 1989

Location: EWA BEACH, Hawaii, United States

Summary: In the year of 1989, I witnessed a very large and silent flying trianlular craft that was black except for three lights, one on each point of the triangle shape. It suddenly appeared in the western sky, I noticed it because it was blocking out the stars as it flew (I was stargazing with binoculars) It flew directly over me and out over the ocean and then it "split up" into three seperate "crafts" the (three lights) flew away at high speed to the east, west and one straight up into space.

Date Reported: 9/16/2005 6:57:29 AM

Sighting Time: 11pm

Day/Night: Nighttime

No. of Witnesses: Only me as far as I know

Duration: Approx 20 min.

Appearance / Description of Object(s):
A large black triangle with a light on each of the three "points" of the triangle. It was solid as it was blocking out the stars as it moved thru the sky. It flew very slowly, as if it diddn't care if it was being spotted or seen. Very strange that an object this large was totally silent.

Size of Object(s)
My hands would be approx. 41/2 feet apart at arms length my estimate is that it was approx 300 to 400 feet long, very large, almost too large to fly silently.

Description of Area / Surroundings
This was sighted in a urban area it flew over my neighborhood then out over the ocean. this area is surrounded by military installations. (Barbers Point Naval Air Station, West Loch Naval Munitions Base, Pearl Harbor, Hickam Air Force Base.)

Full Description & Details
During the year of 1989 I was stargazing using high power binoculars at my home in Ewa Beach, Hawaii. This neighborhood is surrounded by Military Installations: Barbers Point Naval Air Station, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, West Loch Naval Munitions Base, Iriqouis (correct spelling?) Point Naval Housing and Hickam Air Force Base, which all three are estimated to be no more that 1 - 4 miles away. You can see this on a map of this area.

I observed a very large black triangle craft that was approx 1 1/2 football fields in size approaching from the west seemingly out of nowhere, it was blocking out the stars as it was flying thru the night sky, that is why I first noticed it as strange that the stars were dissapearing and reappearing, until I saw that it was a craft approaching me. As it approached my location at a very slow speed, it flew directly over me and I then noticed that there were only three lights on the craft, I could make out the outline of the craft, it was a very large black triangle, one light was on each point of the triangle, these lights seemed to be of the same intensity as the surrounding night sky stars, (possibly to make it "blend" in with the sky to observers on the ground?). This craft was huge and made absolutely no noise, that fact alone was a bit unnerving to me because of its huge size and because I was used to aircraft constantly flying over this area approx every 5 -10 minutes on a landing approach. It intersected the landing path of military and commericial aircraft at the approx. the same altitude of air traffic that regulary fly over the Ewa Beach area on their way to the Honolulu International Airport and Hickam Air Force Base. This main approach landing path is shared by military jets landing at Hickam Air force base. I have seen all types of aircraft flying over Ewa Beach, from 747 jumbo jets to jet fighters, Air Force One and the SR-71 aircraft all up close coming in for landing at either Hickam Air Force Base and Honolulu International Airport since living in this area, but this craft out sized them all. It was at least 2 to 4 times the size of any craft that I have ever seen flying over this area. I thought it was really strange that the craft was directly intersecting the everyday landing pattern of aircraft traffic. My first thought was that if this is a secret goverment aircraft, it was very dangerous of them to intersect this landing path, especially since it had no running lights or strobe lights as all other aircraft that fly at night had. I thought it was strange that no military helicopters or aircraft flew in to investigate this weird black triangle craft and was about to assume that it was just a top secret military craft. But, I as watched this black triangle fly directly over me and out over the ocean with my binoculars until it was approx. 2 miles out over the ocean, and it "split into three pieces" that is to say the three lights that I observed on the three points of the craft, all flew apart from each other a very high speed, one went to the east, one went to the west, and one shot straight up into space and I followed it with my binoculars until it was no longer visible. I thought to myself "what the hell was it I just witnessed? "To this day I still think about it, and would of just wrote it off as a top secret military aircraft, if it did not do this strange thing when it was over the ocean. I have told only a few people about this, and I really don't think that they believe that I saw a E.T. craft. I have not made any official reports about this until now, because of learning of all the other numerous reports of other black triangles sighted in our country and around the world. I am really interested to know if anyone else has seen this black triangle craft do the same behavior? I have not read any reports of it "splitting up" into three objects and all three leaving at very high speed in different directions as I witnessed.


