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Violence Prevention Measure

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posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 07:05 AM
One of the things that seem to make violence acceptable in this world is that it is in small doses. Basically we have a terrorist here or there and they take out a few people, and we clean up and people go about their lives and then it happens again.

When most people pick up a bad habit, say smoking, the first cigarette does not taste that good. However with persistence they come to rely on it, and then relish the thought at the habit of smoking. This is similar from drinking coffee, to alcohol, and even sugar for example, where many people deprived of sugar for a while find it too sweet and sickening.

With the thought we seem to be hooked on violence. So if say we had some kind of chemical that kept the bugs and scavengers away, I would like to see no cleanup happen of these scenes for say one year. So a neighborhood stays the way it is, bodies, blood, gore, mangled and charred remains, and let people walk over it for a year. Then maybe the terrorists get to experience it.

I am simply saying stop cleaning up these peoples mess. Let them see the value of human life, as where now it is just another worthless human to be cleaned up and thrown away.

However we have no such chemical, and it is too dangerous for our own health, but I still wish we could do that. Never rebuild or clean up for a year, so that these people can wear the things they do and start to appreciate the sanctity of human life.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 07:24 AM
Hooked on violence???

Listen lady, you are loosing your frikking marbles! You do not know JACK ABOUT VIOLENCE!!!!! Let me tell you one thing and you have to listen very closely now ok:

When you have a revolver tapped on your forehead and being yelled at by four armed robbers saying "I will kill you, you white piece of s**t" and a gun gets waved at your loved one sitting next to you, knowing she can get raped, shot, beaten at any second, then you can come back to us and tell us if you are hooked on violence.

I live in South Africa, # like this and worse happens every bloody minute. It is a personal, one-on-one level of crime. You guys sitting in your living room watching the news of some war about some terrorist have no idea what goes on in the real world. You hear about it, say "ah shame" and you move on.

I detest violence to the power of 100. I've been there, done that, WANT TO FORGET IT.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by SoulOrb

One of the things that seem to make violence acceptable in this world is that it is in small doses. Basically we have a terrorist here or there and they take out a few people, and we clean up and people go about their lives and then it happens again.

What seems to make violence acceptable is it is NOT happening to you. So you are very wrong in your first paragraph, but lucky for you im here to remove your ignorance! yay!

When most people pick up a bad habit, say smoking, the first cigarette does not taste that good. However with persistence they come to rely on it, and then relish the thought at the habit of smoking. This is similar from drinking coffee, to alcohol, and even sugar for example, where many people deprived of sugar for a while find it too sweet and sickening.

You make such a sweeping generalization. Id like to know where you read this.. because im pretty sure you made it up.

With the thought we seem to be hooked on violence. So if say we had some kind of chemical that kept the bugs and scavengers away, I would like to see no cleanup happen of these scenes for say one year. So a neighborhood stays the way it is, bodies, blood, gore, mangled and charred remains, and let people walk over it for a year. Then maybe the terrorists get to experience it.

very unsanitary... very dangerous, this is why they clean up things. Your idea is bad, very very bad.

However we have no such chemical, and it is too dangerous for our own health, but I still wish we could do that. Never rebuild or clean up for a year, so that these people can wear the things they do and start to appreciate the sanctity of human life.

What we have is a world full of ignorant people..... Metaphoricly im spraying weeds with the chemical right now.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by SoulOrb
With the thought we seem to be hooked on violence. So if say we had some kind of chemical that kept the bugs and scavengers away, I would like to see no cleanup happen of these scenes for say one year. So a neighborhood stays the way it is, bodies, blood, gore, mangled and charred remains, and let people walk over it for a year. Then maybe the terrorists get to experience it.

I am simply saying stop cleaning up these peoples mess. Let them see the value of human life, as where now it is just another worthless human to be cleaned up and thrown away.

However we have no such chemical, and it is too dangerous for our own health, but I still wish we could do that. Never rebuild or clean up for a year, so that these people can wear the things they do and start to appreciate the sanctity of human life.

The perpetrators have already found a justification for the elimination of innocent human life--seeing their handiwork isn't likely to induce a sudden revelation of compassion. Leaving bodies strewn will, however, traumatise an already hurting populace even further, and might possibly desensitise them to a degree. What do you think the effect might be for a young child to step outside his home each day to see mangled bodies rotting on the pavement? It's a poor idea, my friend.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 10:56 AM
First, I am not a lady, you saw the pink and purple and assume things, because you have obviously grown up in a structured society where color indicates gender, or sexual preference.