I am making this report only now, because of a recent sighting (last month) by my close fisherman friend (he did not know any knowelege of my sighting of the black triangle craft) But, He totally described the exact same large black triangle craft flying out over the ocean while he was fishing, the difference was that this one flew over his boat then it flew straight down into the ocean and disappeared into the deep. Could it be that this craft also has underwater capabilities? and why into the ocean? Could there possibly be tie in to some type of installation or base under the ocean? I have not so far read any accounts of this black triangle craft entering the ocean. And I am now wondering just who is really manning these flying triangle craft?

I thought it was important to report this new information to you so you could add it to your database files on this black triangle craft.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?
I would of thought it was a top secret military aircraft, but as I watched it fly out over the ocean it "split" into three seperate "crafts" and the three lights that were on the craft all took off at very high speed, one to the east , one to the west, and.... one went straight up into space! I was very disturbed by this.

Witness Background:
I am an Electronics Engineer, I have worked for a Electric Power Company for 10 yrs as a Mechanic and Welder, and I have also worked as an Abestos treatment Engineer for 5 yrs and I am currently a Certified Computer Network Consultant. I am semi retired now and am trying to enjoy my life and help out people as much as I can, God willing that I keep living long enough to see my grandchildren and find out the real truth about all this.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting:
I did not believe they were not from our world. But, after my sighting and then reading about similar recent sightings and talking with others that have witnessed some very close up. I do now believe we are being visited, and something strange is going on that we are not being told the truth about.

Other Comments:
Thank you for your work and investigation of U.F.O.'s. It is people and organizations like you that are building an extensive database of reports and trying to seek out the truth for the good of us all. We need to know if we truly are being visited, how long they have been here, how many different visitors there are and most importantly Who they are and WHY are they here, and What is their Ultimate Agenda.

Especially since this concerns the security and safety of our planet and our people. I believe in my Country and I support our Heroic Military and all their sacrifices.

I have no problem if the goverment is testing secret aircraft for our national defense, but I am becoming alarmed at the amount of unexplained sightings and the abduction reports associated with those reports. I have talked to many friends that have seen very strange things in our skies and our oceans, and I would like to know the truth behind all of this.

Reported Sighting? Yes

Reported To: a few friends to see if anyone else saw it, no one to my knowelege did see it.

Name: Thee M. Brunson Jr.

Location: Honolulu, Hawaii U.S.A.

Age: 53

[edit on 4/26/2009 by MidEastGui]

[edit on 4/26/2009 by MidEastGui]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by MidEastGui

May I ask where you get all this stuff? Its amazing. You must have built a private archive...

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
reply to post by MidEastGui

May I ask where you get all this stuff? Its amazing. You must have built a private archive...

Hi Skyfloating,

Thank u very much for your interest in my USO archive. That is very kind of ya.

I collect my USO-related info from the printed materials (books and magazines etc.) plus the open internet sources (thru the google search engine at most and some other famous UFO sites). Sure there must be some thousands of other interesting materials especially in the top secret documents of various navies in the world.

More to come in the future.

See ya.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 03:56 PM



Date: January, 23, 2005

Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

Summary: I saw a glow in the water then it came to the surface and lifted out of the water.

Date Reported: 2/11/2005 8:00:40 PM

Sighting Time: 3:30 am

Day/Night: Nighttime

No. of Witnesses: 1

Duration: 3 minutes

No. of Object(s): Single

Urban or Rural: Coastline

Size of Object(s): 150 to 200 feet

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude: 30 to 90 yards

Shape of Object(s): blimp, long fat cigar

Color of Object(s): dull like peuter

Full Description & Details:

I live in a house about 75 feet from the seawall in seattle wa., my room has a big window that faces the ocean. I woke up at about 3:30 in the morning and had to go to the bathroom, when i came back to bed i looked out at the ocean and saw a strange light. It was in the water, under the water, I thought maybe a boat had sunk close to the seawall. I put on some sweats and a coat and went out to look and see if anyone was in the water. It was foggy but I could see out at water level for a couple hundred yards. I got to the seawall and the light was bright, blue and yellow, it was about 30 yeards out from where I was standing. It moved slow away from me and got brighter, then it was almost out of the water it got dimmer. The thing came up out of the water, it was shaped like a blimp, like a long fat cigar, it had to be 150 to 200 feet long and a dull shiny color like peuter. The lights had dimmed alot but I could still se it real clear. It stopped about 20 feet above the water and just hung there for about 30 seconds then went out just above the water a couple hundered feet then went up and was gone in a flash.

Witness Background:
Quality Engineer, like to own and restore old boats, lived by the ocean for over 10 years, work for aerospace company

Other Comments: never saw anything like it in my life, like a flying submarine

Reported Sighting? Yes

Reported To: friends

Name: no-not on here

Location: seattle washington

Age: 40

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 03:57 PM



Date: 1973

Location: W.A., Australia

Summary: I was a child, this was my first memory of a sighting. This pale orange ball of light passed over the boat we were in and went into the water. It made a humming sound!

Date Reported: 12/27/2005 1:06:04 AM

Sighting Time: 2000-2100

Day/Night: Nighttime

No. of Witnesses: 4

Duration: 15-20 secs

Appearance / Description of Object(s):
Ball or disc shape( depending if it passed over and I saw only the bottom of the object), pale orange in colour, very bright.

Size of Object(s): 2 hand spans at arms length.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude: Unknown

Description of Area / Surroundings:
Eucla is on the border of W.A./S.A.and is rural, we were on the ocean.

Full Description & Details:

We were out on the water, in a dinghy, south of Eucla, Western Australia, when this pale orange ball of light passed over the boat and the went into the water, a ways from us.I can remember that it made a humming sound, but when it went into the water there was no sound of a splash or anything.I do remember thinking that "the moon had fallen from the night sky" That was because this ball of light was so big!! (I was only about 5 years old at the time)

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

Witness Background:

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting:
I didn't know anything of 'sightings'before this and I only remembered this one after I had several more, adn started documenting them!!

Other Comments:
This was my first 'sighting' and I still have many more to report!!

Reported Sighting? Yes

Reported To: Friends/family

Name: Brian H Gurney

Location: Perth W.A. Australia.

Age: 38

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 04:02 PM



Date: July, 1975

Location: Niagaraonthelake, Ontario, Canada

Summary: Multiple orange lights descending beneath the waters of Lake Ontario.

Date Reported: 9/18/2004 12:31:14 PM

Sighting Time: 10pm

Day/Night: Nighttime

No. of Witnesses: 2

No. of Object(s):

Urban or Rural: Rural

Size of Object(s): 25 feet approx.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude: 10 - 12 miles

Shape of Object(s): Disk

Color of Object(s): Orange

Full Description & Details:

From Niagara side of the lake facing Northeast towards Toronto (CN Tower/Toronto skyline visable across the lake. UFOs - Orange lights appear to be midway between Niagara-on-the Lake and Toronto. Malcolm Williams and I photographed this phenomena from 1975to1995 according to reports UFO activity is still happening 2004. TOM GREY

Reported Sighting? Yes

Reported To: local newspapers


Location: TORONTO ON.63

Age: 63

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 04:03 PM



Date: 1953

Location: Lake George n y usa

Summary: Gold object with trail lands in lake I observe no tell tale ripples nor waves.

Date Reported: 3/22/2004 6:25:08 AM

Day/Night: Daytime

No. of Witnesses: 1

No. of Object(s): Single

Full Description & Details:

When I was about 6 years old, I was at mt fathers hotel in Lake George N.Y.. I decided to go and look at the lake snd see if I could see any fish. The hotel was built on a rise above the lake. You could see 2 or 3 miles down the lake. I was facing south. Coming up the lake towards me . It was a golden light shining very brightly. It was zig zagging up the lake with a trail behind it like the trail from a sparkler you wave in the night I watched it for about .45 seconds. It made no noise what so ever. As it approached it didnt slow down. it want out of sight from where I stood. Suddenly I heard a tremdous splash as if a huge boulder was dropped in the water. Since the lake was as smooth as glass I turned to the small bay to my right to see the waves this splash would make. I stood there for about 3 or 4 minutes but nothing happned. I became very afraid and wouldnt approach the lake any closer I turned and ran back to the house and told mt parents the something big had just dropped into the lake. They looked at me very calmly and said "thats nice" as if I had just said my shoe was untied. if didnt seem to phase the at all. i did notice that in this time. They had not taken a drink from thier highball, aboout 5 or 6 minutes. The weather was unseasonaly warm for September, the air crystal clear and totaly windless. Well that is all I can remember.

Witness Background:
I am now 56 years old, retired, and sem-disabled. I have one year college. I feel I have had several othe encounters also.

Other Comments:
I am curious to see if others think I have seen a UFO or not

Reported Sighting? Yes

Reported To: my parents.

Name: August Logan Bear

Location: Westervill Ohio.USA

Age: 56

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 07:36 AM
UFO’s filmed entering and leaving bay.