Second, you are living under a resource based scarcity system where you are being starved to death, sacrificed by these globalists in some kind of race war, and culled through AIDS.

My perception is your government and the people in it are corrupt and killing your own people in return for money, being fed guns, and civil unrest is being encouraged. It is all about money, because you need money to survive, in a very unfair world.

Yes, I know nothing about violence. I do not wish to. I wish you did not have to deal with it. However if we gave a bunch of energy machines where you had a equal footing for water hydration, air conditioning, manufacturing so you can take the heat off and provide a better footing in the world, I think many problems will start to go away.

Obviously you are stressed by it. I think for your whole generation it might be too late even if there was a spiritual shift and technology shift in your region. Yet here you are on the forum instead of maybe being constructive and seeking new information to help your fellow man. Wear a sign, please do not kill or rape any more women. Or maybe wear pink like where we are here in North America to help stop bullying.

I am very aware of the violence in the world, however, your approach in accepting it is not much better either. Obviously it is just too big for you to solve, and I have no idea either, it is too big for me. All I can do is do what I can do, and reduce my footprint on the planet to assist you by cutting down the globalization.

Originally posted by bskivss3
Hooked on violence???
Listen lady, you are loosing your frikking marbles! You do not know JACK ABOUT VIOLENCE!!!!! Let me tell you one thing and you have to listen very closely now o

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:11 AM
I have no idea of the effect, the whole thing is sad to be honest. However the value of human life now is so low in many regions, I can't see it making much of a impact period, either way.

The children are suffering the effect regardless, in lost parents, relatives, and limbs, and things of this nature. There is no less or more suffering, just hidden suffering.

I am pretty sure it is not a good idea as well. However scurrying away the dead and hiding the hurt is not good either. At some point, human life has to mean more.

Of course, obviously you are not American, because you would never even be responding to this with your military dropping depleted uranium everywhere, and leaving behind cluster bombs for generations.

Same here in Canada, our government is guilty as well, is dropping these depleted uranium everywhere, and my roommate here lost his brother from major cancer for handling it on one of these hot spots.

The whole thing is perverse period, and I really don't see a difference in leaving rotting corpses on the street either to be honest, just it hurts some peoples sensibilities, sweeps it under the rug to make people feel better.

And I am not sure that people here in North America, or the people in these countries realize, we do not get the story. The picture is nicely framed, or the video taken away from the hot spot. I know some military here will not even watch the news anymore, it is so manufactured it is amazing.

This post was not about the idea itself. It was about hiding violence and the effects of it.

Originally posted by paperplanes
What do you think the effect might be for a young child to step outside his home each day to see mangled bodies rotting on the pavement? It's a poor idea, my friend.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by SoulOrb

while i see your point, and recognize you are only trying to prevent violence, i do not see how this would help. By leaving the dead bodies there, and the gore, we are only showing our kids just that, more violence.

I am not going to get mad at you, and freak you, like the second poster. I am just going to politely disagree.

Let them see the value of human life, as where now it is just another worthless human to be cleaned up and thrown away.

I myself would look at this, and still see a human life gone. Whether it is lying on the street, a year old, with rats eating at it, or whether it is cleaned up.

Never rebuild or clean up for a year, so that these people can wear the things they do and start to appreciate the sanctity of human life.

You can appreciate human life without doing such extreme measures. Do you really think a rapist(Who is sick in the head), is going to see a dead body on the ground, and suddenly give it up?

like i said earlier if anything, this will make it worse. The kid passing by on the street going to school, will see the rotting corpse. He will be traumatized, and perhaps instead of heading the warning, he becomes more violent.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by SoulOrb

First, I am not a lady, you saw the pink and purple and assume things, because you have obviously grown up in a structured society where color indicates gender, or sexual preference.

I agree, many assume i am female because i have a this Avadar. I am not, i am a male, but i keep her on my Avadar, to remind me of the beauty in this world.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:38 AM
Many on this thread attack the OP.

While i too think the idea presented has flaws, and would not work, there is no need for personal attack.

I especially dislike people who quote things like " I am Denying your Ignorance". Things like that are uncalled for, and are overall mean.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:47 AM
Ok I give in, the post was obviously off the wall and insensitive to those who do not see any way out of a violent world, or resources to understand energy vibration and violence. I was being a little bit of a devils advocate on this one. Whew, you should see what happens when you suggest this at the family gathering......

However I am sure you can see my point here. It just seems that everyone is moderately tolerant as long as the losses are acceptable.