I thought this USO/UFO case is sorely worth to post because it contains stories of USO's, aggressive UFOs, and the fact that some military intelligence agents took photographs and where able to manage in filming numerous craft diving into and coming out of a bay at the mouth of the Amazon River.

All this was in 1977 at a time when aggressive UFOs were harassing and sometimes injuring villagers, farmers and fishermen. The agents shot the films and took hundreds of photographs of UFOs during a four-month investigation as the flap was taking place.

To bad but as usual in UFO/USO cases, the films and photographs ended up in classified archives still closed to the public, but they where shown to officers at a nearby Brazilian Air Force base.



UFO’s filmed entering and leaving bay.


(This story is based on research carried out in Brazil in September 1999 and earlier years. A version of the story was published in the MUFON UFO Journal of March 2001. To some extent, it overlaps UFO Awes Intelligence Agents, which was based on research conducted in 1997 and before. Daniel Rebisso Giese is a UFO researcher who lives in Belém, Brazil and Cynthia Luce is an American researcher who has lived in the state of Rio de Janeiro since the 1970s.)

Military intelligence agents who investigated a long series of UFO sightings managed to film numerous craft diving into and coming out of a bay at the mouth of the Amazon River.


The films, which later ended up in classified archives still closed to the public, were shown to officers at a nearby Brazilian Air Force base.

This was in 1977 at a time when aggressive UFOs were harassing and sometimes injuring villagers, farmers and fishermen. The agents shot the films and took hundreds of photographs of UFOs during a four-month investigation as the flap was taking place.

They showed the films to those who wanted to see them,” Gabriel Brasil (below), a retired lieutenant colonel, told us in September 1999. “Therefore, they were actually in the public domain because they were showing the films to everyone.


In fact, though, the films were not shown to the general public and it is not known now how many officers took advantage of the opportunity to view them at the base, which is the headquarters for Brazil’s First Regional Air Command.

We clearly saw small ships going into a bigger ship, and they filmed them going into the water and coming out of the water,” said Brasil, then sixty-two. He was referring to the waters of Marajó Bay that flow into the Atlantic Ocean.

Colonel Brasil was not a member of the investigative team but was stationed at the base at the time. “The ships were estimated to be about ten meters in diameter,” he said. “They had various shapes. The biggest one was cigar-shaped, a long cigar. Another was a great big ball, another like a hat, a whole festival of forms… What impressed me the most were the ships going into and out of the water.”


These events were part of the “Colares flap,” which was, we believe, part of a much larger UFO wave that took place over a vast stretch of northern Brazil for more than twenty months in 1977 and 1978.

However, the Air Force investigation was centered on hundreds of sightings around Colares and more than two dozen other villages less than sixty miles from the major seaport city of Belém on Marajó Bay. Belém is the capital of the state of Pará and the home of about two million people.

It was a terrifying time for the several thousand inhabitants of the Colares area because there were nights when rays of light beamed from UFOs paralyzed and burned dozens of people, and at least two of them died.

The intelligence agents – six sergeants and one officer – spent most of October, November and December 1977 and January 1978 in Colares and other villages interviewing hundreds of people who had encounters or sightings. During the investigation, the agents also had more than two hundred sightings of their own.

The three of us spent the first two weeks of September 1999 re-visiting Colares and other villages in an effort to better understand what happened there twenty-two years earlier. Despite the passage of time, we were able to locate and interview twenty people who had participated in the investigation, or had sightings or encounters, or had direct knowledge of the flap.

The last three months of 1977 were particularly dreadful for people living in the Colares area.

“I’ll never forget it,” said Ana Célia Oliveira (below), a schoolteacher who was six years old at the time. “People and animals were attacked. There was no food. Terrible lack of food. No one was fishing. People would not go out to their vegetable gardens for crops.


“Everybody tried to go around in large groups. Nobody wanted to be left alone. All of Colares stopped. At six o'clock it got dark and we would go to sleep. Groups of as many as fifty to sixty women and children would get together in one house. The men would stay awake all night. They lit bonfires and banged on pots and pans to make noise to scare the UFOs away. People began to shoot into the sky to scare them away.”

Ana Célia, speaking to us at the family home in Colares, said the children didn’t know what was going on. “We only heard from our fathers and other men what was happening. We didn’t know why we were going to other people’s houses at night to sleep. At night, people saw many UFOs flying and in formation.

“One time I heard men shouting and I ran to the door and opened it and saw many UFOs in formation, and suddenly they went in all directions. The objects moved very quickly. People began to shoot into the sky to scare them away. One came over the village just fifteen meters high. I dreamed about this and I still sometimes have dreams.”


Her father, Rósio Oliveira, then fifty-six, had nine sightings in November 1977 alone, according to documents compiled by the Air Force investigators.

I often go fishing in my boat and we can see those things coming at great speed and when they get close they just seem to stop,” Rósio (below), owner of a small store on the Colares beach, said in an interview in February 1979. “My brother got really frightened and he jumped out of the boat.


Sometimes the UFOs go into the water. I’ve seen blue lights moving around under the water, and I’ve seen them come out. It just goes up and away in a northern direction, up and down in a wavy motion toward the ocean.”

We saw Rósio again in 1999 and he said: “It began with lights all over Colares… sometimes in the shape of a hat, round, discs, like an umbrella… They seemed to come from way high up from many places, one from the sky, one from the bay…. They put out a strong light, too bright to see a shape. The light was blinding. One time we saw three or four objects come together into one big one.. They seemed to come from different directions and then joined together. Many times we could see them going across the island toward Belém. They didn’t make any noise. Very silent.

One time we saw many UFOs coming out of the water at the same time, one, two, three, four… Many lights came out of the water. Huge objects went into the water, came down and went into the water.

The Air Force people told us the UFOs were not dangerous, don’t be afraid. Everybody was upset and they were trying to calm the people down. They were saying it was just a little flying apparatus and a little laser light and people were being paralyzed but they were not taking blood…

He was referring to the fact that at the time many people believed the UFOs were somehow using rays of light to suck blood from victims. Villagers said UFOs sometimes hovered in the sky at night and beamed down rays of light that passed through the tile roofs of houses as if the tiles didn’t exist.

For the rest of this article;

[edit on 28/4/09 by spacevisitor]

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 04:31 PM



Date: 2005

Location: Honduras

Summary: UFO dived into the ocean in a controlled manner.

Date Reported: 4/6/2005 10:41:35 PM

Sighting Time: 8:30 PM

Day/Night: Nighttime

No. of Witnesses: 1

Duration: 5 seconds

No. of Object(s): Single

Urban or Rural: Rural Area

Size of Object(s): 12' long by 8' tall approx.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude: 200 yards approx.

Shape of Object(s): Saucer with a dome shape on top

Color of Object(s): Metal dull silver

Full Description & Details:
I was sitting in front of our house which is located on the ocean front, and while I was looking at a big cloud approaching the coast line, suddendly a UFO appeared flying from West to East, then changed course back to West and dived into the ocean.

I saw the UFO from 200 yards approx.

The side was like a flying saucer with a dome shape on top.

Its dimentions were 12' long by 8' tall approx.

The color was metal dull silver, with little rectangle windows located on the base of the dome. The windows appeared to be covered by white dull plastic from which a dim white light could be seen through the windows.

The UFO did not make any sound while flying or diving into the ocean.

Witness Background: Housewife and teacher.

Other Comments: I could send you a drawing if you want, but please do not post my name.

Reported Sighting? No

Reported To: my husband

Age: 39

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 04:32 PM



Date: July, 14, 2006

Location: Sunset Beach, North Carolina, United States

Summary: Noticed triangular shape hovering in sky with bright red glowing lights on bottom. Swayed back and forth some then slid to the side out of sight. Immediately after, a bright green sphere, tennis ball size, flew by our deck silently and glided across the bay bouncing off water and marsh over the horizon.

Date Reported: 7/16/2006 9:59:51 AM

Sighting Time: 10:15 pm

Day/Night: Nighttime

No. of Witnesses: 4

Duration: 3-5 minutes: 10 minutes

Size of Object(s):
Red triangle in sky – relative size was 3 inches, actual size that of small plane Green ball - relative size 1 inch, actual size 5-6 inched long, 3-4 inched tall and round.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude:
REd triangle - 600-1000 feet Green ball - 50 feet

Description of Area / Surroundings:
Beach island. Our house sits on sound side of the island with our deck directly overlooking the waterway. Salt marsh is to the west and then the mainland. Ocean directly behind us. There are military bases in North Carolina.

Full Description & Details:
4 of us were sitting on the deck overlooking the sound when I noticed the red object directly above us in the sky. We watched it for several minutes trying to figure out what it was. I kept saying, It's a kite. But everyone else said it was too high to be a kite, plus it had red glowing circular lights on the bottom. It seemed to sway side to side like a kite flying in the wind, but only slightly. We got binoculars, but couldn't see the object through them. Eventually, the object moved off to the north and disappeared almost instantly.