People might let a woman be raped instead of sacrificing their own life in an attempt to stop it, that kind of idea. More concerned about themselves than their fellow man, and in the end it all comes down to those few individuals, like that McDonalds employee who got shot. Those people should be paraded through the streets on people shoulders, not treated that way.

In the past I came through for others in such situations, I hope i can find the intestinal fortitude if it happens again to act the same way.

Originally posted by darcon
like i said earlier if anything, this will make it worse. The kid passing by on the street going to school, will see the rotting corpse. He will be traumatized, and perhaps instead of heading the warning, he becomes more violent.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:58 AM
Darcon, honestly, look, you have a beautiful woman as your avatar inspiring you to beauty through form, and look at your mind space.

That person who trashed me, has a game character avatar with blood falling off of it. They fail to see that even that energy of an avatar sends vibrations out into the world, and attracts that violence to them, if there is a grey area, they will get the dark part instead of the light part. And that day the bank is robbed, they are the one that has the gun to their head, and then they wonder why the robbers arrived right then when they were at the till.

In my opinion, If you think violence, higher self, or creation does not know the context. You cannot say, I have a terrible job, my boss sucks, I want a new one. It just hears "terrible job" and give you more "terrible jobs".

So this person is incapable of seeing that their choices in simple things like avatars lead to the big things in their real world. People think they are just pictures, but in the end everything has a cost, and anyone of any age and life experience knows this.

I am not upset at that person trashing me, but thank you for sticking up for me. It simply shows me the space they are operating at. I picked that up from that Paula Gloria on Youtube, she is amazing at seeing the reality behind peoples thoughts, I wish I had more of that ability.

Originally posted by darcon
While i too think the idea presented has flaws, and would not work, there is no need for personal attack.

[edit on 25-2-2009 by SoulOrb]

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by SoulOrb

Yes, it is of my opinion, that not only little things like Avatars, but even just thoughts have impacts on the physical and spiritual planes of existence.

I do not know if you have read a book called the challenge of evil, but i think you would immensely like it. It basically talks about how everything you do, say and think effects the world. It talks about the kind attitude you put fourth, is the kind of attitudes you attract. If that makes sense.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 01:03 PM
I take your point about the way people are becoming more and more desensitized to violence and I think your examples of cigarettes and sugar are good ones.

However, I don't think leaving bodies lying around is a good idea. Firstly, what about the friends and relatives of the deceased? If someone you love got shot or blown up would you want them just left there? Wouldn't you want a funeral and a dignified send off?

Secondly, they would just become another part of the landscape. I often leave something lying around to remind me to deal with it. If I don't sort it out quickly, I just stop noticing it.

Thirdly, terrorists would have something to add to their propaganda. They could have a field day posting the images on the internet as a 'lesson' to everyone else. I imagine thugs would do that too.

Do you think it might work as some sort of bluff, to let violent people think that we couldn't be terrorized because we felt so little for other people?

Centuries ago, traitors would have their heads put on spikes for public display. Sometimes after hanging, drawing and quartering various parts of their bodies would be sent to different parts of the country for display. Hangings used to be public entertainment as well. And yet, crime and treason persisted.

I wonder what the reason is for allowing people to become so inured to violence? It's a far cry from Tom & Jerry, which I love, to some of today's computer games, as different sort of example.

I don't know what the answers are. I think most of us can only live our own lives in a non-violent way (unless we need to defend ourselves) and hope to be an example to others.

I should say, because |I don't want to be a hypocrite, that I enjoy watching boxing.

[edit on 25-2-2009 by berenike]

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:15 PM
Yeah, agree. I must have been having a Vlad The Impaler moment when I wrote this, maybe past live memory.

Boxing and wrestling, is more of a technique although it is violent. However it is not random violence against another persons will, so not sure it is a think to be that concerned over.

Originally posted by berenike
However, I don't think leaving bodies lying around is a good idea. Firstly, what about the friends and relatives of the deceased? If someone you love got shot or blown up would you want them just left there? Wouldn't you want a funeral and a dignified send off?

[edit on 25-2-2009 by berenike]

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:17 PM
If I see it, I will check the book out. Have you ever researched or read the Abraham Hicks material in regards to emotional vibrations? It is pretty detailed in this attraction process.

Originally posted by darcon
I do not know if you have read a book called the challenge of evil, but i think you would immensely like it. It basically talks about how everything you do, say and think effects the world. It talks about the kind attitude you put fourth, is the kind of attitudes you attract. If that makes sense.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by SoulOrb

No i have not, but i will look into his material.

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