Just after this happened we saw a green glowing sphere, about tennis ball size but more oval in shape. It dropped down from the height of our house and I said, It must be fallout from some fireworks. Except that when it hit the water, it bounced up into the air again about 20 feet and continued to bounce like this all the way across the bay. We could see the object bouncing through the marsh several miles away and eventually saw it rise up and pass over the tree on the horizon. The object made no sound, glowed bright green, moved continuously and was totally unexplainable.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?
Red object - considered a weather balloon but can't find any reference to red triangular glowing balloons Green object – absolutely NO idea what this was!

Witness Background:
Self - Ecologist (37 years) Husband - Archaeologist (PhD), 36 years Sister - Physical Therapist, 40 years Mother - sales person, 67 years

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting: Never read about them. I'm skeptical but interested.

Reported Sighting? Yes

Reported To: Another website base in TX

Name: Cynthia mcLaren

Location: Carrboro, NC

Age: 37

[edit on 4/28/2009 by MidEastGui]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by MidEastGui

MidEastGui,thanks for the kind words - you've certainly kept this thread alive and kicking
(I don't think anybody here realised just how many USO reports there actualy are)

Heres a very interesting report from Chile:

Two former Naval officers tell a televised audience about strange phenomena on the seas of Chile.
October 24, 2001

From: Dr. Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo

Miami UFO Reporter

Santiago de Chile.

The former Chilean Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Jorge Martinez declared that "UFOs are real". The ex-CNO made the shocking statement during an interview with a Chilean television network. The interview was conducted by journalist Rodrigo Ugarte from Teletrece, in Chile. The retired admiral admitted that he personally witnessed the sighting of two UFOs at sea.

According to Admiral Martinez, when he was a young lieutenant,he personally saw a very luminous white object in front of his patrol boat. When he took command of his first destroyer, then Captain Martinez saw another similar object emerging from the water, creating a strong interference with the navigation system and the ship's radar.

Guillermo Jimenez, another former Chilean officer claimed that the sonar system onboard his ship detected two submarine-like objects that caused similar malfunctions with shipboard electronics. "They displayed the same size and metallic resonant characteristics that ordinary subs typically show; however, these objects were too fast to be submarines", said Jimenez.

Both Jimenez and Martinez described how the gyrocompass systems were out of control. "The radar displays went completely blank and the gyro was spinning very rapidly, as if a strong magnetic force was present", said Admiral Martinez.

Some UFO investigators call this phenomenon "UUO" or unidentified underwater objects. Upon learning about this special report, we contacted the Chilean journalist that conducted the interviews. Rodrigo Ugarte, the Teletrece interviewer told us that there were many other officers that described similar events but did not want to go on the air with their accounts. Nevertheless, this is the first time a former Chief of Naval Operations reveals that these phenomena are real.


[edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by spacevisitor


" I often go fishing in my boat and we can see those things coming at great speed and when they get close they just seem to stop,” Rósio (below), owner of a small store on the Colares beach, said in an interview in February 1979. “My brother got really frightened and he jumped out of the boat.

Sometimes the UFOs go into the water. I’ve seen blue lights moving around under the water, and I’ve seen them come out. It just goes up and away in a northern direction, up and down in a wavy motion toward the ocean.”

We saw Rósio again in 1999 and he said: “It began with lights all over Colares… sometimes in the shape of a hat, round, discs, like an umbrella… They seemed to come from way high up from many places, one from the sky, one from the bay…. They put out a strong light, too bright to see a shape. The light was blinding. One time we saw three or four objects come together into one big one.. They seemed to come from different directions and then joined together. Many times we could see them going across the island toward Belém. They didn’t make any noise. Very silent.

One time we saw many UFOs coming out of the water at the same time, one, two, three, four… Many lights came out of the water. Huge objects went into the water, came down and went into the water.

SpaceVisitor - great post

Theres some comprehensive info and links at this site about the Colares incident including some photographs of the objects:

UFO over Colares:

UFO over Colares:

UFO over Colares, newspaper picture:

UFO over Colares, close picture:

UFO over Colares, leaving a luminous trail on the nighttime photograph:


Very interesting case!

[edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by karl 12

Originally posted by spacevisitor


Theres some comprehensive info and links at this site about the Colares incident including some photographs of the objects:

Hello karl 12, thanks for your reply
and those very interesting photographs and not to forget that great links.

You really provide me with some interesting stuff here.

You said to the unstoppable
MidEastGui here.
(I don't think anybody here realised just how many USO reports there actualy are)

You are absolutely right, but I must confess that I did not realised that also.


posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by spacevisitor

Originally posted by karl 12

Originally posted by spacevisitor


Theres some comprehensive info and links at this site about the Colares incident including some photographs of the objects:

Hello karl 12, thanks for your reply
and those very interesting photographs and not to forget that great links.

You really provide me with some interesting stuff here.

You said to the unstoppable
MidEastGui here.
(I don't think anybody here realised just how many USO reports there actualy are)

You are absolutely right, but I must confess that I did not realised that also.


That is what ya think! Please talk for urself only. So, dont make nonsense generalizations.

I av more than 8000 USO reports from various parts of the world. But I never said that I had all the USO cases in the world (for instance, I dont get all the top secret reports of the navies but only some). I know it well.

U western guys have the same problem. Cos, u always think that you got the whole world. This is too comic, because you all are unaware of the simple fact that u dont know much about the whole planet at all. That is, Earth is greater than wot ya think.

I would talk for myself If I have to do. Dont need the useless help of any other crude person. Thanks.

(p.s.: I try to give only the rare, novel and non-English USO cases on here for the research and educational purposes. However, u always try to repeat the already-known reports, for instance, Colares 1977 incident; we av some details about, therefore nothing is new and u can find some other similar info in ATS Forum if you look at the other threads on here)

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 04:01 PM



Date: July, 4, 2002

Location: Myrtle Beach, SC, South Carolina, United States

Summary: I was standing on the beach getting ready for the fireworks that were gonna be set off on the pier to my right...when all of a sudden i noticed a craft with three lights on the bottom of it on my left apear... It opened up and dropped something into the ocean..I saw it with my own eyes... I didnt say anything to anyone cuz i was so freaked out it froze me..but then the person next to me pointed at the same craft that i saw and said "what the f*** is that and ever since then i have been convinced...

Date Reported: 7/1/2006 12:37:34 AM

Sighting Time: 9:30

Day/Night: Nighttime

No. of Witnesses: 2

Duration: 20 sec

Appearance / Description of Object(s):
All i saw was Three lights on the bottom of the craft..The lights were in a triangular form. It had opened up from the center of the craft and dropped something into the ocean...I saw the splash..

Size of Object(s):
I couldnt give you an honest opinon but if you were to look at the stars with your own eyes and hold your hand up..take your thumb and your index finger and split them apart about 3 inches and thats about the size of it up in the sky

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude:
Near the clouds that i said i cant really tell how far that is

Description of Area / Surroundings:
Myrtle Beach which is a popular area around the 4th of July...There were a lot of people there and i just happened to see this craft on my left while waiting for the fireworks too shoot off of he pier to my right....

Full Description & Details:
I was standing on the beach getting ready for the fireworks that were gonna be set off on the pier to my right... when all of a sudden i noticed a craft with three lights on the bottom of it on my left apear... It opened up and dropped something into the ocean.. I saw it with my own eyes... I didnt say anything to anyone cuz i was so freaked out it froze me..but then the person next to me pointed at the same craft that i saw and said "what the f*** is that and ever since then i have been convinced... It was a triangular shaped craft that had open up and dropped something into the ocean.. i honestly saw something splash in the water and when the person next to me pointed out the same thing i saw whitout me saying anything about i knew it was real.. what i saw im not sure.. it was real and i could not identify it.. ever since then i have been a believer and continue to study every aspect of UFO's....

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?
I have no idea... I didnt want to say anything to anyone about what i saw when i saw it cause it was so out of the ordinary that it literally froze me where i stood.. as soon as the person next to me pointed out the same thing i saw without me saying anything, i knew it was real!!

Witness Background:
High School Grad....College Grad...I have my Electrical Engineering Degree

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting:
Before the sighting i was skeptical but after this i had no choice but to believe because seeing is beleiving....

Reported Sighting? Yes

Reported To: Family

Name: Luke Proctor

Location: Charlotte, NC

Age: 24

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 04:02 PM



Date: 1998

Location: Kansas City US

Summary: Silver Shining Object Floating In Sky

Date Reported: 3/22/2004 8:34:13 PM

Day/Night: Daytime

No. of Witnesses: 2

Duration: 3 minutes

No. of Object(s): Single

Full Description & Details:
I am a retired government employee. I spend alot of time working in my garden now. I am widowed with five grandchildren and I spend alot of time with them. I once took little Jimmy, (the youngest) on a trip to a near by lake. As Jimmy was splashing around near the shore I looked up and there was a silverish shining ogject hovering over the lake. It looked more like a trash can then a space ship. It was rotating slowly, glimmering in the light. I didn't say anything to Jimmy because I didn't want to scare him, but then Jimmy looked up and screamed, "GRAMMA, LOOK!!!" Jimmy was pointing straight at the object. Then he said, "Gramma, is that telletubies?" Dispite my fear I actually laughed. I was bothe amuzed at Jimmy's innocence and also relieved that he wasn't scared. So I said, "Yes Jimmy, that's the tubie mobile." The object just kept rotating, then suddenly the top started to move. Just like a trash can lid the top of the object opened up. Then the object begain to tilt. Suddenly, these rapped up red stained objects fell out and onto the lake but they didn't sink. They just floated as if they were made of cotton. After that a few yellowish sacks fell out containing white material. They looked like deflaited balloons. After that, some anonymous things fell out, like paper material and cotton like wands resembling large q-tips. There was a gross smell that emanated from the mess. I grabbed Jimmy and pulled him out the water. As the objects floated closer I could see that the cotton red stained objects were gigantic used sanitary pads and tampons. The yellowish deflated balloons were gigantic used condoms. The paper material was just anonymous garbage and the white cotton wands "were" gigantic used q-tips. Someone was dumbing thier bathroom garbage in our lake. "Well I Never..." I didn't speak of this to anyone and I told Jimmy that it was just an airplane. Later that week, several more sitings were reported of mountain size hefty cinch sack bags containing foulness. They were leaking decayed materials as they layed in farm crops around the area.

Witness Background: Retired government employee.

Reported Sighting? No

Name: Madge

Age: 68

(p.s.: this USO case seems to be very very speculative depending upon the situation).

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by MidEastGui
So, dont make nonsense generalizations..

..U western guys have the same problem. Cos, u always think that you got the whole world.

Isn't that a 'nonsense generalization'?

You must have misunderstood the posts above because they were meant as complimentary but now we're on the subject - do you have any links at all for your report archives?

A more cynical person than I would just say you could be making them all up.

Is this your page?

[edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by karl 12

Originally posted by MidEastGui
U western guys have the same problem. Cos, u always think that you got the whole world.

Isn't that a 'nonsense generalization'?

You must have misunderstood the posts above because they were meant as complimentary but now we're on the subject - do you have any links at all for your report archives?

A more cynical person than I would just say you could be making them all up.

Is this your page?

[edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12]

No, I dont think that I misunderstand it. I consider it well. Nobody has a right to talk for the other person. I never gave it to anyone else and I wont.

For the second thing, ur wrong again. It is a well known fact that the european (such as ya) plus american people are quite illiterate about the world matters. I know it, cos I knew too many western guys at the university. And if an alien had a chance to look at the planet Earth, then it would see how the western people are giving harm to all the humankind and even to our globe. Majority of the world people knows that u western world is committing the war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan etc. (I dont like to talk politically but I do if I have to do). Sure they will ban me if I make explicit all of ur dirt on here.

Another thing is that it is better for ya to develop ur inadequate English, cos ur doing some faults in the grammar all the time.

More to come.... I never wanted to add any other person as a friend on here. However, when u added me as a colleague then I had to do the same as a sign of gentle behaviour.

And just like wot spacevisitor had done in here, ur also doing the same thing. Because, both of ya repeat the same info on the thread by copying and pasting the famous cases again and again. It is very boring and not add much to me, sorry.

Yea, some of my reports of course come from the web archaeology, that is why, I always tell the real name of the webpage I got the USO cases even if I am not giving the URL. It is that simple! (If you are eager enuff, then u could google the cases to check for em).

And I didnot know u were the lawyer of spacevisitor. It is very comic really. I had preferred he would have talked for himself. Ur the cynical person actually.

Yes, that personal page belonged to me (I had another page which was primary, but not this one) but I no more wrote down there, cos many other people got the info without my permission and they tried to copy and paste it somewhere as if they had been the real authors of the articles on the net.

I have some other USO and UFO related articles published in English aboard, for example, in Australia and USA for many times etc. Now I am preparing a USO book in my native language and continue to collect the related materials etc. I never fabricate the fake materials and I wont. Is daa clear?

[edit on 4/29/2009 by MidEastGui]

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